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Postby neilgin1 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:44 am

27.45.....basis May on the board.

hmmm. interesting.

But i watch rolls of ASES trade at 700.....rolls of 90%'er's trade at 30 times face...reports of record sales, every single month, month after month.

this is truly something very interesting and unprecedented we are witnessing...i dont WHAT EXACTLY we are witnessing , together.

let me say this, the MORE silver trades lower, the more bullish i get. the BIG TEST is $26....thats the "thing".

we shall see.....this is good stuff.
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby Neckro » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:51 am

It needs to hit lower.
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby blackrabbit » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:56 am

I am trying to understand why this is occurring. Is because of the trouble in the Eurozone and the probable demise of the Euro? People fleeing into dollars and US stocks? The dow seems like a super bubble.
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby thedrifter » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:58 am

26! 26! 26! do I hear 26?!
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby beauanderos » Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:01 am

So... what does this do to the value of all those cars you bought last month? This is gonna cause premiums on physical silver to rise in response to low inventory at the online dealers. I bet their phones are ringing off the hooks today.
Last edited by beauanderos on Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:01 am

blackrabbit wrote:I am trying to understand why this is occurring.
1. Is because of the trouble in the Eurozone and the probable demise of the Euro?
2. People fleeing into dollars and US stocks?
3. The dow seems like a super bubble.

Yes, yes, and yes...I guess. Or somebody with a lot of precious metals finally realized "Hey, you can't eat this stuff!" and they're dumping it all today.
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby Morsecode » Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:12 am

I may not recall the numbers and dates exactly, but it seems to me that physical silver sold way above spot for a long time after the first decline from $50 30 years ago.

Maybe I was just naively paying too much at the time :?
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:42 am

A drop like this will flush out some sellers. Others will simply stop selling, period.

Will be interested to hear of the abilty of people to source actual physical at anything close to spot, if this persists more than a week.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby dakota1955 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:44 am

What I will be watching is the spread between spot and what you really have to pay to get the silver in your hand.
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:53 am

beauanderos wrote:So... what does this do to the value of all those cars you bought last month? This is gonna cause premiums on physical silver to rise in response to low inventory at the online dealers. I bet their phones are ringing off the hooks today.

ooooh,i forgot about the "Raptor Fund"....much has been happening down in to update. the Raptor Fund WAS successful in getting ALLcars delievered, but it was "intimated" shall we say......"here, take these you bought,.........but we dont want to see you EVER back here again".

Nobody said it EXPLICITLY in so many words....but that was the gist of what was relayed to i took that heart....and of course...on paper, these physical holdings are diminished in "value"....but thats not necessarily a BAD thing, in light of the 2014 tax burden.

i'll update the Raptor Fund...we (yes, theres a "few" in we have been spreading wheat, and i failed to detail a successful mini campaign in selling "old crop" July 13 Corn against the new crop Dec 13 corn.....we were selling the July $1.40 over the Dec, and pulled in this line the other day, between .99 and .95 over...a nice profit that covers the cost of a totally refurb'ed DC3 (C-47) that we bought in a distress sale from some florid white men in Orange County California.

why did i buy this?......well look at the coffee market, a roaster in NOLA wants out.......there's a lot of prime time green beans, JUST looking for a buyer...Jamaica, and Columbia, Central America, so the pieces all fit....thats another story for another day.

wow!! 27.25...oh my, i was told never to "return"...maybe the Raptor Fund could cloak its ID, and pick up another 50 million USD worth of Ag....hmmmm.
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:56 am

dakota1955 wrote:What I will be watching is the spread between spot and what you really have to pay to get the silver in your hand.

for small retail buyers of quality REAL rolls of 90% silver US cionage.....its now $17-18 over the board....true.

when you see, high qual rolls trading 30 times and PLUS, which they are...thats $43 a toz...guys are paying it,
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:01 pm

WHOA!!! just looked at Gold for the first time today.....down $23....but then i think, its 1577 on the board, and thats considered "getting hammered"....or "low"?.......low......1577 is low priced? hahahahhah

oh man, the games people play....wonder what my bud Kim Jong Un is up too...
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby beauanderos » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:06 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
dakota1955 wrote:What I will be watching is the spread between spot and what you really have to pay to get the silver in your hand.

for small retail buyers of quality REAL rolls of 90% silver US cionage.....its now $17-18 over the board....true.

when you see, high qual rolls trading 30 times and PLUS, which they are...thats $43 a toz...guys are paying it,

People who want quality rolls on ebay bid them to what they feel their perceived worth is... not what it is artificially valued at. Ebay is the marketplace for BU rolls, so there we have it folks... price discovery in the making, not phony COMEX derivatives hoaxed spot prices
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:38 pm

beauanderos wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:
dakota1955 wrote:What I will be watching is the spread between spot and what you really have to pay to get the silver in your hand.

for small retail buyers of quality REAL rolls of 90% silver US cionage.....its now $17-18 over the board....true.

when you see, high qual rolls trading 30 times and PLUS, which they are...thats $43 a toz...guys are paying it,

