I'm selling my silver because FRNs aren't as heavy.
Actually, the silver I'm selling, particularly the Barbers, I'm hoping someone will like them and begin / expand an actual COLLECTION. I hadn't counted how many different date/mint marks there were, but they weren't all the same. In fact, most of these were in 2x2s and used to carry a little numismatic premium. The dealer I bought them from just didn't want to bother marking up hundreds of coins a few cents each, so he sold them to me at the "old" price.
As for the timing, I started this particular auction when we hit 600 members. Then right after, some of the spammers were nixed, so we went back down to 580-something.
With all the early auctions I did on the new site, I had hoped to pique some members' interest by putting some stuff I know you'll bid on (US silver) alongside some Mexican or British or Canadian or Panamanian etc. stuff and maybe the buyer will see something cool and take a new interest.
I also like to test my understanding of the buying interests of the people in this awesome group. I've been pleasantly surprised with some of the closing amounts, and I've been somewhat disappointed with some. But really the joy comes from the buyer getting and enjoying the coins, and from knowing they appreciate what they got. From introducing something fun to it, not just pure profit.
I'm not selling because I overspent on Christmas. Or because I overbought silver. But that makes a lot of sense because I can imagine that happens to the best of us.