ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

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ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Coppercrazy » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:32 pm

Wait till you guys hear this one! I buy my coin from the bank ive always had,and opened a free checking account at the chain that has the most in the lobby self dump slowly im checking out all the branches,finding out which ones have machines,and spreading around my dump I went into a branch I had not been in.I could see they had a machine,but before I lug in my dump coins,I thought id check to see the machine was working...I walked up to it,and I couldnt help but notice the small waste can next to the machine was overflowing with older looking red paper coin rools torn open,and older looking bank envelopes.I picked up an envelope on top.on it was written "24 silver quarters".My heart jumped into my throat.When I put that down,I grabbed a few of the red paper rolls.every one was marked "silver quarters"!!!! :shock:

Okay-Im not going to be dumping zincs in this machine!But what to do?I didnt stand there any longer looking into that waste basket,but let me say conservatively there were at least 8 red paper rolls and at least 10 older bank envelopes in that can...Literally a small fortune in silver coin and a record score if i could just GET the coin! I patiently waited my turn in line and got a younger teller.I told her I was a coin collector who has a checking account with the bank,that I search for old coins in circulation. I asked her if there was any way I could buy the coin lok bags out of the machine in the lobby.She said its not that kind of machine(and it is a weird looking one) It dumps all denominations mixed into a canvas bin,which is then sent "downtown" to be accounted (separated by a machine that does use coin loks?) so no deal right then...... :(
I had to go to the dentists after that...the WHOLE time I was in the chair,all I could think of was trying to get those coins...tomarrow..Ill go to the main branch...also...if I have any luck convincing somebody there....I want to go back to the branch where the silver was dumped....maybe talk to a main teller? any ideas guys? This is too good to give up on just yet :|
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Rodebaugh » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:35 pm

chances are your dentist may be thinking of silver coin as well.

Here is an idea....its a little shady so hang the main branch and say that your coin collection was dumped by (enter dumb relatives/friends name here) and you would like to get them back. They are very valuable to you and the relative just didn't know any better a thought he was doing you a favor.
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby argent_pur » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:33 pm

Now there's an idea!
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby fb101 » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:23 pm

If it's like the bins I've seen, It's likely to contain $10-15k easily. It cannot be sold because all dumping in one bin means they have no idea what's in there.
However they could find out by checking receipts against the last time the bin was changed, but that's not an easy task.
I wish you luck though.
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Pennybug » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:35 pm

WOW!... Good luck!... I can see how that would not get out of your mind for a while!

I'd go with Rodebaugh... yes it's a little on the "unethical"/white lie side... but who's it hurting? Other than us searchers who will be keeping our eyes out!

Get to it FAST before someone else realizes what's in there.
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby beauanderos » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:05 pm

I know the branch manager at one of my banks takes those bags home and searches them himself, replacing what he keeps with like value. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that others do it as well. The same kind of urban legends that we like to write about here probably circulate between tellers that are savvy to silver as well.
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby slickeast » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:45 pm

you are SOL. I dumped some halves one day and at $400 the bag was full. I noticed a large amount of 40% halves in the bottom of the bag when the put it on the cart. I tried to buy it back, but they said they were not allowed to sell the bags. I thought about all those silver halves that I could see but not touch the whole time I was driving out of the parking lot. I had to just forget about them once I got out on the street. Then you read a post like this and you many silver halves did I miss out on that day?
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby slickeast » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:48 pm

ahhhhhh, like the super hot girl in the mall. all you can do is dream about what could be.
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby beauanderos » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:44 am

slickeast wrote:ahhhhhh, like the super hot girl in the mall. all you can do is dream about what could be.

As far as that goes... it seems like all I ever got was the bags someone else had already dumped :lol:
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Diggin4copper » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:22 pm

My local bank sells me the half dollar bag when it is full.. usually takes about 9 months to fill has been about 8.99 months.. I am very antsy... hope they call soon...
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby knibloe » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:01 pm

Diggin4copper wrote:My local bank sells me the half dollar bag when it is full.. usually takes about 9 months to fill has been about 8.99 months.. I am very antsy... hope they call soon...

