Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

What is the prevailing reason for Texas's low copper percentages?

Large number of hoarders
Excessive application of Gresham's Law due to high distribution & demand among its many, growing population centers
Excessive application of Gresham's Law due to high exportation of older pennies to other states and high importatation of zincs
Overall overabundance of pennies
Lack of significant distribution prior to 1982 debasement
Total votes : 27

Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Romalae » Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:28 pm

This topic has been mentioned before, especially among us disgruntled Texan sorters, but I have been wondering about its causes.

So, Realcenters, theorize here. Why is it that copper percentages are so low in Texas? For those of you who are unaware, it is commonly reported that our percentages down here range from 12% to 16% while the nationwide average is 20.35% according to Market Harmony's chart. My average for January was a mere 15%, and it's remaining 13.5% this month.

My theory is that we get a lot of new money here; the old money probably circulates in states without huge population centers. Because Texas has a bunch of large, bustling metropolitan areas (Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin [home!!], San Antonio, El Paso, etc), I believe that since our population has increased exponentially since 1982, our demand for pennies and coins in general has increased with it, giving the green light for the Fed's importation of truckloads of zinc pennies that excessively dilute the existing copper supply. This is the 2nd most populated and 2nd most sizable state after all.

So, what are your theories?
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby creshka46 » Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:33 pm

I chose #2. The most logical explaination seems to me that population growth really took off sometime after 1982 and so due to demand they have just brought in far more zinc pennies than usual.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby TXBullion » Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:33 pm

I have a theory there is a big exporter to Mexico
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Romalae » Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:45 pm

TXBullion wrote:I have a theory there is a big exporter to Mexico

Copper pennies and illegal immigration are inversely related? :lol:

creshka46 wrote:I chose #2. The most logical explaination seems to me that population growth really took off sometime after 1982 and so due to demand they have just brought in far more zinc pennies than usual.

That is my prevailing theory as well. Texas's population has almost doubled since 1980. That said, I wonder if the "Texas has a lot more hoarders than normal" theory has any bearing on the actual copper statistics.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby TXBullion » Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:53 pm

In just thinking last few times I crossed the border to Mexico , no one cared when you left but only when you tried to come back
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby ZenOps » Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:01 pm

I vote proximity to Mexico. Mexicans have been wary of paper after the 1000:1 devaluation from peso to new peso in 1993.

A box of copper pennies is still a box of copper pennies. A Chilean copper miner might get paid 250,000 pesos a week (one of the best paying jobs in Chile, second only to a silver miner)

You can almost see it happening with the US dollar, maybe a 50:1 devaluation when measured against copper coinage. A 3.11 gram penny in 1981 or an 8 gram mostly copper dollar in 201X - if the US stops circulating pennies like Canada.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Country » Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:24 pm

TXBullion wrote:I have a theory there is a big exporter to Mexico

That's what I thought when I saw this poll... Probably being melted down in Mexico where it's legal to do so.... :shock:
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Engineer » Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:30 pm

There's something to be said for population movements. Percentages in Detroit (and other areas with people moving out) seem to be higher than the nationwide average...and the big jar of pennies usually gets cashed in before people move.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby JadeDragon » Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:56 pm

It is not because there is a lot of hoarders - even if ALL the hoarders here were sorting in Texas we would not make a dent in the pennies. The answer is either dilution due to lots of new coins or a large sorter shipping them out of the country.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Romalae » Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:10 pm

Reading these responses has been absolutely enlightening. I took no consideration for the factor of Mexico until now, though I am still not entirely sure why that would be the prevailing factor in the dearth of Texan copper pennies.

JadeDragon wrote:The answer is either dilution due to lots of new coins or a large sorter shipping them out of the country.

Which would be illegal, considering that it's illegal to export more than $5 worth of pennies out of the United States. Doesn't really stop anyone, I know, but you'd think the Feds would catch on if a massive dip in Texan penny supply manifested itself and there was no accountability.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby scyther » Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:31 pm

Yeah, some sorter like us could conceivably be taking them out of the country a few hundred $ FV at a time, but like Jade Dragon said, that wouldn't really make a difference. If it were on a large enough scale, I think the government would notice...

By the way, I wonder how High the price of copper would have to go before the melt and export ban would start being widely defied. If it were like $20 a pound, I'm sure they would disappear quite quickly, melt ban or no...
267,500 pennies and 186,000 nickels searched. Hand sorter.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby shinnosuke » Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:50 am

I think it is because my adoptive father (see here:, HoardCopperByTheTon, has a secret portal which allows him to beam himself into any armored car service facility in Texas, abscond with the copper Lincolns, and slip back to the Left Coast undetected.

