This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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Postby CtrlAltBernanke » Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:18 pm

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Postby theo » Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:45 pm

As is often the case, the reader comments are more interesting than the original article. Here is one of the better offerings:

"AGXIIK says:

January 18, 2013 at 10:48 AM

A few months ago I did a little research on silver content of certain electronic items. Solar panels will use about 60 million ounces in 2013. About 20 grams of silver are used per panel. Smart phones require anything from less than a portion of a gram to 2-3 grams depending on the screen and size. TV and computers use as much as 5-10 grams. Hospitals are absorbing silver to tamp down the antibiotic resistant super bugs like MRSA. Use total there is unknown.

Silver price is inelastic when it comes to the production of mission critical products ranging from war fighting materials that can use many ounces per unit to cell phones. The winds of war are blowing and China is stowing silver by the hundreds of MOZ. Whether the price is $30 and ounce or $150, the amount of silver will be an immaterial consideration to the overall purchase pricing. It might be a $5 in a phone to $150 of silver per solar panel. No one will care as millions of IPhudds and Phablets fly off the shelves. Panel prices range from $1,200 to $2,000. $150 is bupkes. If a company or country like Japan or China needs solar power they will pay the price. Power trumps silver prices. Consumer demands trump silver prices. Absolute and vital products availability trumps silver prices.
Silver prices have gone from $8 to $30 in the last 5 years . Inflation’s been 10% in that time period. Lines form out the door for new products containing silver. Wait until those are lines are outside the LCS.
Power production is a life and death situation in Japan, now spending $100 billion of natural gas to replace power from their shut down nuclear plants. This one factor of trade deficits got Abe elected. He started the Yen devaluation process which is creating some real problems in China and the US as Japan struggles to shake off their debt, power and negative balance of trade problems. While these problems do not all reflect directly on silver supply and (lack of) availability, they are important aspects of silver shortages as entire economies revolved around precious metal availability, either as a cultural or industrial consideration. The lack of supply of silver could get really wicked in short order.
Like politics and banking, nothing happens by accident in the world of precious metals, particularly silver. It may not affect the average person’s life if they have to wait weeks for silver but waiting days for silver is going to become unacceptable to some.
This assumption might be a bit of a stretch but the recurring theme of precious metals keeps cropping up in so many discussions, even to Japan pension plans starting to buy gold and China forming silver trading platforms. Indian central bankers are freaking out over their balance of trade problems and devaluation of Indian currency due to the hundreds of tons of gold and thousands of tons of silver being purchased presently by Indian consumers and businesses.
It may come down to a situation where the low $30′s price will be seen as the good old days. The entire world is waking up to the vital aspects of precious metals. When the average person become aware of these issues, the status of the US Mint shutdown will be headline news. 6MOZ of ASE coins sold in 2 weeks is the bellwether of an impending crisis."
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Postby Engineer » Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:45 pm

Cruise missiles have something like 500oz.
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Postby SilverDragon72 » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:17 pm

Engineer wrote:Cruise missiles have something like 500oz.

I know! That is SUCH a waste of perfectly good silver.... :sick:
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Postby everything » Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:23 pm

I call bogus, Apple more than likely discovered some kind of big problem either with production of the units themselves, or a defect in the units themselves and subsequently halted production for re-engineering. I worked on Apple computer products between the years of 1990 and 1999. Apple makes pretty good equipment but they have problems, lots of revisions.

If China is importing massive amounts of silver, then I highly doubt their is a shortage. At these kinds of prices, silver production is still ramping back up, since it was only 5 bucks an oz. for such a long time their was no money in it, takes time.

Business cycles usually last ten years, we are just getting started.
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