Silver prices dropping

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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:53 pm

Silver is acting real sparky here. I'm loaded ultra heavy on the long side so I'm obviously biased, but I'd like to think objective at the same time. Let's see...
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Country » Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:05 am

Time to buy!! The RSI levels indicate that SILVER is as much oversold as it was last August. You'all know what happened then, as SILVER rose from $17 and moved to $31; an 82% rise. If we get another rise like this from $27, SILVER would go to $50.

I bought some CEF this morning at $18.30. If it goes lower, I'll buy more incrementally.
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Beau » Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:47 pm

OK Guys,

I have had it when silver hit another 25 cents lower I`am at the dealer on a laptop,

and I will BACK UP THE TRUCK to load a pallet.

WE ARE TALKING MAJOR LOAD for a powerstroke diesel, Ford F350 Dually.

WITH 50 ROUND CLIP IN A SKS, 2 more clips ready and a 1,000 rounds on the floor.

do you think I`am a fool or not?

or should I wait another day?

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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby beauanderos » Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:59 pm

I sold APMEX five Maples for $1380 each a few days ago, waiting for the check. Gonna swap it into Lydian rounds with Nate... hope the price stays low until he orders. :?
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Jonflyfish » Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:15 pm

Well I added a gargantuan load today after prices slipped just under my entry from last night. My system, right or wrong says this is it.
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby TXBullion » Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:35 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:Well I added a gargantuan load today after prices slipped just under my entry from last night. My system, right or wrong says this is it.

Ok, I backed up the ziploc bag. :D For what little I had left went to some .999
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby TXBullion » Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:30 pm

Beau wrote:.
OK Guys,

I have had it when silver hit another 25 cents lower I`am at the dealer on a laptop,

and I will BACK UP THE TRUCK to load a pallet.

WE ARE TALKING MAJOR LOAD for a powerstroke diesel, Ford F350 Dually.

WITH 50 ROUND CLIP IN A SKS, 2 more clips ready and a 1,000 rounds on the floor.

do you think I`am a fool or not?

or should I wait another day?


Did you back the truck up, the big truck :mrgreen:
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Beau » Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:45 pm

the price never went down 25 cents, but I got as volume discount and I have them.

[2009, 2010, 2011 Silver Eagles]

I`am at a Truck Stop on the way home.

should get home about 2:00 AM.

kinda spent my cash for this month.

I hope the price of silver goes down now, so I can buy some more.

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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Country » Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:59 pm

I have noticed the premiums in the commodity ETFs getting smaller due to sellers. In addition, I see that Tulving is only paying spot-95c for 90% (the lowest I've seen in awhile). So, I'd have to say that there is abnormal selling pressure at this time. Probably, this is a time to be discriminating, as bargains will be put on the table by weak johnny-come-lately sellers wanting to get out quickly.
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby .02FYI » Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:08 pm

19.63 x face for silver. Sad to see it drop below 2.00 for dime. Yet the over bought story and downward traectory could continue. It could go back up or it could go down then sideways. It's hard to say. The paper guys on comex seem to be able to still get in there and do some damage. Even when silver physical is in short supply. So this market is volitile. Also there has been change in the direction of the Silver Gold ratio it's now in high 48 range which implies correction for silver and weaker prices for both metals. If silver takes off the ratio could go back down again. Oh well don't lose any sleep unless your holding only paper. Or you are on margin and buying with credit card, house line of credit etc...
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Ethon » Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:54 pm

even though the price is going down look at ebay, i can't find one 10 ounce bar going under 300 bucks. So physical isn't really going down its all just manipulation but people are catching on.
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby TwoPenniesEarned » Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:00 am

As of this Friday's Close of Trading Report, JP Morgan and friends are SHORT 227,000,000 ounces of silver. Buy it and take delivery. Crash JP Morgan in the short squeeze of the century.
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Cptindy » Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:11 pm

Silver will stay low for January and begin to climb into March!
Expect to see $38 this spring!
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Jonflyfish » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:41 pm

Ethon wrote:even though the price is going down look at ebay, i can't find one 10 ounce bar going under 300 bucks. So physical isn't really going down its all just manipulation but people are catching on.

Some might say that the arbitrage trade is to short physical and buy paper as the future prices are trading at a discount and physical a premium. I longed a huge load of paper for The JP Morgue to squeeze higher. :D
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Beau » Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:15 am

Cptindy wrote:Silver will stay low for January and begin to climb into March!
Expect to see $38 this spring!

silver is up 45 cents on the foreighn market, so when will we get another buying break?
I would like to see silver at $10. then I can BACK UP THE TRUCK AGAIN.
I did well with this break, but I need one more major break.

