Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

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Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby Thogey » Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:10 pm

Well, I may regret it but I firewalled my ballot Republican, voted against all new taxes and laws except for one new law here in AZ. The new law basically makes it a state crime to enforce any federal law that is unconstitutional. We'll see how that one pans out :roll:

But it's prediction time. The Senate should fall to Republicrats. Democrats (socialist liberals) will probably loose a pile of local and state power.

So, let's see who says what. Predictions? It''s gonna be hilarious.

With any luck we should hear that Americans, deep down have, trouble with minority leadership. We are racist. This sets Women back decades. Millions of disenfranchised will loose critical gubermint food. Starving the children etc.

What really should happen is a huge stock market drop. But it won't, because Wall Street donated a pile of money to Repubunnist candidates. They will keep the presses rolling. Republicans will also REALLY start spooning with hispanics.

The reporting and discourse is really going to be funny.
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby henrysmedford » Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:37 pm

Pot will legal in Oregon.
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby Thogey » Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:41 pm

henrysmedford wrote:Pot will legal in Oregon.

It's been pretty much legal there for 40 years :lol:
If I remember right, Oregon is where the GOOD 4hit comes from ;)
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby natsb88 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:23 pm

Obama visited Philly the other day campaigning for Tom Wolf for governor. They held the rally in half of a basketball court, and only managed to fill half of that space, in Philadelphia, where Wolf has the most support of anywhere in the state.


But Wolf is ahead by 10 points. He campaigned and appealed to the few liberal bastions in the state, and is banking on everybody else staying home. They will, and he'll win, marking the first time an incumbent governor has not been reelected in PA, ever.

Corbett cut education funding instead of increasing borrowing or raising taxes. That didn't sit well with the teachers unions. He also lifted a cap on the gasoline tax to fund much-needed transportation infrastructure projects. That didn't sit well with a lot of people. A classic case of people wanting to have their cake and eat it too. I'm not a big fan of Corbett, but more because of the things he hasn't done, not because of the things he has done. Corbett's "mistake" is actually funding things instead of just racking up debt to future generations, and funding things in manners like letting vehicle registrations and gasoline taxes build the roads so that the people who actually use them pay for them, rather than just squeezing "the 1%" for more revenue as is socially acceptable.

Wolf has pledged to undo all of Corbett's spending cuts and increase spending more on education, increase the state income tax for the "wealthy," and create a new extraction tax for natural gas drillers. He has been endorsed by Michael Bloomberg for his support of gun control laws and created an empty "sportsmen for Wolf" campaign group to try to garner support from the state's many hunters (it didn't work very well). When he held a state treasury position a decade ago he supported expanding and increasing the state sales tax to raise more revenue. He has campaigned on being a successful small business owner in PA and insisting that he knows how to promote business growth, but he sold the company in 2006, its incorporation was moved to Delaware for tax purposes, Wolf bought it back a few years later, and left it that way.

The positions he openly campaigns on are bad enough, I can't imagine what surprises he'll bring to the table.

Wolf also received a $50,000 donation from a 6-year county commissioner who has done nothing but trash county offices, funnel taxpayer money to his pet projects, and run libel campaigns to ruin the reputation of anybody who opposes his proposals. This commissioner thinks he's part of the mafia (maybe he is, he owns an Italian restaurant, a construction company, and a real estate company). A $50k donation from him is a huge red flag to me.

But I digress. My prediction for the state election is that less than 50% of registered voters make it to the polls, Philadelphia elects Wolf, and I will have to pay more for natural gas, higher state income taxes, face magazine capacity restrictions, teachers will get raises, transportation infrastructure projects will be put on ice, more farms will go under, and Wolf's business will stay in Delaware.

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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby hobo finds » Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:41 pm

That side of the basketball arena is where the "JV" team plays
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby Morsecode » Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:31 pm

They say the governors race in CT is down to the wire but I don't believe it. Dimwit Malloy will win re-election in the Nanny State, and it won't be that close. He's keeping us safe by limiting magazine capacity to 6 rounds (or something like that...I honestly don't recall)

His Republican challenger says he'll throw the new law out so that pretty much sealed his fate right there.
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby Fred Underwood » Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:58 am

Does anyone have some "I voted" stickers? There's more tombstones than I expected.
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby agnostic » Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:10 am

Fred Underwood wrote:Does anyone have some "I voted" stickers? There's more tombstones than I expected.

:lol: kind of a dead issue...
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby Treetop » Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:53 pm

My prediction is that americans will break the current cycle and start electing people to local and state offices left and right that break the bureaucracy and we force politics to be more about substance rather then buzzwords and hidden agendas. Eventually this will steamroll over washington and a decade from now we can again hold our heads high when hearing such words as "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."

.......Or not. :thumbdown:
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby hobo finds » Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:06 pm

henrysmedford wrote:Pot will legal in Oregon.

Alaska and Wash DC have pot on the ballots as well
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby henrysmedford » Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:34 pm

hobo finds wrote:
henrysmedford wrote:Pot will legal in Oregon.

Alaska and Wash DC have pot on the ballots as well

Right now any one can get a Oregon Medical Marijuana card. If you are on food stapms it is $60 if SSI $20 got a job it is $200.

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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby Thogey » Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:22 am

I woke up this morning and my wife looked like sh'ed been at war and my kid was starving.
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby blackrabbit » Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:39 am

Pot is now legal in the capital and illegal for the country. I guess tourism to visit DC will be way up this year.
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby hobo finds » Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:35 pm

blackrabbit wrote:Pot is now legal in the capital and illegal for the country. I guess tourism to visit DC will be way up this year.

Wonder what Michelle will say when BO goes out to sneak a smoke! :lol:
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Re: Tomorrow night and Wed morning are going to be funny!

Postby Rosco » Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:17 pm

Oregon stayed Liberal except for no on illegal resident drivers card BIG whipping 62% NO and 34% yes
No to GMO labels So Far.
No to top two Primary

There is always next Year :lol:
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