"DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

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"DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:23 am

this is from SGT Report.....I have mixed feelings about SGT Report, there are some tin foil hatters allowed on his site, (plus he allows a few Jew haters, and as a Jew, albeit one who follows Jesus, putting it mildly, i'm not fond of Jew haters. I've noticed on some "alt-media" sites, I see that 2,000 year old meme, that Jews are behind every bad thing that happens in the world, or the global economy. as an American, my politics are, i'm an Ike Republic, and a JFK Democrat...centrist and neither of these two great Presidents would be elected TODAY in their respective parties. in my heart, any Jew who considers themselves "home" outside of Israel are wrong. I wont bore you with my circumstances, but in 82 and 88, I was ready to emigrate, but as basically a kid on his own, right when I was "filling out papers", well paying jobs would fall into my lap. Looking BACK, besides the loss of my marriage, that is the single most life occurrence, that causes me no end of grief and guilt. Don't mistake me, I love our Country, but with my "Israeli political mind", i'm FAR right Likud, most America Jews vote Dem, and are AGAINST the 2nd Amendment, and don't join the US military as I did at 17, don't hunt, mostly live in cities. Now at 55 years of age, what use would I be one of the guys manning the walls over there?....and this question, why is the Obama admin, so aggressively hateful of Netanyahu and Israel? tell you why, Israel doesn't WANT Syria's Assad out of power, he's a secular pan-arabist, both him and his daddy, have their azz's kicked so many times by the Israeli's, when they attempted to destroy Israel, from 1948 on...Assad has basically cried uncle,in regards to Israel. Now Obama, who is doing the bidding of the Sau-di's, who WANT desperately to construct a NatGas pipeline, north, thru Syria is frustrated because the Israelis' wont go along, because a well behaved Assad is much better to have in the north, than a bunch of freak sharia loving jihadi's....y'know the "70 virgins await me" kind. The US and the Saudi's have a twisted relationship, deep down they hate the US, but without the US militaries protection, those 4,000 Saudi' "royals", would have the life expectancy of a house fly. Now we distrust the Sau-di's, but if it wasn't for their key role in Opec and the global petrol market, the petro-dollar we COUNT on would die, and we'd all be paying $10 bread, and $10 hamburger meat, etc....ahhh, its just unwise effed up foreign policy.

i'm sorry to go SO off-topic, but reading and listening to so much alt-media, some of it spewing out hatred for Israel, I had to speak.

this 9 minute talk with SGT and Hoffman is okay, I posted it , to remind the guys here, the freaky 5% flash crash in the USD on Wed, near the close, I cant figure what that is all about, but it isn't a good sign, I know that. However the one GREAT thing they speak of, is that the price of silver is BELOW the price of production....RARELY do you see that IN ANYTHING.

so here's the chat:

as a "bonus" (yee gads) I just got to include another 24 minute chat between SGT and Andy Hoffman put up on 20 Feb 2015, entitled
"DOCUMENTING THE COLLAPSE: The World Is Falling Apart "....I don't post these to sow fear, or depress anyone, but i'm of the firm conviction, if the news IS bad, I want to hear it, and since you guys are smart and astute in your lifes, YOU ALL can decide if the chat is true or cow pies....AND if you hear something that IS bs...tell me. I don't have the need to be "right", i'm teachable, and I like robust discussions, especially on matters like......if we are going to be in for a hurting...or not

here's the "collapse" discussion (and btw, I KNOW Hoffman is in the biz of selling PM's, so this kind of rhetoric doesn't hurt his biz)

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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:19 am

"i'm an Ike Republic, and a JFK Democrat...centrist and neither of these two great Presidents would be elected TODAY in their respective parties."

Now that's just crazy talk Neil! :)

Neither president would be electable period. You might have been a centrist back in the mid-50s to early 60s, but now-a-days their views would be considered far, far right wing - way to the right of the current Republican party. Sad but true.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:51 am

68Camaro wrote:"i'm an Ike Republic, and a JFK Democrat...centrist and neither of these two great Presidents would be elected TODAY in their respective parties."

Now that's just crazy talk Neil! :)

Neither president would be electable period. You might have been a centrist back in the mid-50s to early 60s, but now-a-days their views would be considered far, far right wing - way to the right of the current Republican party. Sad but true.

yeh, your probably right...but gosh golly, I sure did LOVE Ike......he was 'cool' personified! kicked the tar outta hitler, came home, kicked the tar outta that phony Truman, and then b-b-qed steaks for the gang, and played cards with his brothers, and scared the piss outta the Chinese, and spoke to US,like a REAL leader.....heres my favorite Ike speech, he told it like it is!

