November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

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November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Country » Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:36 pm


This is for 'true finds" only - coins found in change, rolls, or bags at face value only (not from wheat purchases).

Data includes all posts November 30, 2013 7:16 pm forum time and earlier.


1909 - (23) - Bigsarge(1), cecropia_moth(1), Cent1225(1), dave(1), Frank t(1), henrysmedford(2), MrIncredible(2), narragansett(1), NHsorter(1), RichardPenny43(2), rsk1963(3), spacemanX(2), TheJonasCollegeFund(3), TXTim(2),
1909-VDB - (6) - Diggin4copper(1), henrysmedford(1), narragansett(2), reddirtcoins(1), WileE(1),
1909-S - (0) -
1909-S-VDB - (0) -
1910 - (32) - algae21(1), BenG76(1), Bigsarge(1), blink(2), bookshelf(1), cwgii(2), J_Dodge(1), narragansett(4), RichardPenny43(4), rsk1963(1), spacemanX(5), TXTim(2), uthminsta(3), westky(2), WileE(1), Zincanator(1),
1910-S - (3) - radio(1), rsk1963(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1911 - (23) - algae21(1), blink(1), cwgii(1), J_Dodge(1), narragansett(2), outofsort(1), reddirtcoins(1), RichardPenny43(1), spacemanX(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(3), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), TXTim(3), westky(2), WileE(3), Zincanator(1),
1911-D - (6) - cwgii(1), HoardCopperByTheTon(1), RichardPenny43(1), uthminsta(3),
1911-S - (0) -
1912 - (27) - blink(2), CardsNCoins(2), Country(1), dave(1), Diggin4copper(1), MetalJunkie(1), narragansett(4), outofsort(1), RichardPenny43(5), rsk1963(1), spacemanX(3), tuleja(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), TXTim(1), uthminsta(1),
1912-D - (5) - cwgii(1), DirtyFingers(1), outofsort(1), spacemanX(1), WileE(1),
1912-S - (1) - blink(1),
1913 - (19) - Bigsarge(2), blink(1), bookshelf(1), John Reich(1), johnbrickner(1), narragansett(4), rsk1963(1), spacemanX(3), TXTim(2), uthminsta(2), westky(1),
1913-D - (4) - RichardPenny43(2), scyther(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1913-S - (0) -
1914 - (17) - Bigsarge(1), blink(2), cwgii(1), henrysmedford(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(1), RichardPenny43(1), rsk1963(1), spacemanX(2), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), uthminsta(3), westky(1),
1914-D - (0) -
1914-S - (0) -
1915 - (9) - cwgii(2), dave(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(1), radio(1), RichardPenny43(1), spacemanX(1), uthminsta(1),
1915-D - (7) - mtalbot_ca(1), scyther(1), spacemanX(2), Sullysullinburg(1), uthminsta(2),
1915-S - (0) -
1916 - (36) - blink(2), CardsNCoins(2), cooyon(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(7), RichardPenny43(3), rsk1963(2), Shifty51(1), spacemanX(9), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(2), uthminsta(4), westky(1),
1916-D - (8) - dave(1), John Reich(1), rsk1963(1), spacemanX(1), tuleja(1), WileE(3),
1916-S - (5) - dave(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(2), uthminsta(1),
1917 - (64) - algae21(1), BenG76(1), Bigsarge(1), blink(5), bookshelf(1), CardsNCoins(2), cooyon(1), crbattery(1), cwgii(1), dave(1), JustINaVW(1), LooseChange(1), narragansett(7), RichardPenny43(7), rsk1963(7), scyther(1), spacemanX(6), TheJonasCollegeFund(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), TXTim(2), uthminsta(8), westky(2), WileE(1),
1917-D - (15) - blink(1), cwgii(2), narragansett(1), RichardPenny43(1), rsk1963(2), spacemanX(8),
1917-S - (5) - cwgii(1), henrysmedford(1), rsk1963(1), spacemanX(1), WileE(1),
1918 - (103) - Bigsarge(3), blink(2), CardsNCoins(4), cecropia_moth(1), cwgii(4), dave(2), Engineer(1), hammerrob(1), henrysmedford(2), JustINaVW(1), narragansett(16), outofsort(1), RichardPenny43(11), rsk1963(4), scyther(3), spacemanX(16), sparechange(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(4), tuleja(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), TXTim(6), uthminsta(9), westky(4), WileE(3),
1918-D - (13) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), CardsNCoins(1), cwgii(2), RichardPenny43(1), rsk1963(1), scyther(1), spacemanX(1), TXTim(1), uthminsta(2), WileE(1),
1918-S - (14) - Bigsarge(1), blink(2), narragansett(2), outofsort(1), spacemanX(4), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), uthminsta(1),
1919 - (151) - algae21(3), Bigsarge(5), blink(5), bookshelf(3), CardsNCoins(5), cwgii(4), dave(1), Diggin4copper(1), DirtyFingers(1), henrysmedford(1), merchoarder(1), mtalbot_ca(1), narragansett(24), outofsort(3), plus1hdcp(2), radio(1), radio(1), RichardPenny43(5), rsk1963(5), scyther(5), spacemanX(32), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(8), tuleja(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), TXTim(3), uthminsta(13), westky(4), WileE(6),
1919-D - (9) - blink(1), narragansett(1), RichardPenny43(2), rsk1963(1), spacemanX(4),
1919-S - (42) - Bigsarge(2), blink(5), cooyon(1), Country(1), crbattery(1), cwgii(2), dave(1), DirtyFingers(1), narragansett(2), outofsort(1), RichardPenny43(2), rsk1963(2), scyther(3), spacemanX(5), tuleja(5), TXTim(3), uthminsta(2), westky(1), WileE(2),
