Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right Now

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Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right Now

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:44 am

(this is a really good article. imo. from ZH)

"Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

The stock market is not crashing yet, but there are lots of other market crashes happening in the financial world right now. Just like we saw back in 2008, it is taking stocks a little bit of extra time to catch up with economic reality. But almost everywhere else you look, there are signs that a financial avalanche has begun. Bitcoins are crashing, gold and silver are plunging, the price of oil and the overall demand for energy continue to decline, markets all over Europe are collapsing and consumer confidence in the United States just had the biggest miss relative to expectations that has ever been recorded. In many ways, all of this is extremely reminiscent of 2008. Other than the Bitcoin collapse, almost everything else that is happening now also happened back then. So does that mean that a horrible stock market crash is coming as well? Without a doubt, one is coming at some point. The only question is whether it will be sooner or later. Meanwhile, there are a whole lot of other economic crashes that deserve out attention at the moment.

The following are 11 economic crashes that are happening RIGHT NOW..."
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Re: Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right

Postby beauanderos » Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:07 am

and people still think real estate is on the road to recovery :roll:
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Re: Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:11 am

Good direction for an article.

The original author did miss a great chance to emphasize some other things like Baltic shipping, student loan defaults, percent of employed, etc while reduntantly counting gold and silver as two separate items when they really follow each other more or less in lockstep.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:17 am

neilgin1 wrote:(this is a really good article. imo. from ZH)

"Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

The stock market is not crashing yet, but there are lots of other market crashes happening in the financial world right now.

To the main point, yeah - I think the world is literally falling apart in front of everyone, and what is weird is that so FEW are even paying attention. Doesn't it make you feel a bit creepy about things? Why can't anyone (hardly) see it? What will the generation down the road think of us as a people for allowing this to happen in full view?

The German people of the 1930s were in the same position, a great evil in front of them and most of them in denial. I used to not understand this - I guess I still don't. But at least I see it and realize now that is wasn't just the Germans. It can happen to anyone, because it's happening to us. But (this not for either Neil of Ray, but for others) remember - there were some that saw it coming in the 30s and prepared. We need to prepare as makes sense to us. Don't let others pressure you into not doing something that seems right.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell.
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Re: Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right

Postby CLINT-THE-GREAT » Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:36 am

It's almost like we all here have taken the Red Pill (from the Matrix) and we are awakened and see the reality, but everyone else has decided to live in their little fantasy world and can't see the immediate danger in front of them. Good article Neil

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Re: Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right

Postby ScrapMetal » Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:43 am

To the main point, yeah - I think the world is literally falling apart in front of everyone, and what is weird is that so FEW are even paying attention.

We get lied to daily. One day the housing market is recovering, next day record defaults. One day stock market is up because unemployment is down, next day we are told the fewest jobs added that month. The government twists and turns the facts to bolster their agenda. When that doesn't work, the create either a crisis, or some emotional issue to distract the populace. Why the push now for gun control? Distraction that is why. Why is the government involved in same sex marriage? Distraction.

I can see the handwriting on the wall, but others that have only experienced extreme prosperity can't imagine the worst. Maybe they have some idea, but they have come to believe that the government is there to protect them. Isn't that what governments have always done?

Also, we have never been taught what to do to prepare for a complete breakdown of the financial network. Look at natural disasters, and how people didn't prepare for what was eventually coming. No power, no food, no gas, no ATMs, etc. We on the whole have no idea how to prepare for bad times.

I have to admit, I am very concerned about losing out financially when the dollar finally collapses, but where does one put money that is 100% safe?

Bottom line is that the general public just can't fathom the horrors when our financial network collapses.
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Re: Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right

Postby pennypicker » Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:09 am

CLINT-THE-GREAT wrote:It's almost like we all here have taken the Red Pill (from the Matrix) and we are awakened and see the reality, but everyone else has decided to live in their little fantasy world and can't see the immediate danger in front of them. Good article Neil

-The Great

The problem is that most Americans are caught up in their everyday lives and only look as far down the road as pay day Friday and making plans to have a good time on the weekend. They have no concerns about the near or long term future. And most people have no concept of economics or world fiances or politics. Most Americans have never experienced first hand any life altering economic or political events. They simply take comfort with the assurance that our government will tackle any hurdles that come our way.

With that being said I am 56 years old and I began collecting silver coins back in '77 after I (did) experience a life altering economic, political event-the oil embargo of 1973. I was 16 then living in Los Angeles and I had just obtained my drivers license. Then weeks later the embargo hit and gas rationing went into affect and all hell broke loose in the Los Angeles area. Massive lines with two to four hour wait times were common at gas stations and you were only allowed ten gallons. Even #'d license plates could gas up one day and odd #'d plates the next. Of course people were stealing license plates left and right so they could gas up any day. Gas theft during the night was rampant and everyone was buying locking gas caps. Gas tanker trucks were being hijacked. Lots of fights broke out in the gas lines from stress and people cutting in.

Fortunately the embargo was short-lived but at the age of 16 it left an indelible imprint. When it happens again, and there will be a major national gas shortage one day, it's effects will be many times worse than it was back in L.A. in '73. Today we live in a far more violent society with much less civility. Back in '73 people settled their disputes with their fists but today gang members are carrying weapons and when the long lines come again people will be shot dead waiting for gas. Police will have to shut down the gas station and disperse the lines and classify it as a crime scene. And car jacking for gas and free transportation will become rampant and more killings will ensue.

Back in 1973 I saw first hand what happens when our government (cannot) take control of a major situation and society is left to fend for it's self. In Los Angeles back in '73 the gas shortage was short lived and we got through it reasonably unscathed. The next time it happens it will be a completely different story--that's why I got the hell out of Los Angeles and that's why I stack silver. :thumbup:
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Re: Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:15 pm

68Camaro wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:(this is a really good article. imo. from ZH)

"Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

The stock market is not crashing yet, but there are lots of other market crashes happening in the financial world right now.

