Holiday Present Rolls from Bank

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Holiday Present Rolls from Bank

Postby smallchange » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:11 am

Got Holiday Surprise Last Week and did not know until now when I opened them.

Got 10 penny rolls from a small local bank last week. All customer wrap type.
Five of the rolls had acct number on them magic markered over by the bank. These are the five I will talk about below. Other 5 were avg rolls.

First roll, I see lots of steels pop out. I then take a quick look and lots of other wheats too.
Not all copper tho, even one 2010 shield in the roll.

So open the other 4 rolls, same type thing.

Total in 5 rolls: 92 Steel pennies, mostly P's, and none with any significant rust and some in really good shape.

So, then I separate out the other Copper Wheats: 45 of them in total.
Copper Memorials: 42
Copper Canadians: 1
Plus one oversize penny which says NEW PENNY on the back: Queen Elizabeth II and says D**F*D*G*REG*1974 on the front. This bad boy did not want to come out of the roll as larger than a normal penny. Someone really had to work to get it in there.

Then I look at the dates... Found Five 1909, not the S variety tho. But ALL FIVE were VDBs :D . Rest of wheats mostly in 40s & 50s, couple common teens and twenties

I wish I had opened them when I got them, as I would have went back to that bank to make a bigger run. But still pretty cool. I found a Wild Indian once and even found a 100% wheat roll once with some pretty good dates. But this has to be the best overall lot I ever got. I know I have found a fair amount of 1909 before, but never a VDB.

Maybe its time for all of us to hit the banks harder for customer wrapped rolls. Maybe people are out there turning in whatever coins they have laying around for some extra Holiday Spending money.

Happy Holidays and good hunting to all.
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Re: Holiday Present Rolls from Bank

Postby uthminsta » Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:28 pm

Some really nice stuff! Merry Christmas to you, indeed!
smallchange wrote:Plus one oversize penny which says NEW PENNY on the back: Queen Elizabeth II and says D**F*D*G*REG*1974 on the front.

You've got yourself a British penny. It's bronze... and its melt value is higher than ours because of the increased size. Save up a few! Congratulations on all the finds.
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Re: Holiday Present Rolls from Bank

Postby HPMBTT » Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:38 pm

Congrats, smallchange. Great score.

Yep, I just got one of those british pennies about three weeks ago when sorting through some customer penny rolls. Pain to get it out of the roll. I actually had to dig up some info on it; it's interesting, as there is also the half penny, along with the new penny.

Me thinks to head out today to all of the banks and get some CWR's. :) Besides, it's right before Xmas and people are naturally hard up for cash, so maybe some people turned in some stuff.
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Re: Holiday Present Rolls from Bank

Postby uthminsta » Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:04 pm

I would think that the British decimal penny would show up more in nickel rolls than cent rolls. Hmmm...
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Re: Holiday Present Rolls from Bank

Postby smallchange » Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:55 pm

My brother took a pic of the VDB backs for me
I never listed a pic here before so this is kinda an experiment.
A couple did not turn out so well in the pic so hard to see them.

I am going back to that bank today. Maybe they have friends still there waiting for me.
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Re: Holiday Present Rolls from Bank

Postby frugalcanuck » Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:53 pm

I get those British pennies all the time. They like to clog up the Rydale.
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Re: Holiday Present Rolls from Bank

Postby pennypicker » Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:45 pm

Wow, Christmas came early for one lucky board member. It's news like this that motivates this "newbie" to keep opening those rolls! :) :)
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