I just want to throw this out there for the heck of it. What would happen if all of a sudden we realized that some huge amount of all the silver in coin shops everywhere (something like 50%) was counterfeit. I'm not saying the real number is anywhere close to that. But what if it was something like 50%?
For one thing, there would likely be lots of coin dealers who'd go out of business. Secondly, there would likely be a lot more people buying counterfeit detection devices of all types. Quarters and halves everywhere may get the proverbial drop test on a tabletop (from about 3"-4" above the surface) to listen for that familiar silver ring.
If this happened several decades ago, there would have been lots of counterfeit silverware. That would be a strange thing to see.
Unfortunately, one of the negative side affects would be that there would be a lot more people who'd be afraid to buy silver, because they'd be worried they'd get stuck with counterfeits.
How would this affect things like solar panels and computer keyboards if they were made with counterfeit silver? I guess that the gifts people give for their silver (25th) wedding anniversaries would get quite a bit cheaper! I wonder how jewelers would be affected.
What else would happen?