Future Silver Price

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Thogey » Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:04 pm

Good question,

The Hunt Brothers attempt left silver dead in the water for 20 years.
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby appjoe » Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:16 pm

Take Market Harmony's advice just buy it. Your 20 yrs old you have a life time ahead of you to sit on it. Remember if it does drop to $15 so what, if you don't sell at that price than you lost nothing. You only lose if you sell. I have silver I bought in the late 80's at around $3.50 It sat around that price for what seems like forever. Then about 2 yrs. ago it went to around $14-$15 a few people I know sold theirs at that price, I wouldn't sell but I also wouldn't buy. Now I wish I did. I remember when gold was $34 at that time I was raising a family 4 kids and a wife. I couldn't afford to buy it now look at where it's at. So like Market Harmony said " JUST BUY IT " Maybe 1 day 30 yrs. from now it will be at $1400.00
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Ethon » Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:14 pm

appjoe wrote:Ethon,
Take Market Harmony's advice just buy it. Your 20 yrs old you have a life time ahead of you to sit on it. Remember if it does drop to $15 so what, if you don't sell at that price than you lost nothing. You only lose if you sell. I have silver I bought in the late 80's at around $3.50 It sat around that price for what seems like forever. Then about 2 yrs. ago it went to around $14-$15 a few people I know sold theirs at that price, I wouldn't sell but I also wouldn't buy. Now I wish I did. I remember when gold was $34 at that time I was raising a family 4 kids and a wife. I couldn't afford to buy it now look at where it's at. So like Market Harmony said " JUST BUY IT " Maybe 1 day 30 yrs. from now it will be at $1400.00

Good point! I think if it dips I won't think of it as a loss ill try to think of it as a new opportunity to buy
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby stateofmind » Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:38 pm

Silver offers a false sense of security...it is just one facet in a preparation plan. Lives should not be spent devoting all resources to a SHTF scenario...not only is a SHTF scenario very unlikely, but if it every happened, your stacks of silver would decrease in value very quickly. Gold is the only true precious metal. A rapid increase in silver prices during an economic crash would be fueled by speculation, as the industrial demand for silver would severely fall. This is the same for all other metals, excluding gold. Invest in GOLD, silver, other metals, real estate, and GUNS, as protection against a collapse, and sort those pennies.
As for the bull market ending, commodities do not stay in bull markets forever. Historically they last around 20 years. We have been in this bull market for roughly 10 years...And this current price should not be seen as a benchmark as to the future potential of silver, as silver is overvalued right now. And although silver is very conductive, the truth is that is not used in huge amounts by industry which would allow the price to keep exponentially growing to...well, growing estimates.
IF you want to retire wealthy, do not keep your capital tied up in silver for 50 years waiting for the next silver bull market. The signs of an upcoming bull market will present themselves to you if you educate yourself. For now, ride the silver wave. But don't keep your money tied up in silver as many have here waiting for 30 years to break even, when they could have made fortunes in the stock market.
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Ethon » Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:45 pm

stateofmind wrote:Silver offers a false sense of security...it is just one facet in a preparation plan. Lives should not be spent devoting all resources to a SHTF scenario...not only is a SHTF scenario very unlikely, but if it every happened, your stacks of silver would decrease in value very quickly. Gold is the only true precious metal. A rapid increase in silver prices during an economic crash would be fueled by speculation, as the industrial demand for silver would severely fall. This is the same for all other metals, excluding gold. Invest in GOLD, silver, other metals, real estate, and GUNS, as protection against a collapse, and sort those pennies.
As for the bull market ending, commodities do not stay in bull markets forever. Historically they last around 20 years. We have been in this bull market for roughly 10 years...And this current price should not be seen as a benchmark as to the future potential of silver, as silver is overvalued right now. And although silver is very conductive, the truth is that is not used in huge amounts by industry which would allow the price to keep exponentially growing to...well, growing estimates.
IF you want to retire wealthy, do not keep your capital tied up in silver for 50 years waiting for the next silver bull market. The signs of an upcoming bull market will present themselves to you if you educate yourself. For now, ride the silver wave. But don't keep your money tied up in silver as many have here waiting for 30 years to break even, when they could have made fortunes in the stock market.

