how much is a "free" house worth?

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how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby ozarkbilly » Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:25 pm

Through an unfortunate series of events over the past few years I've moved back into the home of my now-deceased grandmother. Bankruptcy ~ 4 yrs ago, separation from my wife ~ 1 1/2 yrs ago. The home was willed to, and is jointly owned outright by myself, my brother, and our uncle (grandma's son).

Granny lived here as long as I can remember, I'll be 40 this yr :o and she bought it in 1974. All my time growing up and all the way up through the mid-80's it was a quiet neighborhood with a mix of middle-aged couples and older retiree types. Great neighborhood. Everyone knew everyone, and there were large block parties & potluck picnics happening most every week when the weather was nice. Not affluent by any means at ALL, not even middle-class to be honest, but certainly a community nonetheless. I hit high school and drifted away from spending very much time with granny as most teens are apt to do. Graduated high school, joined the Army, met a girl, fell in love, got outta the Army, got married, had a kid, went to college, work work work blah blah blah. Granny passed away in '07, the house sat empty until my wife decided she was done being married to me in early '09, and now I live here.

To say the neighborhood has changed would be an understatement. I'm in southwest MO, and poultry is a major industry here. Poultry farms = cheap labor needs = HUGE hispanic, mostly illegal, immigrant influx beginning in the early 90s. According to wikipedia, my town's population was about 13K in the most recent census, 80% white and "Hispanic or Latino of any race were 18.27% of the population". That total population figure and the hispanic ratio are both highly inaccurate, to say the VERY least. In my little 3-block stretch of what I would consider as my granny's neighborhood from when I was young now consists of a total of FOUR non-hispanic households, none of which are side by side. As of today Jan 18 in those 3 blocks, there are FOURTEEN Guatemalan flags being flown from porches and ONE American flag (mine). MOST of the houses are now occupied by hispanic families (multiple adults and MANY children), but there's two houses that are occupied by gangbanger wanna-be's, typically full of a rotating cast of teen/young adult males.

I work in a career field that does not mesh well at all with my neighbors. When I leave my house to go to work I'm in the very recognizable "work clothes" of my profession. When I come home during the night for lunch break its in the very recognizable "work vehicle" of my profession. I don't mess with my neighbors and they don't mess with me, but I'm pretty much the embodiment of their worst nightmare, their very own "SHTF" scenario waiting to happen. That probably doesn't leave very much guesswork as to what I do! If you've ever wondered what it might feel like to be similar to Eastwood's character in Gran Torino, come visit me for a while.

That's my dilemma. I have a "free" house for life if I so choose. I say "free" rather than free, because there's still utilities and yearly property taxes to be paid. But its free in the sense that there's no mortgage and no rent. Its a solid well-built little house, approx 1000 sq ft not including ample attic space. Typical-size city lot. Partly shaded but lots of good growing space in a fenced-in back and side yards. Security system and motion detector lights around the exterior. I've always been of the mind that I will bug-in until that is totally out of the question. The one major thing that I absolutely do not like about my situation is that there will be zero sense of community if the going gets rough, and I have the very strong personal opinion that that factor alone will help many to sustain themselves and even thrive if and/or when it all goes to hell in a handbasket.

I've got ample and growing stores of food. Working on water still, but I've got enough for multiple months. Guns/ammo are in beyond-adequate supply.

Selling the house and using my share of the proceeds is pretty much out of the question, at least until my uncle passes away. He's absolutely 100% dead set against selling it OR renting it, although he's absolutely thrilled that I'm living here. My brother wants to sell it ASAP. I see positives to both sides.
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby .02FYI » Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:55 pm

Ok either you work at a dog pound and the neighbors have many loose dogs. Or you might work for law enforcement and your neighbors possible are not perfect and have crossed the legal line in your jursidiction. I'm sorry you had issues with your former spouse and are now separated. I hope yourself, child and former spouse seek the guidence and overcome this major setback. What benefits you is something stable while you go about re gaining confidence in yourself as to your work, life, faith, family. Yes I'd be nice to the neighbors , this in not 1984 and if they need help you could do that and gain some friends. do you speak spanish, like spanish food. Maybe nee your housed cleaned and someone close by could help. Plus learning another language could increase your jhob prospects and give you insight into another community that you might be able to serve.
As far as the house what you didn't say is how far you have come along in your begininning a new life. What kind of savings do you have to seek residence rent or buy somewhere else. Is your place safe while your gone? I'd try to stick it out till you can seek the guidance of counselor, figure out what you really want and take some time for yourself . Take care.
The free house is worth at minimum the savings per month that your not putting into renting , buying. I think your very luck your uncle has his mindset. IMHO

