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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby Rodebaugh » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:22 pm

agmoose wrote:I think we'll see them go after 401k's here long before they try this bank tax method. They'll force all public employees to invest in treasuries, something along those lines.

How about this:

Everyone retired drawing 250K in income or has a net worth of 5Mil no longer qualifys for SS benifits. Its just not fair when people have less and they need the money more. Then a few years pass and Everyone retired drawing 150K in income or has a net worth of 1Mil no longer qualifys for SS benifits. Its just not fair when people have less and they need the money more.

yah! I just fixed SS washington style.
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby 93_Confirmed » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:46 pm

agmoose wrote:I think we'll see them go after 401k's here long before they try this bank tax method. They'll force all public employees to invest in treasuries, something along those lines.

From Bloomberg

The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is weighing whether it should take on a role in helping Americans manage the $19.4 trillion they have put into retirement savings, a move that would be the agency’s first foray into consumer investments.“That’s one of the things we’ve been exploring and are interested in in terms of whether and what authority we have,” bureau director Richard Cordray said in an interview. He didn’t provide additional details.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Richard Cordray said, “You know if you lose your home because the rest of your block is foreclosed on, your credit history is affected.” The bureau’s core concern is that many Americans, notably those from the retiring Baby Boom generation, may fall prey to financial scams, according to three people briefed on the CFPB’s deliberations who asked not to be named because the matter is still under discussion.

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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby agmoose » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:54 pm

Don't you love how they say it is all to protect us. Yeah....right....kiss my grits.
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:56 pm

Engineer wrote:
Copper Catcher wrote:Harvey Organ in is post today had a great one liner in his blog today:
There is now a premium for cash in your mattress!

I'm liking bricks of nickels better every day. They're hard for the average person to steal/liquidate in large quantities, worth their weight in raw materials, occasionally contain silver or numismatics, and in the case of an emergency it wouldn't be too hard to cash in $1000 or more a day.

yep....thats what i been saying/doing...you gotta love 'em...got to! its like holding a metal $2 bill....a nickel $2 bill....and the facr that they put TJ on them, makes it particurially SWEET, him being the godfather of any TRUE Liberty loving American!

i keep a brick under the front seat of the truck...why not?

Copper pinned up a good picture, didnt he?...that was good, its the truth.

i believe the VERY LAST group of folks i would want to cross or mess with, is the Russian "mafia" (and "mafia" isnt a correct term) we simply must remember that these are the oliograchs of a mineral extraction state that do have a LOT of nuclear weapons. And you could say to me, "cmon neil, get real, they're not foolish enough to even think of throwing a couple nukes around".

in all clarity, i am NOT certain, in the right set of circumstances, they would act rationally, as a nuclear tipped "power" would be expected to. Besides the obvious precedent setting act of just announcing this THEFT....thats what causes me grave concern, also with the fact Putin is like something we have never seen before, he's not the old skool 'soviet' apparachnik, this man is hyper smart, hyper ruthless, and one helluva of a geopolitical chess player.

finally, i must say that Zero Hedge has REALLY proved its worth as a superior alt-news website...if it wasnt for them, we couldnt be briefed for the nuances of this STILL unfolding situation, they are really quite valuable to us. If any of you brethern start feeling down, just remember, everybody here, is way ahead of the majority of our fellow countrymen, who live in a dream state. Knowledge IS power, cliches are just that for a reason....coz they're true.

May God prosper you all, neil
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:11 pm

reddirtcoins wrote:Just give it awhile and you'll see 1% tax on our deposit/withdraws... Just wait..

between that chilling scenario and AgMoose's 401k scenario, i dont know which is worse...we simply must regain our Constituton as THE backbone of the Republic.....it feels like its slipping away, being eroded, and if that happens?

thats where, in my judgement both the "occupy" movement and the "tea party" faliled, the Constitution really wasnt the yardstick, but thats a discussion for another day
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby Morsecode » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:35 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:How about this:

Everyone retired drawing 250K in income or has a net worth of 5Mil no longer qualifys for SS benifits. Its just not fair when people have less and they need the money more. Then a few years pass and Everyone retired drawing 150K in income or has a net worth of 1Mil no longer qualifys for SS benifits. Its just not fair when people have less and they need the money more.

yah! I just fixed SS washington style.