1920 - (134) - Bigsarge(2), blink(3), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(7), Country(2), cwgii(5), dave(4), Diggin4copper(1), henrysmedford(2), JustINaVW(2), narragansett(29), plus1hdcp(2), radio(1), RichardPenny43(14), rsk1963(2), scyther(3), Slaphot(1), spacemanX(20), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(3), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), TXTim(5), uthminsta(12), westky(5), WileE(4),
1920-D - (13) - cwgii(1), dave(1), RichardPenny43(3), rsk1963(1), scyther(2), TXTim(1), uthminsta(2), westky(1), WileE(1),
1920-S - (13) - Bigsarge(1), bookshelf(3), cwgii(2), jacer333(1), johnbrickner(1), tuleja(1), TXTim(1), uthminsta(3),
1921 - (12) - blink(2), CardsNCoins(1), narragansett(2), RichardPenny43(2), TXTim(1), uthminsta(3), Whinstone(1),
1921-S - (2) - spacemanX(1), uthminsta(1),
1922-D - (1) - spacemanX(1),
1922-NO D - (0) -
1922-WEAK D - (1) - tedandcam(1),
1923 - (30) - agmoose(1), Bigsarge(1), blink(2), CardsNCoins(1), cooyon(2), Country(1), dave(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(2), outofsort(1), RAY(1), RichardPenny43(2), rsk1963(2), spacemanX(4), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TXTim(1), uthminsta(5), WileE(1),
1923-S - (0) -
1924 - (31) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), CardsNCoins(2), Country(1), dave(3), Franco American(1), narragansett(4), outofsort(1), plus1hdcp(1), RichardPenny43(4), spacemanX(4), TheJonasCollegeFund(2), tuleja(1), uthminsta(3), westky(2),
1924-D - (0) -
1924-S - (3) - Country(1), spacemanX(1), uthminsta(1),
1925 - (48) - agmoose(1), Bigsarge(2), blink(1), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(2), cooyon(1), Country(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(10), RichardPenny43(6), scyther(1), spacemanX(6), tuleja(1), TXTim(3), uthminsta(7), westky(1), WileE(2),
1925-D - (10) - blink(1), outofsort(1), RichardPenny43(2), spacemanX(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), uthminsta(2), westky(1), WileE(1),
1925-S - (7) - blink(1), henrysmedford(1), outofsort(1), RichardPenny43(1), spacemanX(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), uthminsta(1),
1926 - (62) - Bigsarge(1), blink(4), bookshelf(1), CardsNCoins(6), cwgii(3), mtalbot_ca(1), narragansett(4), radio(1), RichardPenny43(3), rsk1963(4), scyther(3), Shifty51(1), spacemanX(11), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(3), TXTim(2), uthminsta(4), westky(5), WileE(4),
1926-D - (8) - blink(2), spacemanX(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), TXTim(1), WileE(2),
1926-S - (0) -
1927 - (76) - Bigsarge(1), blink(2), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(1), Country(1), cwgii(4), dave(1), DirtyFingers(1), henrysmedford(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(8), outofsort(2), RichardPenny43(5), rsk1963(3), spacemanX(12), sparechange(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(5), tuleja(1), TXTim(1), uthminsta(14), westky(4), WileE(4),
1927-D - (11) - blink(2), bookshelf(2), narragansett(1), No82s(1), spacemanX(2), TXTim(1), uthminsta(1), WileE(1),
1927-S - (4) - CardsNCoins(1), narragansett(1), spacemanX(1), sparechange(1),
1928 - (74) - agmoose(1), algae21(3), blink(4), cooyon(1), cwgii(2), Diggin4copper(1), henrysmedford(1), johnbrickner(2), narragansett(12), outofsort(1), plus1hdcp(1), RichardPenny43(5), rsk1963(5), scyther(1), spacemanX(10), sparechange(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(2), tuleja(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), TXTim(3), uthminsta(9), westky(1), WileE(6),
1928-D - (8) - blink(2), cwgii(1), outofsort(1), tuleja(1), TXTim(1), westky(1), WileE(1),
1928-S - (3) - outofsort(1), tuleja(1), uthminsta(1),
1929 - (84) - Bigsarge(2), CardsNCoins(3), cooyon(1), cwgii(5), dave(2), DirtyFingers(1), henrysmedford(2), John Reich(1), narragansett(12), outofsort(1), plus1hdcp(3), radio(1), RichardPenny43(7), rsk1963(3), scyther(1), spacemanX(10), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(12), tuleja(2), TXTim(3), uthminsta(9), Whinstone(1), WileE(1),
1929-D - (31) - blink(4), bookshelf(1), cwgii(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(3), outofsort(1), RichardPenny43(3), rsk1963(1), scyther(1), spacemanX(2), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), tuleja(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), TXTim(3), uthminsta(1), westky(1), Whinstone(1), WileE(3),
1929-S - (21) - blink(1), bookshelf(2), cwgii(1), henrysmedford(1), narragansett(2), spacemanX(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), TXTim(2), uthminsta(5),
1930 - (93) - algae21(1), Bigsarge(1), blink(3), bookshelf(1), CardsNCoins(5), cooyon(1), cwgii(2), henrysmedford(1), narragansett(9), outofsort(8), RichardPenny43(11), rsk1963(6), spacemanX(14), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), TXTim(4), uthminsta(11), westky(4), Whinstone(1), WileE(4),
1930-D - (20) - Bigsarge(1), blink(2), cwgii(1), DirtyFingers(1), Engineer(1), henrysmedford(1), radio(2), RichardPenny43(1), spacemanX(5), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TXTim(1), uthminsta(3),
1930-S - (12) - Bigsarge(1), blink(1), cwgii(3), dave(2), johnbrickner(1), narragansett(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), uthminsta(1), westky(1),
1931 - (13) - Bigsarge(1), blink(1), cwgii(2), dave(1), daviscfad(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(1), scyther(1), uthminsta(1), westky(1), WileE(2),
1931-D - (0) -
1931-S - (0) -
1932 - (4) - narragansett(1), Slaphot(1), spacemanX(1), uthminsta(1),
