Real Money v Fiat

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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Real Money v Fiat

Postby amalekidad » Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:46 pm

Hi All,
My 16 yr old daughter has an English paper due in a couple of days and asked me what she should write about. I said, “Real Money v Fiat.” She said, “That would be great! Can you help me get some articles?”
So, do any of you have some good links on this subject?
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Re: Real Money v Fiat

Postby justoneguy » Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:53 pm

Constitution of the USA.

Article One, Section 10, paragraph 1 states the following: "No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.
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