I pulled the trigger last week on 3 silver mining claims in the mountains about 100 miles from my house. The cost was $567.00 to BLM to register the three 600' x 1500' claims. The annual renewals are $15 per year each. They are all within a couple miles of each other.
In the immediate area are a lot of old silver diggings that date back to the mid-1800s, which were actively worked up until WW2. After the war, most of the mining ceased, due to low silver prices, and many miners not returning from war.
Now days the major part of the area is claimed by some big outfits. My claims are sited in areas that they would need to get all of, to conduct a major operation.
So its either a real estate investment. with plan B just selling the claims to the big guys; or its an opportunity to try some silver lode mining (plan A). One of my claims has a tunnel going into the mountainside. When the snow melts in a couple months, I'll go up there for a week and poke around again.
For Idaho, its a nice area for recreation and hunting. The law permits the use of all resources found on the claims to develop mining activities. I wonder if elk and deer count as "resources"? LOL!