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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:43 am

neilgin1 wrote:
reddirtcoins wrote:Just give it awhile and you'll see 1% tax on our deposit/withdraws... Just wait..

between that chilling scenario and AgMoose's 401k scenario, i dont know which is worse...we simply must regain our Constituton as THE backbone of the Republic.....it feels like its slipping away, being eroded, and if that happens?

thats where, in my judgement both the "occupy" movement and the "tea party" faliled, the Constitution really wasnt the yardstick, but thats a discussion for another day

The Constitution is a Glorious Banner to the World that has been trampled upon. I hope we can restore it someday, Neil.

In the meantime, I still feel like a fool for tearing up every time I start to sing The Star Spangled Banner, but then feel embarrased by the words, "land of the free, and the home of the brave." We are definitely neither right now.

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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:18 am

shinnosuke wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:
reddirtcoins wrote:Just give it awhile and you'll see 1% tax on our deposit/withdraws... Just wait..

between that chilling scenario and AgMoose's 401k scenario, i dont know which is worse...we simply must regain our Constituton as THE backbone of the Republic.....it feels like its slipping away, being eroded, and if that happens?

thats where, in my judgement both the "occupy" movement and the "tea party" faliled, the Constitution really wasnt the yardstick, but thats a discussion for another day

The Constitution is a Glorious Banner to the World that has been trampled upon. I hope we can restore it someday, Neil.

In the meantime, I still feel like a fool for tearing up every time I start to sing The Star Spangled Banner, but then feel embarrased by the words, "land of the free, and the home of the brave." We are definitely neither right now.

Strong hearts, all.

what an appropriate time to read your words, its 0530 am CST, the wind is ROARING on the ridge, its 9 degrees outside. (thank God, my woodlot is white oak and hickory) and i been up since 3AM, started reading the morning wires....and i come to this conclusion, Cyprus IS the Black Swan.....17 March 2013, Sunday, it popped up on my radar screen...within a minute of reading those first reports, the implications hit me, how bad this is. ....short term, long term, known and unknown outcomes.

There are so many dots to connect, but i think the percursor was on 6 March 2013, when the only good man in that den of vipers, Rand Paul stood alone in the well of the Senate and spoke truth for 13 strong hours. There isnt a direct line between this two events, but then again, maybe there is.

There are so many "dots", we cant even hope to inventory them, let alone connect them. But the dot that stands out...to me, is that Jon Corzine is a free man. Its an insult to the rule of law, to this concept, that no man is above the law, its an insult to the Republic, because the message it sends, is that there is no REAL rule of law, and without law, there can be no Republic, and if there is no Republic, there is no Liberty. No Liberty, no freedom.

Cyprus is the stone thrown into a pond, the ripples spread outward...they could even be the cause of a war, where billions die, i'm very serious, we just dont know.

i had been thinking 2018 was when we saw the wheels wobble, but obviously they're wobbling as we speak.

Getting emotional while singing the Star Spangled Banner doesnt make you a "fool", makes you authentic, means you take those words to heart. They can take your house, they can take your money, they can even take your life, but your heart and your soul, that they can never take. God bless America, neil
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby barrytrot » Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:02 am

Net asset taxes are coming, for sure.

Things where even if you don't have your cash in a bank they will audit your full "net worth" and charge you a percentage every year on that.

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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby knibloe » Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:21 am

Morsecode wrote:I've never been happier about having 80 cents in my checking account. :thumbup:

Look for a US Bailout in the days to come. Sure makes that pending gun legislation look less of a priority.

