by Morsecode » Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:22 am
Understand that the people responsible for daily testing are only bank employees, not techs. The $17.50 is a simple way of determining functionality...if the count is off by a cent they take "corrective" steps and re-test it. Any remedy undertaken by a teller is pretty much limited to cleaning sensitive parts with compressed air and alcohol swabs. If the count comes up wrong a second time by a penny or two they will allow the machine to remain in service pending a service call. If the count is off by more than that they're supposed to shut it down altogether.
In my experience closing it down indefinitely is something they never hesitate to do. The tellers (and staff) love it when Penny is asleep for a few days. Much less work for them.
From hence ye beauties undeceived, know one false step is ne'er retrieved
and be with caution bold.
Not all that tempts your wandering eyes and heedless hearts is lawful prize,
nor all that glistens gold.
- Thomas Gray, 1747