Silver is over valued right now? Historically silves ratio to gold is 1 to 16 that makes silver UNDER valued right now. Silver has been manipulated down, and its true value is 60+ dollars, idk how in any way silver is over valued right now.
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby appjoe » Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:11 pm

Back in 2000 I was talked into investing in a mutual fund I had a extra 2k so I thought what the heck. They had I think a 5 star rating on morning star it may of been 4 but it seemed like a good investment. Now 10 years later I'm still waiting to break even. I don't take the dividends I leave them reinvest. Now the average price of silver then was $5.00. If I bought 2k in silver it would roughly be $12k now. I also in 2000 bought a 2 family home that I rented out for 5 years then sold for a $35,000 profit. And for the 5 years I had it the rents paid the mortgage and taxes and also put about $600 a month in my pocket. I think the stock market is to risky now, forget about banks, CD's and money markets with the low interest rates. If I was younger I would go with Real estate and still invest in silver and copper. Everyday they are coming up with more uses for silver and in a lot of the uses it's unrecoverable as for gold all the gold that has ever been found is still here. Check out the supply and demand charts for silver the mining can't keep up with it. Now as for copper that's always going to be in demand we couldn't exists with out it. I'm just a amature investor but thought I would give my 2 cents for what it's worth, now that's pre 1982 cents
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Treetop » Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:47 pm

I find it funny when people claim gold is the only true precious metal. Silver held this role just as long. Only recently has it had industrial uses. Yes it does tarnish, in the pure form, but it is a precious metal for the exact reasons gold, and copper for that matter have always been. In fact arguably more so since, your average citizen, used silver and copper, gold was for the wealthier.

As to bull markets lasting a pre determined amount of time, charts and stats can only go so far. The dollar very well might not hold its current position 10 years. There are a lot of assumptions in your reasoning stateofmind.

As far as silver and gold for that matter in relation to TSHTF type events..... NONE of them truly hold their value in such times, although they do usually still act as currencies. You will easily trade an ounce of gold for a small fraction of the old value of food. FOOD PRODUCTION is what people need, if they think such things will be needed. the silver and gold in that case, is to retain some wealth from before the collapse until after it. Otherwise, you will trade all your savings for food, much quicker then you might think. a true shtf scenario will easily last 10-20 years, with varying degrees of strife, until we get back on our feet. Any of you think your stacks of silver and gold are really THAT deep? Dont full yourselves, for anyone who is saving gold and silver for that as a major factor is ignoring much. Even "lead" the other metal people save for such things, is great and all, but unless you plan on becoming a viking or pirate, which will be a short tough life, robbing and pillaging, and ensuring we dont get back on our feet as a nation it still comes back to FOOD. Not even large stores of it, although thats nice to, but the ability to continue producing it.
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Copper Catcher » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:19 pm

I think I'll toss my two cents in for all those folks who are 20 years old or younger on here.

I truly hope you will take this to heart and learn from my mistakes!

I started collecting coins back in the 1970's...like many I started with the old Whitman books of pennies then later focused on key date coins, then UNC was no longer the highest grade and then slabbing i.e. encapsulating coins became the standard.

With all this the biggest mistake I made… and what I think many people do is constantly think you have to wheel and deal, sell this to get that, versus just sitting on a good thing and be satisfied with it!!! Gold, Silver, key date coins etc....

1909sVDB, 1922 Plain, 1931S, 1955 Double Die, 1877 Indian, etc…slabbed: red, red/brown etc… If only I had not decided I wanted something else or thought the money would be better spent for X. Now I don’t even remember what X was and I don't have it anymore!

I wish now that all the stuff I purchased when I was younger I would have placed in a box and want not allowed to touch it again until I was 40! I know that sounds crazy but what a difference time makes!
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby stateofmind » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:24 pm

Ethon wrote:
stateofmind wrote:Silver offers a false sense of security...it is just one facet in a preparation plan. Lives should not be spent devoting all resources to a SHTF scenario...not only is a SHTF scenario very unlikely, but if it every happened, your stacks of silver would decrease in value very quickly. Gold is the only true precious metal. A rapid increase in silver prices during an economic crash would be fueled by speculation, as the industrial demand for silver would severely fall. This is the same for all other metals, excluding gold. Invest in GOLD, silver, other metals, real estate, and GUNS, as protection against a collapse, and sort those pennies.
As for the bull market ending, commodities do not stay in bull markets forever. Historically they last around 20 years. We have been in this bull market for roughly 10 years...And this current price should not be seen as a benchmark as to the future potential of silver, as silver is overvalued right now. And although silver is very conductive, the truth is that is not used in huge amounts by industry which would allow the price to keep exponentially growing to...well, growing estimates.
IF you want to retire wealthy, do not keep your capital tied up in silver for 50 years waiting for the next silver bull market. The signs of an upcoming bull market will present themselves to you if you educate yourself. For now, ride the silver wave. But don't keep your money tied up in silver as many have here waiting for 30 years to break even, when they could have made fortunes in the stock market.

Silver is over valued right now? Historically silves ratio to gold is 1 to 16 that makes silver UNDER valued right now. Silver has been manipulated down, and its true value is 60+ dollars, idk how in any way silver is over valued right now.

I truly do wish you luck. The true value of silver cannot be tied to the price of gold...however, that does not mean that I am saying the Gold/Silver ratio will not decrease.
I wrote:For now, ride the silver wave.

