Jonflyfish wrote:Well I added a gargantuan load today after prices slipped just under my entry from last night. My system, right or wrong says this is it.
Beau wrote:.
OK Guys,
I have had it when silver hit another 25 cents lower I`am at the dealer on a laptop,
and I will BACK UP THE TRUCK to load a pallet.
WE ARE TALKING MAJOR LOAD for a powerstroke diesel, Ford F350 Dually.
WITH 50 ROUND CLIP IN A SKS, 2 more clips ready and a 1,000 rounds on the floor.
do you think I`am a fool or not?
or should I wait another day?
Ethon wrote:even though the price is going down look at ebay, i can't find one 10 ounce bar going under 300 bucks. So physical isn't really going down its all just manipulation but people are catching on.
Cptindy wrote:Silver will stay low for January and begin to climb into March!
Expect to see $38 this spring!
Jonflyfish wrote:Mortgaged the farm and am all in on Comex futures @ 26.72
Corsair wrote:I'm very new and very inexperienced at all of this. But if stocks are rising and PMs are falling, does that not show that people have a little more confidence in the economy and the dollar? What if the economy recovers? What if this downturn is just cyclical? Will PMs fall back down to the lows we saw just a few years back? Or does everyone think that no matter what happens with the economy, we are above $25/oz Ag and $1200/oz Au for good?
Jonflyfish wrote:Mortgaged the farm and am all in on Comex futures @ 26.72
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