1932-D - (3) - Country(1), outofsort(1), uthminsta(1),
1933 - (5) - Bigsarge(1), CardsNCoins(1), johnbrickner(1), spacemanX(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1),
1933-D - (3) - algae21(1), spacemanX(1), uthminsta(1),
1934 - (162) - blink(6), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(4), Country(1), cwgii(5), dave(5), hammerrob(1), henrysmedford(2), narragansett(31), outofsort(3), plus1hdcp(3), RichardPenny43(20), rsk1963(4), scyther(4), spacemanX(21), sparechange(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(11), tuleja(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(6), TXTim(6), uthminsta(14), westky(4), WileE(4),
1934-D - (12) - Bigsarge(1), RichardPenny43(2), scyther(1), spacemanX(2), uthminsta(3), WileE(2), Zincanator(1),
1935 - (171) - algae21(4), BenG76(1), Bigsarge(2), blink(9), bookshelf(1), CardsNCoins(4), cecropia_moth(1), cooyon(2), Country(2), cwgii(3), dave(1), Diggin4copper(1), Engineer(1), Franco American(2), henrysmedford(1), narragansett(24), outofsort(4), RichardPenny43(20), rsk1963(5), scyther(6), spacemanX(26), sparechange(1), Sullysullinburg(4), TheJonasCollegeFund(8), tuleja(3), TwoAndAHalfCents(5), TXTim(9), uthminsta(13), westky(2), Whinstone(2), WileE(4),
1935-D - (30) - agmoose(1), Bigsarge(1), blink(2), cwgii(1), hammerrob(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(1), outofsort(2), RichardPenny43(5), rsk1963(1), spacemanX(2), TheJonasCollegeFund(2), tuleja(1), TXTim(2), uthminsta(3), westky(1), Whinstone(2), WileE(1),
1935-S - (19) - blink(2), bookshelf(2), cwgii(2), henrysmedford(2), John Reich(1), rsk1963(1), spacemanX(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(4), uthminsta(2), WileE(1),
1936 - (268) - agmoose(1), algae21(5), Bigsarge(2), blink(14), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(13), CLINT-THE-GREAT(1), cooyon(1), cwgii(9), dave(5), DirtyFingers(2), John Reich(2), JustINaVW(1), narragansett(47), outofsort(5), plus1hdcp(1), radio(1), RichardPenny43(20), rsk1963(7), scyther(6), spacemanX(50), sparechange(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(8), tuleja(6), TwoAndAHalfCents(6), TXTim(13), uthminsta(20), westky(6), Whinstone(1), WileE(11), Zincanator(1),
1936 -DBL DIE - (0) -
1936-D - (29) - Bigsarge(1), blink(5), CardsNCoins(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(1), RichardPenny43(1), rsk1963(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(3), tuleja(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), TXTim(4), uthminsta(4), westky(1), WileE(4),
1936-S - (15) - blink(5), henrysmedford(3), narragansett(1), radio(1), spacemanX(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), uthminsta(1),
1937 - (251) - algae21(3), BenG76(2), blink(10), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(9), CLINT-THE-GREAT(1), cooyon(1), Country(3), cwgii(6), Franco American(1), Frank t(1), hammerrob(1), henrysmedford(2), JustINaVW(1), narragansett(65), outofsort(2), plus1hdcp(1), RichardPenny43(20), rsk1963(12), scyther(5), spacemanX(38), sparechange(2), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(11), tuleja(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(6), TXTim(8), uthminsta(18), westky(2), Whinstone(3), WileE(10), Zincanator(2),
1937-D - (34) - Bigsarge(1), blink(3), bookshelf(3), CardsNCoins(1), Country(1), cwgii(1), henrysmedford(1), outofsort(1), RichardPenny43(1), rsk1963(1), scyther(2), Shifty51(1), spacemanX(2), TheJonasCollegeFund(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(4), TXTim(3), uthminsta(1), westky(2), WileE(2), Zincanator(1),
1937-S - (35) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), cwgii(1), Diggin4copper(1), jacer333(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(1), plus1hdcp(1), spacemanX(17), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(4), TXTim(2), uthminsta(2), WileE(1),
1938 - (132) - algae21(2), Bigsarge(3), blink(3), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(4), cecropia_moth(1), Country(1), cwgii(2), dave(1), Franco American(1), henrysmedford(1), narragansett(34), outofsort(7), plus1hdcp(1), radio(1), RichardPenny43(10), rsk1963(4), scyther(2), spacemanX(20), Sullysullinburg(2), TheJonasCollegeFund(7), tuleja(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), TXTim(6), uthminsta(6), westky(2), Whinstone(2), WileE(5),
1938-D - (11) - blink(1), Engineer(1), narragansett(1), spacemanX(1), sparechange(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(2), uthminsta(1), westky(1), WileE(2),
1938-S - (7) - bookshelf(1), CardsNCoins(2), henrysmedford(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), uthminsta(1), WileE(1),
1939 - (314) - Bigsarge(4), blink(13), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(14), cecropia_moth(1), cooyon(1), Country(3), cwgii(6), dave(11), Frank t(1), henrysmedford(5), mtalbot_ca(1), narragansett(86), outofsort(4), plus1hdcp(2), RichardPenny43(16), rsk1963(11), scyther(5), Slaphot(1), spacemanX(51), Sullysullinburg(2), TheJonasCollegeFund(13), tuleja(7), TwoAndAHalfCents(9), TXTim(5), uthminsta(23), westky(5), Whinstone(3), WileE(9),
1939-D - (5) - blink(1), narragansett(1), outofsort(1), rsk1963(1), WileE(1),
1939-S - (38) - blink(6), Country(1), henrysmedford(1), johnbrickner(1), narragansett(1), RichardPenny43(2), spacemanX(17), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), TXTim(1), uthminsta(1), westky(1), WileE(4),