Don't hold onto investment silver until retirement. Hold onto silver as insurance...and leave your investments in stocks.
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Market Harmony » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:35 pm

HelloMeteor wrote:
Market Harmony wrote:Just buy it and forget about it if your time horizon is 20 years... imagine silver is $500 20 years from now. You'll pat yourself on the back if you only bought for $30. Are you going to give yourself extra pats if you bought it at $26 or $27 instead? One thing is for sure, if you don't buy it, then you'll surely be kicking yourself. Don't sweat the small stuff.

So you think silver will go up on average of 16% every year for the next 20 years.

No. Did I say that?
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby beauanderos » Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:07 pm

Market Harmony wrote:
HelloMeteor wrote:
Market Harmony wrote:Just buy it and forget about it if your time horizon is 20 years... imagine silver is $500 20 years from now. You'll pat yourself on the back if you only bought for $30. Are you going to give yourself extra pats if you bought it at $26 or $27 instead? One thing is for sure, if you don't buy it, then you'll surely be kicking yourself. Don't sweat the small stuff.

So you think silver will go up on average of 16% every year for the next 20 years.

No. Did I say that?

I'll go on record as saying it... "silver will be at least $500 an ounce in 2030." The dollar will be toast long before then. Actually, silver will ultimately far exceed that level. Unfortunately, that will be due to our nation experiencing hyperinflation. You won't be counting your profits at that point, you'll be using most of your hoard just to survive, as most other items necessary for day to day living will likely undergo commensurate price hikes. :o
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby aristobolus » Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:40 pm

Copper Catcher wrote:I think I'll toss my two cents in for all those folks who are 20 years old or younger on here.

I truly hope you will take this to heart and learn from my mistakes!

I started collecting coins back in the 1970's...like many I started with the old Whitman books of pennies then later focused on key date coins, then UNC was no longer the highest grade and then slabbing i.e. encapsulating coins became the standard.

With all this the biggest mistake I made… and what I think many people do is constantly think you have to wheel and deal, sell this to get that, versus just sitting on a good thing and be satisfied with it!!! Gold, Silver, key date coins etc....

1909sVDB, 1922 Plain, 1931S, 1955 Double Die, 1877 Indian, etc…slabbed: red, red/brown etc… If only I had not decided I wanted something else or thought the money would be better spent for X. Now I don’t even remember what X was and I don't have it anymore!

I wish now that all the stuff I purchased when I was younger I would have placed in a box and want not allowed to touch it again until I was 40! I know that sounds crazy but what a difference time makes!

Reminds me of the 1964 1/2 Convertible K-Code Mustang I bought for $500.00 in the late seventies. My older brother helped me do an OK restoration job on it, but after only a year I lost interest. I wanted to fund a newer Cobra II with the job I was working while in High School. My dad begged me to just let the "Stang" sit in the garage, and go out and get a lesser used vehicle to putt around in. He told me that if I would just park it, some day it would be worth some big money- of course I did not listen to him. Today that car would be worth $15,000 in the condition it was in, and potentially three times that amount properly restored.
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Joogaler » Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:54 am

stateofmind wrote:The bull market will begin to end in about ten years. Best place to put your money then is in stocks. Get rid of the silver and buy gold as portfolio protection when the bull is dead.

Sometimes I feel like SOM is a disinfo agent trying to get up to buy stocks! Lol but it's nice to have other opinions. I'm 19 and here's how I'm investing.

I try to buy as much silver as I can afford.

Obviously I don't want to put all of my money into something that might possibly drop in value. Some cash goes into Silver. Most extra cash goes into pennies. Sort those pennies, and sell them or trade them for silver, and keep what copper I can.

Which option provides the most benefits to my life, and well-being?

Pick One

A: Spend my money on something I do not need, that will be worth considerably less if I have to sell it (Movies, electronics, etc.)
B: Put it in a savings account, and earn a small interest.
C: Invest in building a small business dealing copper, and using the "unneeded profits" to buy more PM's

If you picked C you would be correct!
Pat yourself on the back, look at yourself in the mirror, and chant "You're number one!"

Option C can cover alot of things.

It gives me an interesting hobby.
It occupies time that I would most likely spend doing something stupid.
I meet lots of like minded people and have interesting discussions.
And it paves a way for my future.

If PM's crash and burn, then oh well! I had a good time doing it, and learned alot of things. I probably would have blown the money on video games or movies or something else that would have been just as much of a waste of money! The only difference is that this is way more fulfilling than being entertained, just for the sake of being entertained.

Anyone else feel the same way about PM's?

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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Ethon » Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:04 am

Joogaler wrote:
stateofmind wrote:The bull market will begin to end in about ten years. Best place to put your money then is in stocks. Get rid of the silver and buy gold as portfolio protection when the bull is dead.

