Copper Catcher wrote:Ohio Precious Metals, OPM 10 oz Silver Bars are available for $0.89 over spot per ounce in any quantity! ... r-bar.html
Is it a good time to pull the trigger on a few of these?
shinnosuke wrote:And just like that, we're under $22
theo wrote:21.69. . . we'll see if 21 holds this time.
InfleXion wrote:I'm in the same camp as Shin and Camaro. I bought silver to protect myself from the financial system and counter party risk, and to have hard money in hand that I need not worry about going up in a puff of smoke. I bought at 10, I bought at 45, and I'm buying today. I'm not trying to make money because fundamentals don't matter in bizarro world, so as much as I feel the price is severely undervalued I would fail miserably trying to time the right buying and selling in the short term. However due to the fundamentals I am confident buying at any price until we have a new monetary system. If we don't get one then at least I have something tangible to retire on. Even if I lose money on it, it's still money that I didn't spend on other things, aka my savings account.
TwoPenniesEarned wrote:As a external basis for valuation of silver, the other day I was at a garage sale and bought a brand new unopened "Superwinch X3". The fellow had been a hunter but never mounted it to his truck. But I searched "Superwinch X3" and noticed they sell new for $700 with the featureset of this winch, so I bought it for his asking price of $175 no questions asked. When I got it home I opened the box and noticed his receipt. It was 22 years old. And the receipt was for $270. So something that costs $700 today brand new for an identical item cost only $270 in 1991. It really puts our inflation into perspective. I love stuff like that for getting a grounding in reality. It's so hard to peg value to anything when everyone expresses it in dollar price.
neilgin1 wrote: Cargill, in my estimation is one of the few outstanding American companies LEFT, and if he has the stones and sharps, by 30, he could trading in the Geneva Switzerland office of Cargill....which is a whole lot better than pouring coffee at Starbucks, or saying "Hi, welcome to WalMart" that's something, you other fathers might want to look into.
shinnosuke wrote:See this: ... iquidation
I always thought Europe would go first, but Japan may be the canary in the mine. Prime Minister Abe is a dark, nefarious man.
InfleXion wrote:This feels awfully reminiscient of 2008 to me with the difference being that the Fed is out ahead of the freight train and pumping up key indices accordingly. Gold and silver got whacked, leverage is back at new all time highs, and the only markets doing "well" are those benefiting from money printing. As long as that continues there probably won't be an electronic run on the banks like we saw before, but there is only so much effectiveness to money printing. Japan which has been at it longer than us is the model to look forward to IMO, but in the meantime US markets will probably be the beneficiary being the greener pasture comparatively. Of course I am a permabull and will buy metal at any price, but I do feel that now is the time to back up the truck. We have been consolidating a while now in the low 20's and the only way I can see additional downside is if US markets tank on the whole which could happen, but if it does there's no guarantee that things will return to normal either so I have always felt it's better to pay a little extra to secure a position than to wait and possibly miss the boat.
TwoPenniesEarned wrote:As a external basis for valuation of silver, the other day I was at a garage sale and bought a brand ....
68Camaro wrote:I've long ago resigned myself that try as I might I'll never be able to time a manipulated market
68Camaro wrote:Oz speaks, therefore the PM market MUST tremble before him...
shinnosuke wrote:68Camaro wrote:Oz speaks, therefore the PM market MUST tremble before him... quote right now: 1946-1964 Roosevelt Dime $1.5567
Oz speaks tomorrow, right? Are we getting slammed today on the fear that tapering is not just for candles any more?
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