I know...I know...just sort more!
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:16 am

shhhh.. still working on the portal to Maine. :mrgreen:
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby fansubs_ca » Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:37 am

TXBullion wrote:I have a theory there is a big exporter to Mexico

The real purpose of those smuggling tunnels! ;)

TXBullion wrote:In just thinking last few times I crossed the border to Mexico , no one cared when you left but only when you tried to come back

That's my experience betwen Canada and the U.S., each country seems to be concerned
about what you are bringing or leaving behind in but doesn't care what you are taking out.
Though in recent years the U.S. has also wanted to know more about what you are doing
and who you are meeting.

I do have recollection of somebody on the old Realcent board mention a scrap yard in
Texas buying copper pennies. But that's just my fuzzy memory though.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby algae21 » Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:48 am

ZenOps wrote:I vote proximity to Mexico. Mexicans have been wary of paper after the 1000:1 devaluation from peso to new peso in 1993.

A box of copper pennies is still a box of copper pennies. A Chilean copper miner might get paid 250,000 pesos a week (one of the best paying jobs in Chile, second only to a silver miner)

You can almost see it happening with the US dollar, maybe a 50:1 devaluation when measured against copper coinage. A 3.11 gram penny in 1981 or an 8 gram mostly copper dollar in 201X - if the US stops circulating pennies like Canada.

Anybody have any idea of what the percentages are in the other border states? If they were similar to Texas, then they could very well be finding their way to Mexico.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Copper Catcher » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:46 am

A Theory:

Grupo Mexico ranks among the most important companies in Mexico it is one of the major copper producers in the world.

If you scroll down you can see the plant locations:

Cananea, Mexico about 6 hours from El Paso, TX

If you tossed in a few copper pennies do you think anyone would notice when you are producing 187,699 M.T. of copper annually?
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Lemon Thrower » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:48 am

i think it has less to do with illegal exports than it has to do with legal population increases since 1982.

the percentages in Atlanta are low also, 12-13%.

what you want to do is look at penny populations in 1982. there has been huge population growth in the sunbelt states since 1982, especially in large employment areas like houston, dallas, austin, and atlanta.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Zincanator » Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:56 am

Also consider nearly 300 billion zincs out there and growing versus maybe 150 billion coppers produced 1959-1982.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Economist » Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:57 am

Folks, I've thought about this a bit and have some data from several different states. It's quite simple: population growth. fast-growing population centers have much higher demands for & hence inflows of new coinage, and much lower "native" populations of older coinage.

Evidence: When I lived in the VA suburbs of DC, I averaged 25% (this was also back in '07-09). County population went from about 600K in 1980 to 1.1 M now. Last year, I sorted in a "rust belt" town where the population peaked in 1980; here I got 28%. Haven't done any tests, but I'm pretty sure that would be statistically significant at the 99% level!

I would love to know what people are getting in Detroit/ Flint MI--I think I've heard numbers north of 30%, which I would find easily believable and would further confirm my hypothesis.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Hawkeye » Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:08 pm

I can see the population growth thing being a potential reason. I'm in Iowa (not much growth) and average around 27-28% very consistently. My sister, who works at a bank in Knoxville, TN (much more growth post '82) gets me a box every now and then. I usually only get 14-15% out of those boxes.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby RichardPenny43 » Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:23 pm

I would agree it is due to population growth.
Look at a map of growth and compare it to the map of the federal reserve districts.
The areas with the highest growth seem to have the lowest percentages. ... change.jpg ... 874766.jpg
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby Romalae » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:31 pm

Lemon Thrower wrote:the percentages in Atlanta are low also, 12-13%.

Hawkeye wrote:I can see the population growth thing being a potential reason. I'm in Iowa (not much growth) and average around 27-28% very consistently. My sister, who works at a bank in Knoxville, TN (much more growth post '82) gets me a box every now and then. I usually only get 14-15% out of those boxes.

It's quite interesting, the inverse relationship between population and copper penny percentages. Thanks for commenting and theorizing on the topic, all. The poll's votes seems to be distributed among all its options so clearly there is variation in theory.
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby chris6084 » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:35 pm

TXBullion wrote:I have a theory there is a big exporter to Mexico

+1 I have heard this too
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:07 am

You can also see this by watching which states report seeing the new pennies for the year first. The states that are getting the new pennies fastest tend to have much lower copper percentages. :mrgreen:
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Re: Theorize -- Why are Texas Percentages so Low?

Postby RichardPenny43 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:30 am

HoardCopperByTheTon wrote:You can also see this by watching which states report seeing the new pennies for the year first. The states that are getting the new pennies fastest tend to have much lower copper percentages. :mrgreen:

Exactly. It's not copper being pulled out, it's zinc being added that lowers percentages.

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