Total sorted: 500,000
.999 nickel found: 50,487 (10.1%)
Best box: 24.35%
Best sorting dates: In June and December as people a cashing in their coins. Plus I have to add February 2013 when the penny disappeared and everybody were returning their unwanted coinage.
Some cool stats:
- Oldest date found : 1922
Oldest US found: Dateless Buffalo
Silver found: 1 War nickel
Rarest modern date: 1970 (with 62)
Oddest find: one washer
Most frequent non-nickel: 10 cents Canada (with 19)
Most frequent foreign find: 10 cents Cuba (with 13)
Dates not found: 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1932, 1935 and 1943 TOMBAC
Only semi-key dates found: 1930 (1) and 1948 (2)