Sometimes I feel like SOM is a disinfo agent trying to get up to buy stocks! Lol but it's nice to have other opinions. I'm 19 and here's how I'm investing.

I try to buy as much silver as I can afford.

Obviously I don't want to put all of my money into something that might possibly drop in value. Some cash goes into Silver. Most extra cash goes into pennies. Sort those pennies, and sell them or trade them for silver, and keep what copper I can.

Which option provides the most benefits to my life, and well-being?

Pick One

A: Spend my money on something I do not need, that will be worth considerably less if I have to sell it (Movies, electronics, etc.)
B: Put it in a savings account, and earn a small interest.
C: Invest in building a small business dealing copper, and using the "unneeded profits" to buy more PM's

If you picked C you would be correct!
Pat yourself on the back, look at yourself in the mirror, and chant "You're number one!"

Option C can cover alot of things.

It gives me an interesting hobby.
It occupies time that I would most likely spend doing something stupid.
I meet lots of like minded people and have interesting discussions.
And it paves a way for my future.

If PM's crash and burn, then oh well! I had a good time doing it, and learned alot of things. I probably would have blown the money on video games or movies or something else that would have been just as much of a waste of money! The only difference is that this is way more fulfilling than being entertained, just for the sake of being entertained.

Anyone else feel the same way about PM's?

Thanks for that! makes a lot of sense, i should show that to all my friends haha. I honestly think sorting pennies is more fun then playing video games or watching TV :) . Many of my friends spend over 100 dollars a week on Alcohol/drugs, I always tell them put half that into silver, but none of them listen to me.
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Joogaler » Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:10 am

Ethon wrote:
Joogaler wrote:
stateofmind wrote:The bull market will begin to end in about ten years. Best place to put your money then is in stocks. Get rid of the silver and buy gold as portfolio protection when the bull is dead.

Sometimes I feel like SOM is a disinfo agent trying to get up to buy stocks! Lol but it's nice to have other opinions. I'm 19 and here's how I'm investing.

I try to buy as much silver as I can afford.

Obviously I don't want to put all of my money into something that might possibly drop in value. Some cash goes into Silver. Most extra cash goes into pennies. Sort those pennies, and sell them or trade them for silver, and keep what copper I can.

Which option provides the most benefits to my life, and well-being?

Pick One

A: Spend my money on something I do not need, that will be worth considerably less if I have to sell it (Movies, electronics, etc.)
B: Put it in a savings account, and earn a small interest.
C: Invest in building a small business dealing copper, and using the "unneeded profits" to buy more PM's

If you picked C you would be correct!
Pat yourself on the back, look at yourself in the mirror, and chant "You're number one!"

Option C can cover alot of things.

It gives me an interesting hobby.
It occupies time that I would most likely spend doing something stupid.
I meet lots of like minded people and have interesting discussions.
And it paves a way for my future.

If PM's crash and burn, then oh well! I had a good time doing it, and learned alot of things. I probably would have blown the money on video games or movies or something else that would have been just as much of a waste of money! The only difference is that this is way more fulfilling than being entertained, just for the sake of being entertained.

Anyone else feel the same way about PM's?

Thanks for that! makes a lot of sense, i should show that to all my friends haha. I honestly think sorting pennies is more fun then playing video games or watching TV :) . Many of my friends spend over 100 dollars a week on Alcohol/drugs, I always tell them put half that into silver, but none of them listen to me.

I agree! People will drive a mile out of the way to buy $5 in gas that's 1 cent cheaper, but they'll spend lots of money on things they don't need at all!
I like sorting more than video games, and TV now too (used to play Call Of Duty up to 5 hrs a day!)
I usually put on an interesting documentary, or some Alex Jones, and go to sorting. It's like I'm getting paid to learn! And without government assistance!
I used nothing much exclamation marks in all of that... I should chill out, it's to late for that. :mrgreen:

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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Ethon » Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:28 am

I had the call of duty madness for a while back with call of duty 4, its really pointless.
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby beauanderos » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:04 am

I appreciate the graphics on a good video game as much as anyone (they're amazing). Having witnessed the growth of gaming clear back from the beginnning (text games... zork?) and then the early consoles... what we have now is simply phenomenal. However, video games are a form of drug... they narcotize you by subsuming your reality into a virtual world where you can immerse yourself for hours... hours that are lost to productive accomplishment. Who cares how many levels you conquer, or how high of a score you make? It's refreshing to see at least a few young realcent posters who have reached that conclusion as well. Enjoy your penny searching and stacking, and may it lead to multiple realms of enrichment.
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Re: Future Silver Price

Postby Devil Soundwave » Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:09 am

Ethon wrote:I had the call of duty madness for a while back with call of duty 4, its really pointless.

Good fun though. The one I spent most time with was (the very flawed) COD 3. I was a crack-shot with that Kar98k! :D
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