Pickup some spanish papers, magazines, at grocery if they are available free. Listen to the spanish radio stations. Imersese yourself in their culture and what you sow so shall you reap. I would imagine they are very nice if you give it a try.
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Thogey » Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:30 pm

Or have big cop parties every other Saturday night. That would be fun.

Watch them squirm. .02FYI must be a great diplomat. Penetrating that 'culture' is not worth the effort.

I would make sure to hoist a American flag on cinco de mayo, and have a huge L.E. beer drinkin blowout. Invite your neighbors and see how it goes.
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Verbane » Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:05 pm

.02FYI wrote:Ok either you work at a dog pound and the neighbors have many loose dogs. Or you might work for law enforcement and your neighbors possible are not perfect and have crossed the legal line in your jursidiction.

Thogey wrote:Or have big cop parties every other Saturday night. That would be fun.

Most Hispanic communities (even of your type) will have a couple have a couple active military/vets in the group. Throw that party, but do it for the Vets/Families. I have a couple close hispanic friends from active duty, this kind of gesture would not be forgotten. You would be remembered as a friend.

My first thought after reading your post was that you drove a beer truck :lol:
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Redneck » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:32 pm

Yes I'd be nice to the neighbors , this in not 1984 and if they need help you could do that and gain some friends. do you speak spanish, like spanish food. Maybe nee your housed cleaned and someone close by could help. Plus learning another language could increase your jhob prospects and give you insight into another community that you might be able to serve.

So he should learn Spanish to fit in...???

They should learn English to fit in...( the Official language of the U.S.)

They are the ones merging into our society, not the other way around.

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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Thogey » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:45 pm

Hey Redneck,

You are right. But the Mexicans in his neighborhood probably could care less what the official anything is.

That is just the reality all over America and you can't change it.

If he wants to live there in harmony he's going to have to drink beer with them, you know 'break bread'.

I personally don't think it's worth it. I would move, Mexican neighborhoods are fine..for Mexicans.
And don't brow beat me, I've plenty of experience living and working with Mexicans. I've gone days on end at work not hearing a word of English. His neighbors are probably OK if he takes the effort to get involved.

Its a lifestyle decision.

Edit: I know nothing about Guatemalan neighborhoods, They might be pretty cool. Maybe they don't like the gang banger houses either. The Guatemalans might appreciate you being there.
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Redneck » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:08 pm

His neighbors are probably OK if he takes the effort to get involved.

Its a lifestyle decision



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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Thogey » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:10 pm



I can accept that :lol:
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby JadeDragon » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:37 pm

Wow, I love Mexican food and Mexicans. First girl I ever dated was Mexican :)

If you are single now than I'd be looking to make some friends in the community and watch for the introductions to nice single Latinas. I don't want to stereotype but your neighbors were brought up in a culture that demands respect for their men and is pretty macho. Mexican woman often appreciate a white guy that treats them with more respect than they may be used to, and will take awesome care of that man.

Ya the community has changed but so what? Your neighborhood is full of people with families and hopefully jobs. They deserve your respect and interest.

As for the language of the USA being English and their job is to assimilate. That is the ugly American coming out. Take a look at the maps here ... _maps.html to see how much of the present USA was taken from Mexico and bought from Spain and France. Most of the rest was taken from the Indians.

I'm white, from a family that traces my roots to the Mayflower but my wife is from Malaysia. I live in Vancouver - a very multi-ethnic City - and I love it. We are so much richer for the blending of cultures here and we don't feel the need to stockpile guns to defend ourselves from our neighbors that don't look or talk like us.
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby justoneguy » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:05 am

JadeDragon wrote: we don't feel the need to stockpile guns to defend ourselves from our neighbors that don't look or talk like us.

but you DO stockpile weapons anyway right? :shock:
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby JadeDragon » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:09 am

justoneguy wrote:
JadeDragon wrote: we don't feel the need to stockpile guns to defend ourselves from our neighbors that don't look or talk like us.

but you DO stockpile weapons anyway right? :shock:

While Canada did start arming our border guards recently... to defend against our gun toting American neighbors.
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Redneck » Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:01 am

As for the language of the USA being English and their job is to assimilate. That is the ugly American coming out.

