eBay Score!

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eBay Score!

Postby Rastatodd » Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:57 pm

Won an auction for five 1964 90%Washington quarters. Got them at a good price per. Well got the package today and low and behold enclosed was the following (4) 1964 90% Washington quarters and (1) 1964 90% Kennedy half. Must have mis located the fifth quarter and sent a half in it's place. FREE silver I can do every day. Who says the evil auction site is up to no good. :thumbup:
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Re: eBay Score!

Postby blackrabbit » Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:00 pm

The fee-sucking corporation and all the scammers are the evil, there are still lots of good people on e-bay doing good business. Corporate sure sucks a lot of loot from me. You can avoid the scammers though.
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Re: eBay Score!

Postby Rastatodd » Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:57 pm

You are right Blackrabbit, there are so many good people on eBay trying to make a few dollars only to have eBay suck the proceeds right out of their PayPal account. :twisted:
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Re: eBay Score!

Postby Thogey » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:53 pm

I just don't see what ya'lls problem with e-bay fees is.
They really do provide great exposure. You just have to avoid selling things with a low margin.

I do about 500-1000 a month on e-bay and it's not uncommon to sell things, used things, at a ten key mark-up.

You can sell a picture of a helicopter for over a hundred bucks. You can sell a rusty old bow rake head for 15 bucks.

Used garage door opener remote fetch 20-40 dollars all day every day.

They have a system that took a while to put together and it works. If they were not so hard on sellers, no one would buy there.

Pay-pal takes about 3 points. That is actually not much worse than credit card processing fees.

I'm personally glad it is available.
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Re: eBay Score!

Postby Zincanator » Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:14 am

While I've been burned by eVil Bay many times both as a buyer and a seller, it's nice to come across members who are good-hearted folk. Case in point -- I bought a clad mint set to complete a Whitman "Decade" folder. The package I received instead was a silver set for the year and a hand-written note saying he created the auction in error, but if I liked the silver set to let him know. I replied that I would like to keep the silver set and asked how much extra I owed him for the silver. He said no charge. I replied several times saying I was happy to pay the guy but he insisted I keep the silver set for my troubles. Above and beyond in my book.
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Re: eBay Score!

Postby Chief » Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:45 am

I've been on "feebay" for 3.5 years and whenever there was a problem with a buyer, "feebay" has always solved it.

Example, sold a BU 1967 Canadian Half, buyer said they never got it, tracking showed it was delivered, buyer bitched about "you sellers always pack coins in small envelopes, you suck", left negative feedback when offered a full refund, coin was found a few days later, called "feebay", they had records of the emails and tracking info, they corrected my negative feedback, and I politely told buyer to never buy my crap again. Little bit of "leg work" on my part, but issue was taken care of ASAP by "feebay".

You pay the +/-12% fee for worldwide exposure. YMMV, but I like selling on "feebay". :D

ETA: I had someone who was local buy some stupid Council Bluffs Black Squirrel Coins from me. Hesitantly, I met up with the person to deliver the coins. He was a middle aged coin/currency collector who was interested in one of my currency auctions. Sold him some currency w/o any fees and ended up finding a 1953 $10 and $5 for his brother that was born in 1953, whose birthday was coming up. Nice dude.
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Re: eBay Score!

Postby Rastatodd » Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:20 pm

The point of the tread is "I got a good deal". Score. :thumbup:
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