To the main point, yeah - I think the world is literally falling apart in front of everyone, and what is weird is that so FEW are even paying attention. Doesn't it make you feel a bit creepy about things? Why can't anyone (hardly) see it? What will the generation down the road think of us as a people for allowing this to happen in full view?

The German people of the 1930s were in the same position, a great evil in front of them and most of them in denial. I used to not understand this - I guess I still don't. But at least I see it and realize now that is wasn't just the Germans. It can happen to anyone, because it's happening to us. But (this not for either Neil of Ray, but for others) remember - there were some that saw it coming in the 30s and prepared. We need to prepare as makes sense to us. Don't let others pressure you into not doing something that seems right.

ayep R....sure nuff...sometimes I think these screwheads will keep the whole mess wired together till 2018....days like today?...not so much.

wish I wasn't in my early fifties, but younger. Shoot, back in 1982?...both me and my brother thought Ronnie was going push the button, or the commies would red dawn us....I kid you not. We been ready for thisdidn't have NOTHING back then, now we got things fairly wired up. But we KNEW this day was coming, it was just a matter of WHEN...still least we both got OUT of the metro areas.....they're death traps, my counties got 28 k in population, his, is the one south of me, got 17 k in population.....but once you get rural, don't think everything gets rosy. People are feller i'm thinking of in particular...i'm a good hearted friendly guy, but this guy is a transplant, from the NY area, an Irishman pretending he's a Mafioso, living off his girlfriends daddy, who's a good man, in his late 70's. I hired him a couple times for chores, not the 70 year old...the wannabe wiseguy...feller would be spinning his mouth, that's how people reveal themselves...telling me stories, bragging about the old daze, all the crap he's pulled, I just listen....the guy is digging his grave with me, coz i'm a square player...then he really dug it, when he showed up unannounced on Thanksgiving day at 3 pm.

"why's that get your warning bells set off?"...tell ya why.....a fella, ME, who is single, and lives on his ranch 99% of the time.....when is it almost CERTAIN, he's been invited to a family supper? .....Thanksgiving at 3. but he was fooled coz I had both my boy and his uncle up here, eating a turkey I brined.

comes in, on this holy holiday....which Thanksgiving is to me, all pilled up or something, blithering about how he kicked somebodies hind quarters in town and etc etc etc.......I let him go on for a hour....he didn't eat, us boys are looking at each other. See, he was PROBABLY planning to break in. You think i'm paranoid...naw, I could just read his mail....nobody up here, except my brother, knows what I got going on, but this CUNNING..(not smart, but cunning) city rat, just assumes i'm not you're regular bachelor country squire, and that "something " worth digging for is going up here.

only reason I brought it up is, since that day.....actually before, I don't call him, or go visiting....and he always calling me, "how come you never call me?"

some guys just cant take a hint can they?....why make me say, "I don't want you around", or on my private dirt road, that's clearly marked, PRIVATE ROAD, NO ENTRANCE, NO TRESPASSING.....just take the hint. but he doesn't.....goes into this whole story about how he wrecked his truck by running into a 1600 lb angus steer on the road at night, and how the sheriff had to hold him back coz "he wanted to kill the farmer", etc etc....then goes into this whole thing that if the farmer doesn't make him good for his pain and suffering, "he's gonna shot gun the farmers door off its "f###ing hinges".....i'm just listening and thinking....'are you stupid?'re telling me all this shite...and think I don't have you top of the list of bad actors in this township....and every REAL pal of mine, KNOWS YOUR NAME?".....but I let him go on for a while, then cut in, say I got some chores and hang up.

i'm pretty confident the lad will impale himself sooner or later....but that's why even rural districts offer unique security pick and choose friends very careful, and let those friendships develop over time and test....this fella?...if tshtf?...he wont last long, I can assure you of THAT...the guy tells me 4 months ago how he wants to beat up the man, an elderly man, who took him in, his girlfriends father...nice guy, huh? you think he'll act if things get weird?....some people just got dark hearts, they can be "regular" people....or important decision makers...or they can be "organizations"...maybe elements of the dot gov...who knows, we'll find out, they ALWAYS show their true colors, if you got eyes open and JUST LISTEN sometimes.

sorry to be a bummer, but I had to unpack that, as I TRY very hard to deal with my fellow man from a heart of love in God....and not be a son of the darkness.

in the Dead Sea area, where they found the scrolls, there's one scroll, called "The War Scroll" prophesies about a day of a coming battle between the sons of Light, and the sons of darkness...sometimes there are things you CANT account for with the natural mind: ... f_Darkness

These scrolls contain an apocalyptic prophecy of a war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. The war is first described as an attack by the Sons of Light, consisting of the sons of Levi, the sons of Judah, and the sons of Benjamin, and the exiled of the desert, against Edom, Moab, the sons of Ammon, the Amalekites, Philistia, and the Kittim of Asshur (referred to as the army of Belial), and [those who assist them from among the wicked] who "violate the covenant."[12] In the end, all of Darkness is to be destroyed and Light will live in peace for all eternity. The war is then described again as a conflict between the congregation of God and the congregation of men. The rest of the document is a detailed description of the events of the war and the ways in which it should be conducted. Yigael Yadin and Géza Vermes have argued that the descriptions of the armament, equipment, and formation of the Sons of Light suggest a basis in Roman methods of warfare.[
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Re: Guest Post: 11 Economic Crashes That Are Happening Right

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:44 pm

I want to respond to more of these great posts, but I got a little more light, i'll continue this with the rest of you gentlemen. off to sow seed!
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