TOTAL FOUND : 3020 Lincolns; 75 out of 89 possible categories


1909-VDB - (6) - Diggin4copper(1), henrysmedford(1), narragansett(2), reddirtcoins(1), WileE(1),
1909-S - (0) -
1909-S VDB - (0) -
1910-S - (3) - radio(1), rsk1963(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1911-D - (6) - cwgii(1), HoardCopperByTheTon(1), RichardPenny43(1), uthminsta(3),
1911-S - (0) -
1912-D - (5) - cwgii(1), DirtyFingers(1), outofsort(1), spacemanX(1), WileE(1),
1912-S - (1) - blink(1),
1913-D - (4) - RichardPenny43(2), scyther(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1913-S - (0) -
1914-D - (0) -
1914-S - (0) -
1915-S - (0) -
1921-S - (2) - spacemanX(1), uthminsta(1),
1922-D - (1) - spacemanX(1),
1922-NO D - (0) -
1922-WEAK D - (1) - tedandcam(1),
1923-S - (0) -
1924-D - (0) -
1924-S - (3) - Country(1), spacemanX(1), uthminsta(1),
1926-S - (0) -
1927-S - (4) - CardsNCoins(1), narragansett(1), spacemanX(1), sparechange(1),
1928-S - (3) - outofsort(1), tuleja(1), uthminsta(1),
1931 - (13) - Bigsarge(1), blink(1), cwgii(2), dave(1), daviscfad(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(1), scyther(1), uthminsta(1), westky(1), WileE(2),
1931-D - (0) -
1931-S - (0) -
1932 - (4) - narragansett(1), Slaphot(1), spacemanX(1), uthminsta(1),
1932-D - (3) - Country(1), outofsort(1), uthminsta(1),
1933 - (5) - Bigsarge(1), CardsNCoins(1), johnbrickner(1), spacemanX(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1),
1933-D - (3) - algae21(1), spacemanX(1), uthminsta(1),
1936 -DBL DIE - (0) -
1938-S - (7) - bookshelf(1), CardsNCoins(2), henrysmedford(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), uthminsta(1), WileE(1),
1939-D - (5) - blink(1), narragansett(1), outofsort(1), rsk1963(1), WileE(1),


