I visited my LCS today and the owner told me about a regular customer of his who came in this morning to show off the "good deal" he got on Sunday from Craigslist when he purchased three 1 oz gold Mapleleafs from a complete stranger. The owner told me they looked pretty good but with with a couple quick tests he had determined unquestionably that all three were fakes--so much for the good deal.
(Update): I visited my LCS today and inquired as to the specifics on the three fake 1 oz gold Mapleleafs. The owner said all three were dated 2012 and had outstanding details. The weight & diameter were correct but as soon as he held one he could see that they were too thick. He added that they had extra thick gold plating. He said that the buyer was experienced enough and should have noticed they were too thick but he got greedy and didn't take anything with him to make any tests--comparative or otherwise.