Oooh, thats just like a sharp Image.

As a Canadian, your insenstive to our American problem. If you had our Immigration problems you might have a different view.

How would you feel if your government opened up the border and all us ugly Americans came up there wanting to fly our flags and change your way of life ?

I'm white, from a family that traces my roots to the Mayflower but my wife is from Malaysia. I live in Vancouver - a very multi-ethnic City - and I love it. We are so much richer for the blending of cultures here and we don't feel the need to stockpile guns to defend ourselves from our neighbors that don't look or talk like us.

Again, let 20 million (probably a lot more) illegal immigrants come up to your neck of the woods.

Then tell me how much richer for the blending of cultures your beloved country is.

One more question.

Since I'm half Canadian, does that make me only half as ugly...???

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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby JadeDragon » Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:46 am

Actually we have plenty of immigrants in Canada, of the legal and illegal varieties. We also have a lot of Americans here and an open border. Americans are very welcome to visit Canada and even immigrate to Canada :)

I'll give you an example of a city that has a lot of immigrants. Richmond is home to the Vancouver International Airport.

"Richmond's population as of January 1, 2008 was 188,100.[3] It is the fourth largest city in British Columbia, after Vancouver (605,891), Surrey (420,900) and Burnaby (193,954). Richmond has an immigrant population of 59%, the highest in Canada. More than half of its population is of Asian descent, many of whom immigrated in the early 1990s, most of them from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China. Other Asian Canadians in Richmond include Indo-Canadians, Filipino Canadians and Japanese Canadians"

Ya, 59% immigrants - not just visible minorities - immigrants. To that you can add all the Canadian born kids of those immigrants. The shopping malls, restaurants, and grocery stores are nearly all Asian oriented in Richmond. Most signs in the commercial areas are in Chinese, sometimes with smaller English. Hong Kong is more English than Richmond. We don't complain about this, we go for dim sum and bubble tea!

I'm not ignorant of the American immigration issues. Not only do I watch the endless debates on TV but I actually lived in Missouri and Maryland. I now live a few minutes from Washington State (complete with a whole bunch of Mexican farm workers) which I visit all the time. I traveled in 46 states so far so I've seen and talked to lots of Americans.

What really baffles me is how a nation of immigrants that absorbed Spanish, Mexican, French, Russian, and Hawaiian territories has become so anti immigrant today. In the 1800's the issue was big empty spaces to occupy, and not enough people to occupy the land, so the US welcomed immigrants. Americans headed into all kinds of territories they did not own (illegal immigrants) and settled. Most of the Western USA is now part of the USA due to illegal immigration.

In the later half of the 1900's declining birth rates has resulted in the need for immigrants to replace retired workers and pay taxes to support Social Security. Without those new workers taxes would have to be much higher to support the retired population that only bothered to have one or two kids on average.

People have been migrating since the Garden of Eden, its time to accept that. The natives were outnumbered by new immigrants. Waves of immigrants from all over the world have made America what is is today. There is still plenty of land in the USA so why are we trying to shut the door now just because the current wave of immigrants speaks Spanish instead of German, Italian, or English?
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Thogey » Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:48 am

Ugly American!?

I posted and deleted twice. You can have this one Jade.
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Redneck » Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:13 pm

Thogey wrote:Ugly American!?

I posted and deleted twice. You can have this one Jade.

Why hold back ...???

After all, we're just ugly Americans to him and our opinion doesn't mean anything anyway.

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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Thogey » Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:23 pm

This is so painful Redneck.

I have to weigh my options and the consequences of what will happen to me if I respond to that insult the way I want to.

I like it here, so I'll calm down. One thing for sure.

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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby aloneibreak » Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:16 pm

JadeDragon wrote:

What really baffles me is how a nation of immigrants that absorbed Spanish, Mexican, French, Russian, and Hawaiian territories has become so anti immigrant today. In the 1800's the issue was big empty spaces to occupy, and not enough people to occupy the land, so the US welcomed immigrants. Americans headed into all kinds of territories they did not own (illegal immigrants) and settled. Most of the Western USA is now part of the USA due to illegal immigration.