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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby Shazbot57 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:21 am

68Camaro wrote:"i'm an Ike Republic, and a JFK Democrat...centrist and neither of these two great Presidents would be elected TODAY in their respective parties."

Now that's just crazy talk Neil! :)

Neither president would be electable period. You might have been a centrist back in the mid-50s to early 60s, but now-a-days their views would be considered far, far right wing - way to the right of the current Republican party. Sad but true.

Very true! If you want to see a Progressive's (or even a Liberal's) head explode, ask them if they think G W Bush was a radical right winger. Of course they'll answer yes - emphatically. Then say "So I guess you must think that Democrat President JFK was way worse than Bush or even Hitler, right??? That really gets their little smokestack spewing smoke! Funny how Dem's never want to talk about JFK...
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:21 am

"Jade Helm 15"

http://www.scribd.com/doc/258605525/Jad ... Document-1

the mil doc is on the left side...you guys read this, and read between the lines.

I'm not commenting on this, except just to make ya'll aware....i'll post it in the "pol" section.
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:42 am

Shaz, you wrote:

"Funny how Dem's never want to talk about JFK..."

aint it though, plus dig a little a deep, and TRY and find where Poppy Bush(41) was during that time period.

THEY get really touchy on that question.

far as i'm concerned, both LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover share a real hot spot in hell, nuff said.
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby Shazbot57 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:02 pm

neilgin1 wrote:Shaz, you wrote:

"Funny how Dem's never want to talk about JFK..."

aint it though, plus dig a little a deep, and TRY and find where Poppy Bush(41) was during that time period.

THEY get really touchy on that question.

far as i'm concerned, both LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover share a real hot spot in hell, nuff said.

:lol: :thumbup: :lol: & with any luck, there's no Lemonade for LBJ!
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:08 pm

no way...its Drano powder mixed with urine.
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby Shazbot57 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:14 pm

neilgin1 wrote:no way...its Drano powder mixed with urine.

:lol: You're such a hater! I'm still trying to come up with something creative for J Edgar. :angel:
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:15 pm

Roundup and habanero powder, mixed. for J. Edgar, that closet cross-dressing bull queen.
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby Shazbot57 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:13 pm

neilgin1 wrote:Roundup and habanero powder, mixed. for J. Edgar, that closet cross-dressing bull queen.

Yep, that'll kill his shrubbery and keep him jumpin'! :twisted:
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby silverflake » Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:33 pm

Regarding SGT report, I was big into it for a while but like neil says, they are letting some stories/vids through that are bizarre to say the least. The problem is that you could go down the list of daily news vids and get some really good stuff from David Morgan and brotherjohn f then a video would queue up about alien space portals. Hey maybe it's true but to mix it in with pertinent financial and economic stuff makes it a tough listen for me and it's not my cup of tea. I had started a "Need a News Site" thread in the members only section a while back when I was looking to give up t.v. and was really into SGT report. Not so much now.

As far as the dollar flash crash, that doesn't surprise me. Remember the stock market flash crash of 2010? I remember discussing that 'crash' with my broker (a good guy believe it or not) and he was telling me he watched, for example PG plummet to the low 30's but none of his clients stop orders were triggered! That crash was so short in time that his clients didn't even have time to call him to sell (or buy) before it went back up.

And I heard another guy on the SGT report (sorry, name escapes me) talk of the possibility of a crash and how those folks (like me) who utilize stop orders will be screwed if your order gets triggered and there's no bid! Scary.

I don't know guys, whatever will be will be. Have a good weekend.
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby AGgressive Metal » Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:30 pm

Keep in mind for some producers, silver is just a by-product in the course of getting copper, zinc, lead, gold, etc etc. For them, any amount of money that silver is above the price of base metal is pure profit..... "Cost of production" only matters to primary silver mines like Cour d'Alene, which are not currently the biggest source of silver to the market. Not trying to be a wet blanket, just sayin.
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Re: "DOLLAR FLASH CRASH: Harbinger of Things To Come?"

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:55 pm

It's incorrect to say that byproduct silver is pure profit because the yield from it is baked into the market prices of the base metals, as well as dependent on the net need for the base metals. And when demand for copper etc declines then the amount of silver produced declines with it so (using your point) when the economy crashes the amount of silver mined plumets.
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