agmoose - (5) - 1923(1), 1925(1), 1928(1), 1935-D(1), 1936(1),
algae21 - (25) - 1910(1), 1911(1), 1917(1), 1919(3), 1928(3), 1930(1), 1933-D(1), 1935(4), 1936(5), 1937(3), 1938(2),
BenG76 - (5) - 1910(1), 1917(1), 1935(1), 1937(2),
Bigsarge - (47) - 1909(1), 1910(1), 1913(2), 1914(1), 1917(1), 1918(3), 1918-S(1), 1919(5), 1919-S(2), 1920(2), 1920-S(1), 1923(1), 1925(2), 1926(1), 1927(1), 1929(2), 1930(1), 1930-D(1), 1930-S(1), 1931(1), 1933(1), 1934-D(1), 1935(2), 1935-D(1), 1936(2), 1936-D(1), 1937-D(1), 1938(3), 1939(4),
blink - (153) - 1910(2), 1911(1), 1912(2), 1912-S(1), 1913(1), 1914(2), 1916(2), 1917(5), 1917-D(1), 1918(2), 1918-D(1), 1918-S(2), 1919(5), 1919-D(1), 1919-S(5), 1920(3), 1921(2), 1923(2), 1924(1), 1925(1), 1925-D(1), 1925-S(1), 1926(4), 1926-D(2), 1927(2), 1927-D(2), 1928(4), 1928-D(2), 1929-D(4), 1929-S(1), 1930(3), 1930-D(2), 1930-S(1), 1931(1), 1934(6), 1935(9), 1935-D(2), 1935-S(2), 1936(14), 1936-D(5), 1936-S(5), 1937(10), 1937-D(3), 1937-S(1), 1938(3), 1938-D(1), 1939(13), 1939-D(1), 1939-S(6),
bookshelf - (42) - 1910(1), 1913(1), 1917(1), 1918-D(1), 1919(3), 1920(2), 1920-S(3), 1924(1), 1925(2), 1926(1), 1927(2), 1927-D(2), 1929-D(1), 1929-S(2), 1930(1), 1934(2), 1935(1), 1935-S(2), 1936(2), 1937(2), 1937-D(3), 1937-S(1), 1938(2), 1938-S(1), 1939(2),
CardsNCoins - (98) - 1912(2), 1916(2), 1917(2), 1918(4), 1918-D(1), 1919(5), 1920(7), 1921(1), 1923(1), 1924(2), 1925(2), 1926(6), 1927(1), 1927-S(1), 1929(3), 1930(5), 1933(1), 1934(4), 1935(4), 1936(13), 1936-D(1), 1937(9), 1937-D(1), 1938(4), 1938-S(2), 1939(14),
cecropia_moth - (5) - 1909(1), 1918(1), 1935(1), 1938(1), 1939(1),
Cent1225 - (1) - 1909(1),
CLINT-THE-GREAT - (2) - 1936(1), 1937(1),
cooyon - (14) - 1916(1), 1917(1), 1919-S(1), 1923(2), 1925(1), 1928(1), 1929(1), 1930(1), 1935(2), 1936(1), 1937(1), 1939(1),
Country - (22) - 1912(1), 1919-S(1), 1920(2), 1923(1), 1924(1), 1924-S(1), 1925(1), 1927(1), 1932-D(1), 1934(1), 1935(2), 1937(3), 1937-D(1), 1938(1), 1939(3), 1939-S(1),
crbattery - (2) - 1917(1), 1919-S(1),
cwgii - (95) - 1910(2), 1911(1), 1911-D(1), 1912-D(1), 1914(1), 1915(2), 1916(1), 1917(1), 1917-D(2), 1917-S(1), 1918(4), 1918-D(2), 1919(4), 1919-S(2), 1920(5), 1920-D(1), 1920-S(2), 1925(1), 1926(3), 1927(4), 1928(2), 1928-D(1), 1929(5), 1929-D(1), 1929-S(1), 1930(2), 1930-D(1), 1930-S(3), 1931(2), 1934(5), 1935(3), 1935-D(1), 1935-S(2), 1936(9), 1937(6), 1937-D(1), 1937-S(1), 1938(2), 1939(6),
dave - (48) - 1909(1), 1912(1), 1915(1), 1916-D(1), 1916-S(1), 1917(1), 1918(2), 1919(1), 1919-S(1), 1920(4), 1920-D(1), 1923(1), 1924(3), 1927(1), 1929(2), 1930-S(2), 1931(1), 1934(5), 1935(1), 1936(5), 1938(1), 1939(11),
daviscfad - (1) - 1931(1),
Diggin4copper - (7) - 1909-VDB(1), 1912(1), 1919(1), 1920(1), 1928(1), 1935(1), 1937-S(1),
DirtyFingers - (8) - 1912-D(1), 1919(1), 1919-S(1), 1927(1), 1929(1), 1930-D(1), 1936(2),
Engineer - (4) - 1918(1), 1930-D(1), 1935(1), 1938-D(1),
Franco American - (5) - 1924(1), 1935(2), 1937(1), 1938(1),
Frank t - (3) - 1909(1), 1937(1), 1939(1),
hammerrob - (4) - 1918(1), 1934(1), 1935-D(1), 1937(1),
henrysmedford - (37) - 1909(2), 1909-VDB(1), 1914(1), 1917-S(1), 1918(2), 1919(1), 1920(2), 1925-S(1), 1927(1), 1928(1), 1929(2), 1929-S(1), 1930(1), 1930-D(1), 1934(2), 1935(1), 1935-S(2), 1936-S(3), 1937(2), 1937-D(1), 1938(1), 1938-S(1), 1939(5), 1939-S(1),
HoardCopperByTheTon - (1) - 1911-D(1),
