RxForPain wrote:If we ever get to the point of bartering I don't think you are going to have to worry about the Feds.
beauanderos wrote:RxForPain wrote:If we ever get to the point of bartering I don't think you are going to have to worry about the Feds.
If we get a TSHTF scenario where we are using silver coins for barter, it seems to me quite unlikely that there would be any cohesive form of government left at that point, certainly not one that could enforce unreported transactions between private individuals and punish the "criminals." Sounds to me more like disinformation/propaganda... what will they come up with next?
jerry278 wrote:Everyone brings up great points. I am still curious on peoples thoughts about govt. issued coins (ASE, Maples, Philharmonics) as opposed to generic rounds? Do you think a situation could every arise that your ASE is only worth what the gov. says it is (according to this guy b/c of third party liabilities) or is that bs?
NiBullionCu wrote:HOGWASH...
If it were true all coin dealers would be guilty.
Don't call it Barter, call it "like-kind-exchange" (Hows that for a fancy, legal, tax wording euphemism?)
Or, just "sell" the coins by agreeing to a price, and then "buy" the goods at that same price. That makes it a "wash" sale and not bartering.
Whatever, Bartering is not illegal, as long as you report any obligated taxes owed in the transaction.
The mint is already guilty of selling ASE's above face value, so the govt. is prevented from prosecution by the principle of "estoppel"
I could go on all day...
I would not worry about barter, personally. But do what you will.
DirtyFingers wrote:I would be glad to take the nervous young gentleman's 90% off his hands at face value.![]()
I agree with what has been posted already about a lack of Feds in a SHTF scenario. For me, the primary reason for hoarding PM and base metal is not preparation for SHTF. It is a storage of wealth first, a means of survival last.
The issuing of 1099's in 2012 is old news and will not only affect coin and bullion shops. Hopefully this will be repealed in 2011.
PreservingThePast wrote:DirtyFingers wrote:I would be glad to take the nervous young gentleman's 90% off his hands at face value.![]()
I agree with what has been posted already about a lack of Feds in a SHTF scenario. For me, the primary reason for hoarding PM and base metal is not preparation for SHTF. It is a storage of wealth first, a means of survival last.
The issuing of 1099's in 2012 is old news and will not only affect coin and bullion shops. Hopefully this will be repealed in 2011.
I am still being told by several dealers, as late as this past Sunday, December 19, 2010, that the law goes into effect on January 1, 2011, that the 1099s must be issued for taxes that will be filed in 2012.
Wouldn't want anyone taken unaware if this truly is the case.
jerry278 wrote:Everyone brings up great points. I am still curious on peoples thoughts about govt. issued coins (ASE, Maples, Philharmonics) as opposed to generic rounds? Do you think a situation could every arise that your ASE is only worth what the gov. says it is (according to this guy b/c of third party liabilities) or is that bs?
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