by neilgin1 » Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:48 pm
be really careful with the 73-s and 74-s Proofs....for some unknown reason, the mint in all its wisdom , minted both clad AND 40%'ers in proof if you see a roll of 73s or 74s Ike Proofs in $20 FV tubes, and you buy it, make sure to weigh every single coin.
as noted above, by verbane the weight will be the tell...bro verbane, I didn't mean to dupe your post, but in all the 40's Ike's got, one time I was weighing out a purchase of 73 proofs, and one coin didn't have the 'sammich' look, but it weighed out at 22.6 gm.
got it sitting right at my desk, as a reminder....caution Will Robinson. in fact it compelled me to never buy 73s or 74s proofs again....just like when I got wind those foul Chinese at alibaba were making SAE fugazi's, 21 Morgan fugazi's and God knows what else those skinks are counterfeiting, that I laid off buying later date SAE, UNLESS, I could get PCGS slabbed early release or first strike I pay up a bit? me, its worth it, I sleep better.....I did buy my first roll of 2014 Maple Leafs, because they now have on the surface, rolling reeds, like rays, which will stymy the Chinese for a while, and even then, they'll probably eff that up so bad, you'll spot 'em a mile away.
nice thread...I love 40% Ikes.......Ike was the second to last great president, JFK the last great one. Ike was THE all we get are little grey men, or maybe a lil grey woman, God have mercy on this nation.