J_Dodge - (2) - 1910(1), 1911(1),
jacer333 - (2) - 1920-S(1), 1937-S(1),
John Reich - (15) - 1913(1), 1914(1), 1915(1), 1916-D(1), 1923(1), 1927(1), 1929(1), 1929-D(1), 1931(1), 1935-D(1), 1935-S(1), 1936(2), 1936-D(1), 1937-S(1),
johnbrickner - (7) - 1913(1), 1920-S(1), 1928(2), 1930-S(1), 1933(1), 1939-S(1),
JustINaVW - (6) - 1917(1), 1918(1), 1920(2), 1936(1), 1937(1),
LooseChange - (1) - 1917(1),
merchoarder - (1) - 1919(1),
MetalJunkie - (1) - 1912(1),
MrIncredible - (2) - 1909(2),
mtalbot_ca - (4) - 1915-D(1), 1919(1), 1926(1), 1939(1),
narragansett - (475) - 1909(1), 1909-VDB(2), 1910(4), 1911(2), 1912(4), 1913(4), 1914(1), 1915(1), 1916(7), 1917(7), 1917-D(1), 1918(16), 1918-S(2), 1919(24), 1919-D(1), 1919-S(2), 1920(29), 1921(2), 1923(2), 1924(4), 1925(10), 1926(4), 1927(8), 1927-D(1), 1927-S(1), 1928(12), 1929(12), 1929-D(3), 1929-S(2), 1930(9), 1930-S(1), 1931(1), 1932(1), 1934(31), 1935(24), 1935-D(1), 1936(47), 1936-D(1), 1936-S(1), 1937(65), 1937-S(1), 1938(34), 1938-D(1), 1939(86), 1939-D(1), 1939-S(1),
NHsorter - (1) - 1909(1),
No82s - (1) - 1927-D(1),
outofsort - (58) - 1911(1), 1912(1), 1912-D(1), 1918(1), 1918-S(1), 1919(3), 1919-S(1), 1923(1), 1924(1), 1925-D(1), 1925-S(1), 1927(2), 1928(1), 1928-D(1), 1928-S(1), 1929(1), 1929-D(1), 1930(8), 1932-D(1), 1934(3), 1935(4), 1935-D(2), 1936(5), 1937(2), 1937-D(1), 1938(7), 1939(4), 1939-D(1),
plus1hdcp - (18) - 1919(2), 1920(2), 1924(1), 1928(1), 1929(3), 1934(3), 1936(1), 1937(1), 1937-S(1), 1938(1), 1939(2),
radio - (10) - 1910-S(1), 1915(1), 1919(1), 1920(1), 1926(1), 1930-D(2), 1936(1), 1936-S(1), 1938(1),
radio - (2) - 1919(1), 1929(1),
RAY - (1) - 1923(1),
reddirtcoins - (2) - 1909-VDB(1), 1911(1),
RichardPenny43 - (235) - 1909(2), 1910(4), 1911(1), 1911-D(1), 1912(5), 1913-D(2), 1914(1), 1915(1), 1916(3), 1917(7), 1917-D(1), 1918(11), 1918-D(1), 1919(5), 1919-D(2), 1919-S(2), 1920(14), 1920-D(3), 1921(2), 1923(2), 1924(4), 1925(6), 1925-D(2), 1925-S(1), 1926(3), 1927(5), 1928(5), 1929(7), 1929-D(3), 1930(11), 1930-D(1), 1934(20), 1934-D(2), 1935(20), 1935-D(5), 1936(20), 1936-D(1), 1937(20), 1937-D(1), 1938(10), 1939(16), 1939-S(2),
rsk1963 - (109) - 1909(3), 1910(1), 1910-S(1), 1912(1), 1913(1), 1914(1), 1916(2), 1916-D(1), 1917(7), 1917-D(2), 1917-S(1), 1918(4), 1918-D(1), 1919(5), 1919-D(1), 1919-S(2), 1920(2), 1920-D(1), 1923(2), 1926(4), 1927(3), 1928(5), 1929(3), 1929-D(1), 1930(6), 1934(4), 1935(5), 1935-D(1), 1935-S(1), 1936(7), 1936-D(1), 1937(12), 1937-D(1), 1938(4), 1939(11), 1939-D(1),
scyther - (59) - 1913-D(1), 1915-D(1), 1917(1), 1918(3), 1918-D(1), 1919(5), 1919-S(3), 1920(3), 1920-D(2), 1925(1), 1926(3), 1928(1), 1929(1), 1929-D(1), 1931(1), 1934(4), 1934-D(1), 1935(6), 1936(6), 1937(5), 1937-D(2), 1938(2), 1939(5),
Shifty51 - (3) - 1916(1), 1926(1), 1937-D(1),
Slaphot - (3) - 1920(1), 1932(1), 1939(1),
spacemanX - (472) - 1909(2), 1910(5), 1911(1), 1912(3), 1912-D(1), 1913(3), 1914(2), 1915(1), 1915-D(2), 1916(9), 1916-D(1), 1917(6), 1917-D(8), 1917-S(1), 1918(16), 1918-D(1), 1918-S(4), 1919(32), 1919-D(4), 1919-S(5), 1920(20), 1921-S(1), 1922-D(1), 1923(4), 1924(4), 1924-S(1), 1925(6), 1925-D(1), 1925-S(1), 1926(11), 1926-D(2), 1927(12), 1927-D(2), 1927-S(1), 1928(10), 1929(10), 1929-D(2), 1929-S(4), 1930(14), 1930-D(5), 1932(1), 1933(1), 1933-D(1), 1934(21), 1934-D(2), 1935(26), 1935-D(2), 1935-S(2), 1936(50), 1936-S(1), 1937(38), 1937-D(2), 1937-S(17), 1938(20), 1938-D(1), 1939(51), 1939-S(17),