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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Jonflyfish » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:41 pm

Mortgaged the farm and am all in on Comex futures @ 26.72
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Corsair » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:45 pm

I'm very new and very inexperienced at all of this. But if stocks are rising and PMs are falling, does that not show that people have a little more confidence in the economy and the dollar? What if the economy recovers? What if this downturn is just cyclical? Will PMs fall back down to the lows we saw just a few years back? Or does everyone think that no matter what happens with the economy, we are above $25/oz Ag and $1200/oz Au for good?
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby TXBullion » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:47 pm

I would like to backup the ziploc bag again, what is everyone else doing right now?
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Country » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:48 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:Mortgaged the farm and am all in on Comex futures @ 26.72

I hope you're right. :?

I'm getting that quesy feeling in my gut this could get nasty if it goes down from here. I guess first support would be $25. I hope we don't get there to test $25. If that does not hold, SILVER could go back to $22 or so; thereby making it a 30% correction, which for SILVER is not unreasonable. GOLD should hold up a lot better.

Dealers will soon be OUT OF STOCK, and we've seen that before too.
Last edited by Country on Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Thogey » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:52 pm

I hope there is a panic dump below 20. That would be awsome!

I love silver. I like it cheap.

You guys need to stay focused. 15X face was a wild wet fantasy a few months ago.
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby jtlee321 » Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:10 pm

Corsair wrote:I'm very new and very inexperienced at all of this. But if stocks are rising and PMs are falling, does that not show that people have a little more confidence in the economy and the dollar? What if the economy recovers? What if this downturn is just cyclical? Will PMs fall back down to the lows we saw just a few years back? Or does everyone think that no matter what happens with the economy, we are above $25/oz Ag and $1200/oz Au for good?

In my opinion this is what the Powers that be want you to believe. It's all a show, an illusion, never mind the man behind the curtain! These are not the droids you're looking for... I am seeing this as a buying opportunity. I know it is only a matter of time until the dollar collapses, it's imminent. How can our government spend trillions of dollars and keep printing more and more like they are an escaped lunatic and not have any consequences?

The only reason our government has been able to get away with what it has for so long is that we are the largest economy in world. Nearly everything is backed by the US Dollar. We are not some small country like Germany in the Late 1920's or Yugoslavia in the late 1990's. They had hyperinflation beyond your worst nightmare's, all because of the exact same thing that our government is currently doing. The time scale for happened to those countries was very short only because of the size of their economy and lack of impact on the global economy. The same thing more than likely will happen here just on a longer time frame due to the impact on the global economy.

You will soon be glad you were able to get any PM's at all. Every country that has gone through what those other 2 have and what we are now going through, all made the purchasing of gold and foreign currency illegal just before the SHTF. The people who made it through those events were the people wise enough to see the signs and bought gold and silver early, they made minimum payments on their debts (because they knew that hyper-inflation would soon nearly erase what debt they had) and had food stockpiled.

Look at this as the calm before the storm. Buy now and continue to buy even if the prices go lower. They will more than likely hit a tipping point and skyrocket fast. Then it could be too late. Any PM's you can find will be extremely hard to acquire. Your fiat money will be nearly useless and will not be able to buy any commodity. The Germans actually used to burn their money in stoves because it was cheaper to do that than to buy firewood.

Just get prepared. I would rather be prepared and have nothing happen than not be prepared and have the worst happen. Just my two cents..
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Market Harmony » Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:33 pm

jtlee321 makes some excellent points. It helped me to recall that much of the action we witnessed in the past was not a reflection of PM depreciation, but more about a repositioning of wealth away from Euros and into Dollars, thus supporting the dollar against all other currencies. This, in turn, had an effect on PM pricing such that it seemed to depreciate in value. However, this latest aggressive move higher in the past few months should help to cement the fact that it just takes time for TRUE valuation to come to fruition when the world is so used to fiat. In time, PM's will once again return to wealth preservation status when all other currencies are backed by faith in debt.
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby AGCoinHunter » Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:01 pm

Jtlee and MH you are spot on. This thing is going to take time to play out. Buy on the dips and keep buying. Its going to take some time to see the full effect of the destruction of the dollar. Its coming, make no bones about that.
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Jonflyfish » Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:43 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:Mortgaged the farm and am all in on Comex futures @ 26.72

So far so good...The system prevails. :)
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Re: Silver prices dropping

Postby Country » Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:39 pm

Nice move in SILVER today - now over $30. GOLD is picking up some too.

Looks like the January correction has bottomed out and PMs are now moving higher. A nice grinding up move would suit me fine. $31 SILVER is not that far away. :mrgreen:
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