Election Officials Agree Not to See Election Software

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Election Officials Agree Not to See Election Software

Postby moparal7 » Thu May 01, 2014 12:04 am

So, in the fall of 2012, a month or so before the Presidential election, Ohio Secretary of State John Husted was the speaker at a Tea Party meeting held at a reception hall in Delhi, a community on the extreme west side of Greater Cincinnati, Ohio.

About 150 people were in attendance. John Husted is a well groomed, all American looking man in his early 40s. He was clearly doing everything he could to minimize the retail vote fraud that a disturbing number of Democratic oriented groups on the left seem to specialize in.

Husted has clearly inherited the rotten secret, computerized system we “vote” under, and his answer to my question showed that he would like to do something about it.

The whole evening was professionally audio-taped, and soon our exchange will be up on YouTube so you can hear it for yourself.
After complimenting him for the efforts he was making, I asked a somewhat complicated question that lasted about 90 seconds to 2 minutes. For the purpose of this Ewire, I will focus on one aspect of the question, and Ohio Secretary of State Husted’s answer.

My question culminated with asking the Ohio Secretary of State if it was true that the Election Officials in each of the 88 counties of Ohio signed a contract with the private vendor that they (the election officials) could NOT look at the computerized election software that was telling the computers what to do on election night.

Mr. Husted agreed in his answer that this was the case, and stated that if someone would file suit maybe they could do something about it.

(I appreciated Mr. Husted’s candor. If he had called me a “conspiracy theorist”, or ridiculed me in front of the crowd, he could have easily dismissed me and avoided the question. But he did not do that – he gave a straight answer.)

Now, understand, this incredible state of affairs prevails not only in Ohio, but in all 49 states, with the only exception I’m aware of in 20% of the state of New Hampshire, where neighborhood citizens still count the paper ballots by hand, in the polling place BEFORE the ballots are taken from public sight. (This would be easily possible in the entire country, which is explained in an article linked on the home page at votefraud.org )

Furthermore, there are only FOUR major vendors, which service about 96% of the counties in the USA. These were ES & S (Election Systems and Software), Hart Civic, Sequoia, and Diebold.
ES & S was trying to buy Diebold a few years ago, and I’m not sure where that stands.

TAKE NOTE: ES & S “counts” 60% of the ballots in the country every election day, primary and general. (All this and much more can be found in veteran reporter Ronnie Dugger’s article, “How They Could Steal the Election This Time”, linked on the right hand column of the home page at votefraud.org ).

Computerized voting began to be used circa 1973, but was consolidated in 49 states and half of New Hampshire by the Presidential Election of 1988.
How did this happen? The crooks behind the National Democratic Committee and the National Republican Party have urged, cajoled, and who-knows-what-elsed the state and local Party leaders to adopt one of these four mega-election vendors in their respective counties. It’s easy! And the private vendors will take care of everything!
And, the 5 major TV networks, AP wire, Clear Channel, the New York Times, and the Washington Post – protect the whole sordid situation by never mentioning. (We’ll go into the roll of the 5 Big TV Networks and AP wire, in a coming Network America e-wire.)

All of the four mega-vendors demand that the local election officials sign a contract which says that they can NOT look at the software which tells the local election computers what to do on election night. And all the election systems for 3131 out of our 3141 counties in the USA -- also demand that the citizens, the candidates, and the local press people are NOT allowed to examine or count any actual ballots on election day, or for about 21 days thereafter (plenty of time for someone to switch, or “doctor”, some or all of the ballots).
Finally, these secretly counted elections are unconstitutional and illegal.

* computer counts violate at least two standing US Supreme Court decisions, namely, US v Mosely, 1915, and Reynolds v Sims, 1964 . . . * In both cases, the US Supreme Court said that our right to vote consists of two parts: a) the right to cast a ballot; b) the right to KNOW that our vote has been counted accurately. When the “count” is conducted in secret (within a computer) powered by secretly programmed software (with source code usually programmed by persons unknown to even the local election officials) – then the second part of our right to vote is being violated and nullified.
You and I, as the voter, are still allowed to cast a ballot, but we have NO WAY to know whether our vote is counted accurately.

(Once the ballots are snatched from the people and judges in the local, neighborhood polling places – the chain of evidence is broken, and can never be restored.

* Another US Supreme Court decision, Westbury v. Sanders, 1964, stated that all other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
Several sources for those who want to see that I’m only scratching the surface here: www.votefraud.org (important short articles linked on the right hand side of the home page -- www.thelandesreport.comwww.blackboxvoting.org – which has the book, Black Box Voting, free online – and the original book, “Votescam: The Stealing of America”, by James & Kenneth Collier (1993); -- the HBO documentary, “Hacking Democracy”, starring Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting.org – and “Hacked! High Tech Election Theft in America” by Vickie Karp – the video documentary, “The Right to Count.” And there’s many, many more sources.

I’ve been doggedly trodding this road since 1979. The incredible thing is that so many otherwise intelligent people have allowed the USA to be reduced to, in effect, a tin horn dictatorship, or a Communist-style country with regard to elections – where our votes are “counted” in secret, on secret computer programs, by a relative handful of the Ruling Elite. This negligence includes not only the election officials themselves, but all the groups and leaders who participate, or comment on, elections, --- such as the NRA, Right to Life, the Campaign for Liberty, and all of the national Tea Party organizations, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Meet the Press, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Does anyone wonder why I say that the Guardians for Liberty program and the Constitution Party are the only major groups which have a COMPREHENSIVE Action Program? Both are linked at www.LetFreedomRing2014.com --

Communist Dictator Joseph Stalin said, “Those who CAST the votes decide nothing; those who COUNT the votes decide everything.”

Jim Condit Jr.
PO Box 11555
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
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