sparechange - (10) - 1918(1), 1927(1), 1927-S(1), 1928(1), 1934(1), 1935(1), 1936(1), 1937(2), 1938-D(1),
Sullysullinburg - (18) - 1915-D(1), 1916(1), 1916-S(1), 1919(1), 1920(1), 1926(1), 1927(1), 1929(1), 1930(1), 1935(4), 1937(1), 1938(2), 1939(2),
tedandcam - (1) - 1922-WEAK D(1),
TheJonasCollegeFund - (133) - 1909(3), 1911(3), 1914(1), 1916(2), 1916-S(2), 1917(4), 1918(4), 1918-S(1), 1919(8), 1920(3), 1923(1), 1924(2), 1925-S(1), 1926(3), 1927(5), 1928(2), 1929(12), 1929-D(1), 1930(4), 1930-D(1), 1930-S(1), 1933(1), 1934(11), 1935(8), 1935-D(2), 1936(8), 1936-D(3), 1937(11), 1937-D(2), 1937-S(1), 1938(7), 1938-D(2), 1939(13),
tuleja - (50) - 1912(2), 1916-D(1), 1918(2), 1919(4), 1919-S(5), 1920-S(1), 1924(1), 1925(1), 1927(1), 1928(1), 1928-D(1), 1928-S(1), 1929(2), 1929-D(2), 1934(4), 1935(3), 1935-D(1), 1936(6), 1936-D(1), 1937(2), 1938(1), 1939(7),
TwoAndAHalfCents - (76) - 1910-S(1), 1911(1), 1912(1), 1913-D(1), 1914(1), 1917(2), 1918(2), 1918-S(2), 1919(3), 1920(2), 1925-D(1), 1926-D(1), 1928(1), 1929-D(1), 1929-S(3), 1930(1), 1934(6), 1935(5), 1935-S(4), 1936(6), 1936-D(1), 1936-S(3), 1937(6), 1937-D(4), 1937-S(4), 1938(1), 1938-S(1), 1939(9), 1939-S(2),
TXTim - (118) - 1909(2), 1910(2), 1911(3), 1912(1), 1913(2), 1917(2), 1918(6), 1918-D(1), 1919(3), 1919-S(3), 1920(5), 1920-D(1), 1920-S(1), 1921(1), 1923(1), 1925(3), 1926(2), 1926-D(1), 1927(1), 1927-D(1), 1928(3), 1928-D(1), 1929(3), 1929-D(3), 1929-S(2), 1930(4), 1930-D(1), 1934(6), 1935(9), 1935-D(2), 1936(13), 1936-D(4), 1937(8), 1937-D(3), 1937-S(2), 1938(6), 1939(5), 1939-S(1),
uthminsta - (271) - 1910(3), 1911-D(3), 1912(1), 1913(2), 1914(3), 1915(1), 1915-D(2), 1916(4), 1916-S(1), 1917(8), 1918(9), 1918-D(2), 1918-S(1), 1919(13), 1919-S(2), 1920(12), 1920-D(2), 1920-S(3), 1921(3), 1921-S(1), 1923(5), 1924(3), 1924-S(1), 1925(7), 1925-D(2), 1925-S(1), 1926(4), 1927(14), 1927-D(1), 1928(9), 1928-S(1), 1929(9), 1929-D(1), 1929-S(5), 1930(11), 1930-D(3), 1930-S(1), 1931(1), 1932(1), 1932-D(1), 1933-D(1), 1934(14), 1934-D(3), 1935(13), 1935-D(3), 1935-S(2), 1936(20), 1936-D(4), 1936-S(1), 1937(18), 1937-D(1), 1937-S(2), 1938(6), 1938-D(1), 1938-S(1), 1939(23), 1939-S(1),
westky - (73) - 1910(2), 1911(2), 1913(1), 1914(1), 1916(1), 1917(2), 1918(4), 1919(4), 1919-S(1), 1920(5), 1920-D(1), 1924(2), 1925(1), 1925-D(1), 1926(5), 1927(4), 1928(1), 1928-D(1), 1929-D(1), 1930(4), 1930-S(1), 1931(1), 1934(4), 1935(2), 1935-D(1), 1936(6), 1936-D(1), 1937(2), 1937-D(2), 1938(2), 1938-D(1), 1939(5), 1939-S(1),
Whinstone - (17) - 1921(1), 1929(1), 1929-D(1), 1930(1), 1935(2), 1935-D(2), 1936(1), 1937(3), 1938(2), 1939(3),
WileE - (122) - 1909-VDB(1), 1910(1), 1911(3), 1912-D(1), 1916-D(3), 1917(1), 1917-S(1), 1918(3), 1918-D(1), 1919(6), 1919-S(2), 1920(4), 1920-D(1), 1923(1), 1925(2), 1925-D(1), 1926(4), 1926-D(2), 1927(4), 1927-D(1), 1928(6), 1928-D(1), 1929(1), 1929-D(3), 1930(4), 1931(2), 1934(4), 1934-D(2), 1935(4), 1935-D(1), 1935-S(1), 1936(11), 1936-D(4), 1937(10), 1937-D(2), 1937-S(1), 1938(5), 1938-D(2), 1938-S(1), 1939(9), 1939-D(1), 1939-S(4),
Zincanator - (7) - 1910(1), 1911(1), 1934-D(1), 1936(1), 1937(2), 1937-D(1),
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby RichardPenny43 » Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:51 pm

