you all know what "open source" intel is, right?....its bits and pieces of info you get off of non classified media.
Most of it, its just like a giant pile of jigsaw puzzle pieces from five different sets, and you might be able to put 7 pieces together, and get a small glimpse of the picture....sometimes theres one bit of info, that sticks out; the source is credible, and maybe in three sentences, it'll give you a lead.
For instance, even after all these years, if i close my eyes and listen to a Korean speaking, and that includes media, i can tell within 3 seconds if its NK...or South. Its the SAME language, but then again, its NOT....much the same we can hear the difference between a heavy southern accent, as opposed to someone from Boston...get me?
i stumbled across this on CNN...(yeh, i know...but even main stream, bits and pieces flash by) and just listen to what this defector, now turned radio broadcaster has to say on the temperature of the north korean man in the street.
just this piece ALONE, lends me to believe, that hostilities are inevitable. I know many of you were dismayed and disappointed in what i wrote in the OP. There IS a reasoning behind what i wrote. i have no control over policy...obviously. (lol) BUT sometimes in life, you have to fight, and rather than take that first hit, which is going to nightmarish, SOMETIMES you have to deliever a really ruthless bolt out of the blue first strike.
They...meaning our forces in tandem with ROK forces are NOT going to do, what i would recommend doing at once, which is a 96 hour, continous full spectrum air assault, on ALL of the NK 13,000 arty/missile tubes parked up on the DMZ. Full Spectrum, means everything, every asset, from the F-18 Hornet, to the F-22 Raptor, every Predator drone in theater, every Naval vessel carrying tomahawks, sub launched Tomahawks, Apaches with stand off capabilities and hellfires, basically every thing operating on what is called an intense "operational tempo", which means how fast can you "turn around" an attack platform, refuel, re-arm,and takeoff....the Israeli's in 67, practiced this turn around, and got down to 8 minutes....thats REALLY good, and you can see why they won that victory. This would be going on for 96 hours, 4 days...non stop
Now these NK's arent going just sit there, they will fire back, but there is a thing known as counter battery, and we obviously have overhead satel positioning, so that within 3 to 5 minutes from that first return fire from the NK's, that tube is killed. The objective is very narrow, destroy 80% plus of those 13,000 arty/missile tubes on or within 10 kms of the DMZ.
an expected response is the NK's attacking South, they will going thru the largest concentration of minefields in the world. HOPEFULLY, the ROK learned a lesson from Gen Matthew Ridgeway, who took over from MacArthur's mess he had created, when the Chinese intervened late Nov 50...our guys were just running south. Ridgeway knew we were going to take a body blow, and he did something, that saved the day. Besides putting out fires, and getting rid of officers who couldnt hack it...he drew up 4 lines of defense...below the DMZ, "A" line...B, C and D....what would happen is this, the Chinese en masse would crash into "A" line, we would hold the line just enough, to turn the ground in front of it, into a slaughterhouse...the guys in A line would begin an orderly bug into B line, where MORE guys had already established defense positions, AND...this is important, had zeroed in, massive numbers of 155mm that the geography between "A" and "B" lines was turned into a slaughterhouse for the Chinese infantrymen...then they crashed into "B" line....i could look this up, but i believe the chinese attack did not go beyond the B line....the General gave this lines names like "Nebraska", etc.
the whole point of what i wrote is this, in defensive warfare, you NEVER count on a SINGLE defensive line to hold your adversary, so i'm assuming and HOPING the ROK/US forces have an "A" line that is say 7-15 kms BEHIND the DMZ......right before the air attack commences, you withdraw 60% of the guys BACK into this A line...and the 40% remaining on the DMZ resist until the first elements of the NK's actually bleed their way thru the minefields, and then they . the 40% do an orderly bug back to A line and turn the real estate between the DMZ and A line into a place where the NK infantry and amoured forces go to die....a literal meat grinder.
the danger to all this IS, i would assume the NK's are GOING to use chemical warfare, so everyone on A line has to be in NBC gear, and trained to fight in such an enviroment. i HOPE this is the case. Now, using chemical warfare is prohibited under many treaties, and at that point, the President i believe has the option for nuclear weapons release. before you start howling at me, just read on, it would be a "good thing" to hit their nuclear infrastructure facilities up north, as well as their rocket/missile development areas.
you might accuse me of being a chickenhawk. i'm not. My heartache is that i didnt continue working in this area, i would have 35 years experience in the Koreas, i just hope i have a "twin" who can see thru the mist, and not f### this up. My comfort is that back in the 90's, i think, we took the 2nd Infantry Div OFF the DMZ, and moved them back, which made me very glad. Back in the late 70's, we gave those guys a 30 second to 15 minute life expectancy...even as a young sailor, i NEVER liked this, i thought it was pure folly then, but i did NOT have a voice, i wasnt even 20, but i saw the folly of using 20,000 guys as a "tripwire"....the 2nd ID now, would be the men to move into position behind this HOPEFUL "A" line.'s the tidbit of what i saw.... ... -korea.cnnlisten closely.......i do believe the North Korean is being whipped up into some insane war fever, if thats the case?....we have to deal with it now. Backchannel?...the Chinese CAN be given dont want to spell out ALL your objectives, but they would be narrow. Significantly degrade the 13,000 plus arty/missile tubes on the DMZ, to MINIMIZE any damage to Seoul, AND if and when the North sallies forth. let them walk into a trap, and leave 500,000 dead North Korean infantrymen behind....retake the DMZ, no operations north of the DMZ, 38th parralel.
But we cannot let the NK's fire the first shot...waiting to take that blow?, would be folly. dont flame me too bad.
(just listen to the line, "They (the North Korean "street") think they will win a war,and escape their difficult lives"...end quote)