People who want quality rolls on ebay bid them to what they feel their perceived worth is... not what it is artificially valued at. Ebay is the marketplace for BU rolls, so there we have it folks... price discovery in the making, not phony COMEX derivatives hoaxed spot prices

amen!! see...thats why i LOVE Ebay...JUST for AG....its like being in the pit, but you CANT get into trouble, overtrading....TRUE price discovery./......who could ask for more?.....well besides a button drip and a private room.....and burgers and fries...(inside joke)
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby rsk1963 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:11 pm

If you hover over today's featured auction on coinflation it says "Apparently the paper silver price doesnt matter, 2013 Silver Eagles continue to end at the $670 level."
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:12 pm

rsk1963 wrote:If you hover over today's featured auction on coinflation it says "Apparently the paper silver price doesnt matter, 2013 Silver Eagles continue to end at the $670 level."

Thanks Bud....LOOK at this article i found says JP has 96% of the shorts, this is what Ted Butler wrote:

"I would now calculate JPMorgan’s net short position to be 23,000 contracts as of Tuesday March 26th. Simple math shows that JPMorgan held 96% of the total commercial short position of 24,000 contracts in the latest COT report. I doubt such an extreme measure of concentration has ever occurred in any other regulated futures market. On this measure alone, it is safe to conclude that JPMorgan has manipulated the silver price in the last month(s), as there would be virtually no commercial short position in COMEX silver without this bank. That the CFTC and the CME Group can sit by and allow such an unnatural concentration to exist shows how inept and corrupt the regulators have become."

article: ... al-silver/

i mean these boys CANT be that dumb....whats their end game?...they got to have some sort of end game, some sort ......of desired outcome, and i cant for the life of me, figure it out....but its got to be SOMETHING, where THEY win, and we lose...or at least thats what they're hoping for....any ideas?...anyone?....besides outright confiscation, the ONLY thing i can think of, is remember how the idea was floated about reporting any transaction on a 1099 over $600?...and then that went away.

i dunno...thanks "rsk"
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby coppertone » Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:17 pm

Maybe its just an odd day but the prices for coins that I buy and follow on E-Bay have actually gone up!
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby Rodebaugh » Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:37 pm

I purchased 100+ toz from a RC member earlier and may pull the trigger on a MB tonight.

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Re: wow........27.45

Postby Catfish4u » Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:32 pm

Could JP and the 'big banks' be pushing the price down while buying all the physical they can by borrowing money from the Fed at close to 0%? Could they be trying 'to corner the physical supply of silver'?
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby Country » Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:33 pm

This will be the 6th time in the 2011-2013 period that $25-$26 will be tested. I have little doubt that da boyz will try to press that target once again. If that fails, the next stop would be $21 (the breakout point in September 2010). I am hopeful that the super-strong support point will hold once again. In addition, da boyz have a knack for getting out at tops (overheated stock market) and rotating money into out of favor investments (distasteful PMs)
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby barrytrot » Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:34 pm

Catfish4u wrote:Could JP and the 'big banks' be pushing the price down while buying all the physical they can by borrowing money from the Fed at close to 0%? Could they be trying 'to corner the physical supply of silver'?

They could do that, but I don't think that is occurring or at least not at nearly the volume of their short position (as indicated by Neil above).

Aquiring that much REAL silver would be noticeable, I would assume :)
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:01 pm

Second attempt...

neilgin1 wrote:i mean these boys CANT be that dumb....whats their end game?...they got to have some sort of end game, some sort ......of desired outcome, and i cant for the life of me, figure it out....but its got to be SOMETHING, where THEY win, and we lose...or at least thats what they're hoping for....any ideas?...anyone?....

The end game could be as "simple" as this... maybe they could care less what they lose if the intent is multi-decade disruption of the PM market with losses covered by Fed backdoor payoffs. The entire silver market is peanuts compared to the total face value of the printing being done by the Fed to cover the holes in the global economy.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby barrytrot » Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:43 pm

68Camaro wrote:Second attempt...

neilgin1 wrote:i mean these boys CANT be that dumb....whats their end game?...they got to have some sort of end game, some sort ......of desired outcome, and i cant for the life of me, figure it out....but its got to be SOMETHING, where THEY win, and we lose...or at least thats what they're hoping for....any ideas?...anyone?....

The end game could be as "simple" as this... maybe they could care less what they lose if the intent is multi-decade disruption of the PM market with losses covered by Fed backdoor payoffs. The entire silver market is peanuts compared to the total face value of the printing being done by the Fed to cover the holes in the global economy.

Even if evil is not afoot I would have to assume if you are POSITIVE that the US Government has your back on any losses you would trade a lot more freely and just know that profit is guaranteed.

That in itself is evil in my book, of course.
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby beauanderos » Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:13 pm

It's not just the gov't backing them... remember... they are one of the Banks that OWN the FED
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Re: wow........27.45

Postby agmoose » Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:31 pm

I just look at it as me buying more silver for less........gotta do it before the shell game ends.....and it will end at some point. Called my LCS today, they have plenty in stock as they took in over $300fv today. Weak hands are panicking and selling. I will go in on Friday and pick thru it to see what I can add to the stack.
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