Nothing like a few halves of your own to speed up the process. The last time I filled a bag, I got about 200 silvers.
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby cesariojpn » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:31 pm

I got the plan that will get you the coins.

First, you need a ski mask and gun......
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Dumpster Diver » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:28 pm

cesariojpn wrote:I got the plan that will get you the coins.

First, you need a ski mask and gun......

I'd pay to see you run from the cops with 15K of coins in tow!

Seriously, that has got to be torture to think about- just knowing it's sitting in there. Good luck!
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Coppercrazy » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:31 pm

Yeah,looks like I wont be getting those silver quarters.The main problem is that its not a machine that divides the coins by denomination and the bank tellers dont even seem to know where the coins go next.I doubt the giant mixed bin of coin goes back to the armored car service like that-it has to be separated by denomination somewhere first,right? anyhow-I decided id love to be buying from my dump banks because theyre machines are like coinstars-they charge a fee to non customers and are free to customers so anybody can dump anything into them... :|
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby cesariojpn » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:07 pm

Dumpster Diver wrote:
cesariojpn wrote:I got the plan that will get you the coins.

First, you need a ski mask and gun......

I'd pay to see you run from the cops with 15K of coins in tow!

Thats why god invented pushtrucks and trolleys silly! :P
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby beauanderos » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:30 pm

If you can't get them... then start ordering a bunch of quarter boxes from any of the same bank branches in town
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Delawhere Jack » Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:46 pm

Where did you say this bank is? :twisted:

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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Market Harmony » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:13 pm

Believe it or not, the truth is the best policy. Get to the branch manager and explain exactly what you think is in the bag, and why you want it, and everything else that might be pertinent to the story. Even if it doesn't pan out this time, then at least the people know that if silver comes along, or they have a relative with silver coin, or ANYTHING to do with silver coinage, then you are the person to talk to... it could lead to something good even if it doesn't work out now.
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby aloneibreak » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:40 pm

just tell yourself it was a cruel prankster...

some heartless person just wrote "silver quarters" on a bunch of rolls and made sure and put them on the top of the trash

dont let yourself fall for their joke ! :)
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Pennybug » Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:20 pm

Speaking of valuable items being dumped... I went TO THE DUMP the other day to unload all my USELESS trash (after getting out the recyclable stuff as well) and saw a computer sitting there. This is no rare for me as I have MANY computers that are the results of dumpster diving. Anyhow... this one had already been picked over for parts... except for the DVD player! Turns out... its a dual layer light scribe burner! Just put it in... works GREAT! ANOTHER PLUS.. it was black and my main tower case is black and had a white CD burner in it. SCORE!

About 6 years ago I scored about a $500 comic book collection at a dump. Still holding on to that one! Some good ones in there too!

Point being... as you pointed out here Coppercrazy... it CONSISTENTLY and CONTINUOUSLY amazes me how SOOOOO MANY PEOPLE have NO IDEA what value items have. They simply just think that if they don't need it... then it must be worthless to the entire world. Anyhow... the morale of this... keep your eyes open EVERYWHERE YOU GO! IT PAYS OFF!... and I'd go with aloneibreak's take on this one at this point too!... seems to be a good antidote for the pain at least. wait.. just thought about it... you might want to find out where aloneibreak dumps his clad Q's at... ha ha!
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby Thogey » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:35 am

I'm glad the spammer is gone!
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby misteroman » Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:54 am

had 30 posts I've deleted 27 so far. This is taking forever!
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby 68Camaro » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:20 pm

Thanks to you and others that run the maintenance. I run (or used to, I've turned it over to my former second in command) another site for a different hobby and believe me I appreciate how much time it takes to keep on top of this stuff. Thanks! Rich
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Re: ton of silver quarters dumped at self service machine

Postby JadeDragon » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:20 pm

It is events like this that make searching through coins for silver still worthwhile so many years after silver was discontinued in coinage.
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