1919 S
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby reddirtcoins » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:44 pm

"Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold."- Leo Tolstoy
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby RichardPenny43 » Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:58 pm

1920 D
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:25 pm

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby J_Dodge » Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:39 pm

Found a 1911 this morning - roll 20 of the current box. This box produced a 1910 for me a few days ago (Oct).

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Sullysullinburg » Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:51 pm

$10 in pennies

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby spacemanX » Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:14 pm

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby RichardPenny43 » Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:08 pm

1936 x2
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby CardsNCoins » Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:29 pm

1916, 1939
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby plus1hdcp » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:28 pm

1919, 1934
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:13 pm

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:05 am

Had these for some time.

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Bigsarge » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:14 pm

1935-D; 1925; 1920-S; 1918-S
Oh, this is the worst-looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh?

Oh, it looks good on you though.
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby CardsNCoins » Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:00 pm

1919, 1920, 1934, 1936, 1937, 1938s
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby bookshelf » Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:32 am

Wanted: current Japanese YEN coins and bills
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby plus1hdcp » Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:32 pm

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby RichardPenny43 » Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:42 pm

1934 x2
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:53 pm

From $25 Brinks box

1936-S x2
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby spacemanX » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:12 am

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby westky » Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:38 pm

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby tedandcam » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:06 am

I found about 30 pre 1940 pennies this year. One was noteworthy.

1922 weak d

Very weak. So weak you have to use a loupe to see it. I am not sure which of the 4 dies it is. I am going to send it in, along with another coin, to PCGS to be graded.
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby bookshelf » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:10 am

Wanted: current Japanese YEN coins and bills
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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby cooyon » Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:46 pm

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Re: November 2013 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Sullysullinburg » Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:55 pm

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