So this guy calls me yesterday and asks me if I would like to buy some pennies. (I have an ad on Craigslist.) It turns out they were his dead Father's. He says he has $69.00 face, and it's all rolled. I say of course. I cashed in all of my zincs, and headed over. When I got there he said he found $17.50 more. I unfortunately had no more cash so had to leave them. When I got home my first roll had 5 zincs in it. It only got better from there. Almost every roll was like that...quick stop at the atm and I bought the other rolls. I only had one solid copper roll, but the rest were great too. The only complaint was that Dad obviously knew what a wheat penny was, 8650 pennies, only 8 wheats. Here are the totals.
8650 total.
6190 coppers.
868 82's
1582 zincs.
8 wheats.
1 Canadian copper.
1 with a car rental sticker.
What a day!