It is the gun legislation that makes this possible.
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:48 am

check this out...from ZH...its Boris, the billionaire from Russia, and he aint happy. to quote ZH:

Finally, the Russian response to the discovery that haircuts on big deposits just rose from 9.9% to over 15.6% will hardly be warm and cuddly. Now may be a good time to ban gun (and plutonium) sales to angry Russian billionaire oligarchs.

know what? the EU just signed its death warrant, in about 6 months to a year, dont be surprised at some big bad ugly THING happening within the EU, that will (of course) be attributed to some hapless gaggle of ayrabs...but the genesis will be Boris and his crew, just looking for payback.

full article http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-03-1 ... 100k-euros

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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby SteelCityCopper » Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:21 am

agmoose wrote:Don't you love how they say it is all to protect us. Yeah....right....kiss my grits.

Coming to a country near you...
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby Z00 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:25 am

Now they have suspended trading on the Cipriot exchange til Thursday to protect against selling off of bank stocks

Thursday s/b an interesting day no matter how the vote goes.

to be continued.... stay tuned.
Last edited by Z00 on Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby agmoose » Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:28 am

SteelCityCopper wrote:
agmoose wrote:Don't you love how they say it is all to protect us. Yeah....right....kiss my grits.

Coming to a country near you...

I told some friends back in January that Gun Contol wont pass, they will rebrand it Gun Safety. The progressives are experts at changing the verbage, fooling the ill informed. Everyone supports gun safety, right? Control sounds too sinister. Gun safety is all about protecting the kids.......right?

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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby Z00 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:23 pm

BREAKING: The Cyprus parliament has rejected the bailout deal.

36 MPs voted no, and 19 abstained.
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby MUTiger » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:23 pm

It is happening here in a more insidious manner. Creating $85B per month is stealing the value of your savings at a similar rate.

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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby barrytrot » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:32 pm

mutiger wrote:It is happening here in a more insidious manner. Creating $85B per month is stealing the value of your savings at a similar rate.


Good point.

So don't save using "cash". Use securities or gold or something that has REAL value outside the "paper weight" of it.
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby Hawkeye » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:38 pm

Z00 wrote:BREAKING: The Cyprus parliament has rejected the bailout deal.

36 MPs voted no, and 19 abstained.

So I wonder what happens now. Interesting stuff.
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:08 pm

Hawkeye wrote:
Z00 wrote:BREAKING: The Cyprus parliament has rejected the bailout deal.

36 MPs voted no, and 19 abstained.

So I wonder what happens now. Interesting stuff.

stuff catches on fire, or explodes, noggins get conked, papa sets curfew time, 3,000 UK military personnel stationed there....and mebbe elements of the Russian Black Sea fleet set sail, destination unknown, and/or maybe bank contagion spreads real quiet like up in the Med...Greece, then Italy, over to Spain, Portugal....just whispers amongst friends...around the internet, cell phones....quietly mattresses get stuffed.....junior level bankers begin to notice at branch offices in Palermo, Florence, Milan, Barcelona, they suddenly and inexplicably NEED MORE CASH........"why?!?"......that goes up the food chain, more whispers...and on and on and on......just like a boiler with no vent valve.

the only way this thing doesnt end bad.....in the next 60 to 90 days, maybe less, is they cap the theft at 150k Euro's at 15%, TOMMORROW announcement, to raise the 5-8 billion these lousy kraut bastards are screaming for, the russians get jammed, but like any good knife artist, these russians know, revenge is a dish best tasted COLD.

the way i see it?....go to defcon 3...now.
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby beauanderos » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:39 pm

It'll be a cold winter in the Deutschland without Russian natural gas. :shock: :?
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Re: What?!......"Cyprus?"

Postby IdahoCopper » Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:25 pm

it won't be ru.gov torpedoes, it will be discrete, quiet, back-alley assissnations by the ru.mob.
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