by Joogaler » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:54 pm
Here's a little something I posted on my Facebook a couple days ago, tell me what you think.
You can't blame "Zeitgeist" or "Loose Change" for what Jared Laughner did.
Rush said;
"Then you show 'em the Michael Moore movie or show 'em the Zeitgeist movie, their government led by a Republican lied, took us into war in Afghanistan, lied to take us into war in Iraq, lied about weapons of mass destruction, lied about being responsible for 9/11, purposely wired those buildings to blow up and blamed it on some innocent Muslims, what are you gonna think? Are you not gonna run around confused and filled with hatred? " End Quote
Ok so when the liberals say you need to tone down your rhetoric because it may cause "violence" you laugh like it's an absurd idea. Yet it's ok for you to bash films that don't promote violence?
Jason Bermas helped create "Loose Change" a film which Mr. Limbaugh asserts is "leftist." Yet in another one of Bermas' films (Invisible Empire) he calls out Obama, and plenty of other figures on the left.
I have seen both films, and I'm proud to say that neither one of them made me a leftist, or want to kill somebody!
The point I'm trying to make is that just because you hear something, doesn't mean you act on it! I occasionally turn on MSNBC, or CNN, Does that make me a crazy liberal that wants to shoot a democratic congress woman? No!
The dude was either crazy, or possibly under mind control. (google MKULTRA)
I'm not too big on the whole mind control idea, but there is always the possibility.
The devil didn't make him do it, Rush didn't make him do it, "Zeitgeist", and "Loose Change" didn't make him do it.
What happened to the days when people were guilty for their own actions?