Okay-Im not going to be dumping zincs in this machine!But what to do?I didnt stand there any longer looking into that waste basket,but let me say conservatively there were at least 8 red paper rolls and at least 10 older bank envelopes in that can...Literally a small fortune in silver coin and a record score if i could just GET the coin! I patiently waited my turn in line and got a younger teller.I told her I was a coin collector who has a checking account with the bank,that I search for old coins in circulation. I asked her if there was any way I could buy the coin lok bags out of the machine in the lobby.She said its not that kind of machine(and it is a weird looking one) It dumps all denominations mixed into a canvas bin,which is then sent "downtown" to be accounted (separated by a machine that does use coin loks?) so no deal right then......

I had to go to the dentists after that...the WHOLE time I was in the chair,all I could think of was trying to get those coins...tomarrow..Ill go to the main branch...also...if I have any luck convincing somebody there....I want to go back to the branch where the silver was dumped....maybe talk to a main teller? any ideas guys? This is too good to give up on just yet