Very Interesting event today

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Very Interesting event today

Postby Robarons » Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:17 pm

I dont typically share these stories but this one is jewel.

I havent did any half roll sorting in a while so I stopped at one of my old branches I buy coins from to see if they have any halves. I go in and was directed to the coin teller. As I remembered the coin teller at this branch transferred her from a branch I dumped at in the past so she knew me and what I was up to immediately. In the past at that branch she showed me a stack of silver halves she has collected saying that they search the coins and that these coins are not for the customer, which has 'strained' are relationship for a better lack of words.

So she sees me and I am already in so I might as well ask for pennies and halves. No pennies, but 2 rolls of halves. However she gives me 'the talk' that they do not take old coins or bills from customers because they do not want to cheat them and they never buy anything old at face value- I find this odd because no bank I have known gives a hoot about a $1 Silver cert or $2 red seal note, where this conversation drifted from halves not being old. She rambles on in a tone that makes me feel like sucm 'we dont buy old things at face, we direct them to the coin shop' 'we dont scam when it comes to coins' 'you can only old things from places like mcdonalds from people who steal from their dads collection' etc. coming from the old bat that had a stack of silver she pulled herself- shes an asst. manager too.

So I get in the car and the 2 Rolls are solid silver- $16.50 face of 40% and 1 90% half. And the rolls were taped and opened, as if they were looked thru as well. Pretty sure she did it or another employee but likely too dumb and only thought of pre-1964 rule. These are BU silver coins as well, cant miss them. Well gee lady thanks for the pep talk- dont quit your day job!
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby knibloe » Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:35 pm

Very nice. Looks like the silver santa is starting early this year.
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby Saabman » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:12 pm

Nice!!! Sweet score!!!
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby hirbonzig » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:26 pm

Nice score! You should send her a Christmas card and thank her for all of the silver halves. 8-)
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby sparechange » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:41 pm

Who knows what she might do for chocolate! Great find.
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby slvrbck » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:25 pm

I love when the tellers pull the ol' "aint gon' find no silver here". . . then you go to the truck and find multiple 40%ers.
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:03 pm

thats a great share, appreciate that. i'm glad you got something GOOD, but i find it very depressing in a way.

i dont mean that as an, no, no! what i mean to say, is that to me, everything just seems SO CORRUPT, from the highest to the lowest....even a lowly asst bank manager, now turned silver bug.

Everywhere, from crazed black friday "shoppers" all the way up the food chain, to guys who raise their right hands in Congressional hearings, and swear an oath to the "truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the help me God".

yeh buddy, that bank manager gone need His Help, amen.....what happened to integrity and honor?...thats whats killing this Nation.

sorry, dont mean to a downer...nice score though, i have a fondness for 40's....hey! they're almost a fifth of a toz of silver...and the 40 Ikes are almost a third a toz of silver...gotta like day, post dollar, they'll trade real
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby marblerye » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:37 pm

Ah, nothing like dishonesty. Not you but the bank manager, trying to convince you that it isn't worth your time or effort to coin roll hunt at her branch. Shady.

Just this week I finally realized why the rural credit union where all my good finds used to come from never has any halves anymore. The greedy manager has been buying all the half dollar rolls. Not exactly a nice thing to do for their customers but she's the one running the show.

Lots of competition out there for halves these days. Be glad some folks are ignorant and don't know about the 40%ers.
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby highroller4321 » Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:13 pm

Reminds me of the many times when the tellers say they sorted the halves for silver only for me to find some 40%!

Nice score!
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby JerrySpringer » Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:50 pm

marblerye wrote: Lots of competition out there for halves these days. Be glad some folks are ignorant and don't know about the 40%ers.

When I first started coin roll hunting, I would of not known to look for 40% halves. I only kept an eye out for 1964 Kennedys. If I found a WL or Franklin back then, I think my head would of exploded not being able to understand how a coin like those could still be in circulation.
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby Numis Pam » Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:41 am

Great story!! Very encouraging that at least there are the 40% still left even after they were searched! Thanks for sharing.... :thumbup:
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby cesariojpn » Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:41 am

Laser Guided Karma.
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby Engineer » Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:00 am

Robarons wrote:However she gives me 'the talk' that they do not take old coins or bills from customers because they do not want to cheat them and they never buy anything old at face value- I find this odd because no bank I have known gives a hoot about a $1 Silver cert or $2 red seal note, where this conversation drifted from halves not being old. She rambles on in a tone that makes me feel like sucm 'we dont buy old things at face, we direct them to the coin shop' 'we dont scam when it comes to coins' 'you can only old things from places like mcdonalds from people who steal from their dads collection' etc. coming from the old bat that had a stack of silver she pulled herself- shes an asst. manager too.

Methinks she doth protest too much...and I'd wager that she grabs everything she can get her greedy little paws on.

It would make for an interesting pool if you sent someone in there with a Walking Liberty to see if she was telling the truth.
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby doc huckleberry » Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:00 pm

Karma is a b#%ch, or the asst. manager,either way, good on you.
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby Catfish4u » Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:57 am

marblerye wrote:
Just this week I finally realized why the rural credit union where all my good finds used to come from never has any halves anymore. The greedy manager has been buying all the half dollar rolls. Not exactly a nice thing to do for their customers but she's the one running the show.

The 'average customer' does not even notice. Like it or not, us 'roll searchers' actually cost the banks money and drive up prices for other customers. In this way the manager is actually helping customers (by making it less profitable for roll searchers or driving us towards the competing banks and credit unions).
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby marblerye » Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:03 pm

Catfish4u wrote:
marblerye wrote:
Just this week I finally realized why the rural credit union where all my good finds used to come from never has any halves anymore. The greedy manager has been buying all the half dollar rolls. Not exactly a nice thing to do for their customers but she's the one running the show.

The 'average customer' does not even notice. Like it or not, us 'roll searchers' actually cost the banks money and drive up prices for other customers. In this way the manager is actually helping customers (by making it less profitable for roll searchers or driving us towards the competing banks and credit unions).

Baloney, my buying coin from the credit union doesn't cost them a dime. The two minutes the teller takes to walk to the vault and sell me the coin is totally insignificant to their bottom line. If the teller spent a minute less in the bathroom or a minute less making small talk with a customer then that time would be made up. In this instance the manager bought the half dollar rolls for herself while on the company clock, and seems to do this regularly. I could argue her time spent continually looking for half dollar rolls is costing them just as much time and money as selling the rolls to me.
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Re: Very Interesting event today

Postby John_doe » Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:02 pm

love the smart people. epic win.
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