Country wrote:I was not on the floor, but I was an investor that Friday trying to get out of as much equities as I could. 100 points was a nasty 5% down into the close and my wife and I knew it was going to be ugly on Monday. Now, 5% down into the close today would be a 900 point downdraft on the DJIA. We had a radio at work on Monday; listening to the 100 point clicks as the markets crashed. We were stunned. Now remember, the worst day was Tuesday. The bosses of the market considered closing because there were no buyers and this thing might completely collapse in the morning. Maybe you have some insight Neil on Tuesday's proceedings.
of course I can share, and its my pleasure......after Mondays trade and close, it FELT somebody had raped your fact, I cant remember now if I even went home that night, because "out trades", which is the reconciliation of commodity trades that didn't match up, from the day before, was emergency scheduled for 4 or 5 AM.
Now, we were a livestock hedging firm, MOSTLY, which meant that we had millions of pounds of cold storage, all the primal cuts, hams, bellies, butts, and used futures to either lock in, or carry them another month in cold storage, etc. I also had about five veteran traders who not only traded cash pork, but all had a group of speculators, this was back in the days when an off floor trader COULD charge $65 a car commission, and these guys were trading tens and twenties...their accounts were for friends, doctors, lawyers, etc......(member that thing with Hilary trading thru Refco and Red Bone?...where she "turned" $1,000 into $100,000? I am NOT a big fan of hers, but there wasn't really anything nefarious going on, because I KNOW what was going on, because my five guys were doing it.....lets say Trader A, who had known me since I started at 22, I was 27 in 87....he was also a friend, he might have ten accounts, not one of these accounts had more than 3k in it, but Trader A was a balls to the wall pork belly scalper....meaning he would be throwing around 10 and 20 car lots at the market, buy and sell, 95% of the time making a profit anywhere from 60 to 160 points...but during the heat of the trading day, we didn't have time to allocate what were his cars, and what were his five accounts cars, so my red jacket pockets would be stuffed with offset orders worth tens of thousands of dollars....THEN when the market closed, we'd spend 10 minutes matching buys with was allocation, and technically it was a gray area, BUT I can tell you my guy was on square, everybody got even steven splits......a 10 car profitable buy and sell was split up 2 cars apiece, and on a 100 point, that was $780 dollars minus my guys $130 commission.......I know it sounds like a lot ...a 130 bucks, but losers?...would go into Trader A's Red Bone was doing the same for the "Guv's" wife over at used to make the guy that owned the clearing house crazy, when we did this, but what did he expect?....I had phones in both ears, i'm running into the pit, it's like I didn't have the time to write out 5 full account numbers on two orders, and sometimes I had fifty...or a hundred matched up buys and sells in my pocket at the 1 PM close)
now I said all that to say this....RARELY, did any of my guys go off the reservation, SnP 500's....I was the only one spreading corn and wheat, as well as bellies against hogs...but that week, one of my guys, had this goof decide to trade one lousy car of SnP 500 OPTIONS!!....which is why I had to crash on the office couch that Black Monday night...which kind of pissed me, coz my son's mother and I had been living together for two years now, and i'd rather go home from that miserable day to her nice arms.....I was always intensely SOBER on the trading floor (there was a LOT of lil coked up traders and clerks in those days.....frick, after I left my desk in the hands of guys I trained, all friends, trained the "neil way", which meant the desk was run like the bridge of a of my buddies later told me, that him and other degenerates, were not only snorting the stuff off the desk, but dealing it on the floor...when he told me this in 93, I laughed and said, "you KNOW I would have shut that down in 2 seconds"...he laughed and said, "why do you think we waited till you left?...sorry to digress, but I cant even imagine that....lining up rails of cocaine to snort off a trading desk....there were no cameras in those days, but still....gee whiz) but that night, just to get to sleep, and mess with the owner of the house, I blew a joint.
Tuesday we go.....first thing, that dopey SnP option clears, so no worries...but we're getting ready for the of the world.......because every single OTHER commodity on Monday was limit DOWN.....SnP opens with an ROAR eclipsing the day before's was just terrible, because the NORMAL tick in the 500's was, 785.95, then 785.90...well, on that morning it was trading in increments of 5.00 to 10.00........from $25 a tick to $5,000 a tick.....I forgot to tell ya, the afternoon before, there was a line of guys 75 deep, all lined up outside the membership office, dumping their seats at insane firesale prices.
I was so cautious before I walked by that pit, I would take my full gold membership tag with my moniker and house, and flip it over, so you couldn't see it, because I thought guys MIGHT be so desperate, they would actually "put" cars of SnP's into me....meaning they would put that "neil" bot 10 cars at such and such a 11 AM comes, and the noise steadily drops until NOON....then the floor got was weird, you could hear a shout , here and there...otherwise deathly silent....I was thinking "ohhhh, no"....and I was smoking a butt near the quotrons, quote machines....watching crude oil trade, and for some reason, I was watching the CBOT's stock index , the "Major Market Index" the MMI, an index of 20 stocks, and like everything else, it wasn't even moving....BUT, then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it ticks UP....and then again...just two ticks, like somebody bot a tiny 20 lot....and the trading floor EXPLODES to the was the wildest and craziest thing I ever seen or heard in my life...I mean..."the world was ending, right?" got to have bolls of steel to bid in the SILENCE.
and that was the LOW....we traded OUT of it, it was weird and scary, guys got killed, but we traded OUT of commie $700 billion dollar "tarp" plan, that bailed out the very guys who caused the 2008 crash...and that was under Bush's watch....and now under Obama, QE infinity, you got bank prop desks AND the FED in every single market!!!!
it makes me sick....these aint free markets....this is socialism....worse "crony capitalism"....oligarchy, both dems and repub's....just a house of whores. there are many wheat and corn spreads I would LOVE to trade today, but I wouldn't go any near the "markets"....coz THEY ARENT FREE MARKETS!!!....just a bunch of filthy commies, they all make me LITERALLY sick to my stomach.....sorry to rant, but....seems like we've become a nation of lies.
btw......I'm not sure about Monday, when I posted the dow was down 135, when it closed it was down 118...Like Country said, a REAL Friday sell off would be like 900 points, which was what I thought we'd see on Fridays maybe Monday will be just another dreary phony market....the only markets now I care about are physical Ag and firewood.....I care about corn beans and wheat (the three classes, HRW, SRW, and HRS) but wont trade them. best to you all, n