In the later half of the 1900's declining birth rates has resulted in the need for immigrants to replace retired workers and pay taxes to support Social Security. Without those new workers taxes would have to be much higher to support the retired population that only bothered to have one or two kids on average.

a good "immigrant" would come here to be an "american"

my family doesnt fly a big irish flag and greet each other with erin go bragh

sure im proud of my irish heritage - and you cant fault anyone for that

we worked hard and lived right because we love this country

we pay our way and expect nothing from anyone else

how many of those dollars that you spend in a foreign restuarant stay here in our economy ?

how many "immigrants" get away without paying taxes, take advantage of government handouts, and then send thier paychecks back to thier homeland ?

ive watched guatemalans, mexicans, south africans, romanians, bosnians and others do this month after month

our courts are full of sudanese and somalians who bring their tribal conflicts over here

walmart dc's offer spanish classes so english speakers can converse with their coworkers - why not the other way around ?

i dunno - the immigration thing pisses me off and i get to rambling

now that said ive worked with some illegals that i'd be proud to work with again - theyre not all bad

i know enough spanish to joke around and communicate instructions

as far as the workers needed to replace the retirees ?

maybe if this country hadnt aborted 50 million babies we wouldnt need immigrants...

but thats for another thread...
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby .02FYI » Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:48 am

Redneck wrote:
Yes I'd be nice to the neighbors , this in not 1984 and if they need help you could do that and gain some friends. do you speak spanish, like spanish food. Maybe nee your housed cleaned and someone close by could help. Plus learning another language could increase your jhob prospects and give you insight into another community that you might be able to serve.

So he should learn Spanish to fit in...???

They should learn English to fit in...( the Official language of the U.S.)

They are the ones merging into our society, not the other way around.


Suggestions to be taken or left only mentioning ideas that might be helpful based on personal experience. I think it is beautiful to speak two languages. You should't be concerned that broadening your knowledge, language base as in the police force that does help with serving the community at large. IMVHO
It really not about fitting in as he implied he kinda sticks out. Consider it knowledge building for what ever that is worth.
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby Roadrunner » Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:11 pm

I think a lot of the illegal hispanic immigrants didn't come to the country in the right way (duh!) but many of them are Hard Workers, and that's something that the lazy american sheeple lack--a good work ethic.

I'm not supportive of the illegal immigrants, but they are shrewd and hard-working (for the most part).

I do think that the government is way to nice to them by giving them almost all the rights a citizen has.

I also think they should learn English, but they shouldn't be forced to.

Just my two zinc pennies.

Oh yeah, and I LOVE mexican food. :mrgreen:
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby tinhorn » Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:28 pm

aloneibreak wrote:my family doesnt fly a big irish flag and greet each other with erin go bragh

You must not live in Massachusetts. One of the many oddities of Massachusetts (I moved here a couple years ago) is that Irish, Italian, Greek, and God only knows how many other flags are flown here. To be fair, I see many more American flags here than in the Pacific Northwest. But it's morbidly fascinating how many third- or fourth-generation Americans identify so strongly with "the old country".

I lived for just over a decade in a neighborhood that turned into a barrio. I never even tried to learn Spanish, but always waved and said Hi to my neighbors. Sometimes they'd bring apples home for me. When I worked on my car they'd offer to loan me tools.

OP's dilemma isn't the national immigration issue--it's his neighborhood. Be friendly and see if they respond reasonably, or choose to isolate you. Sure, some of their customs are different, but I bet most of the parents want a safe environment for their kids, just like the rest of us. Of course, some neighborhoods are just bad news because of who sets the tone. Actually, I felt more comfortable in my old barrio than I do in my current lily-white neighborhood, surrounded by arrogant and thoughtless Italians and Irish who think its okay for loud drunken parties to go on until 4 AM.
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Re: how much is a "free" house worth?

Postby abe » Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:54 am

Flying any other flag in america is a slap in the face to all americans. I'd like to see that here just once, it wouldn't fly for long.
Anything other than white in my neck of the woods stands out like a sore thumb. I feel for people who have to put up with this crap.
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