AGgressive Metal wrote:It didn't cause as much chaos as predicted because most of that money was black market Russian mob money - most normal citizens don't have 100k+ cash just sitting in a bank account unless they have just won a lawsuit or received an inheritance, etc. Most people, if they are above board and paying taxes, generally prefer to put that kind of cash into their house, real estate, retirement accounts, stock market, bonds, CDs, trust fund, children's college, etc. Of course it was still highly immoral what happened for the people who did get taken advantage of, including probably some elderly who were being conservative with their money and doing what they thought was the safe bet.
It seemed like a western shakedown of Russian mob to show them who's boss, but I could be wrong because I'm not an expert on those kind of things.
nero12345 wrote:
Yeah sounds like Canada's toast if push comes to shove.
TwoPenniesEarned wrote:We are truly living in 1984. War is Peace. It's hard to Fathom taking your deposits, so don't worry about this little law that does just that, etc. Lord help us...
A lot of British expatriots lost almost their entire retirement. I was reading about one woman that had $600,000 socked away for retirement. Now she has $200,000. It's repulsive and disgusting.
This will happen to us.
johnbrickner wrote:Ahhh, Newspeak and Thoughtpolice. I had forgotten the details. Time to re-read. Thanx TwoPennies for opening the Pandora's box in my mind.
TwoPenniesEarned wrote:In Canada we are lucky to have something called a "Tax Free Savings Account". So I'm emptying my tax deferred RRSP and putting what's left after the government has scooped what they consider their share into my untaxed TFSA.
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