Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

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Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:46 pm

okay , that got your attention, right?

watch what happens, when Mark Dice goes outside a coin shop, and offers passersby a ten oz bar of .999 silver for $10 paper.

now, any of us, would INSTANTLY be rightfully suspicious, but if we could ascertain its .999, we'd ask, "whats the catch?" before we bought the this video, its an indication, that even after a post-FRN event, there might be a period of time we have to sit on a stack, whilst the majority of our fellow countrymen undergo a STEEP learning curve.

[youtube] [/youtube]

i'm not fond of the term "sheeple".....but, holy cow, if the shoe fits............
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby silverstacker » Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:04 pm

Just amazing but true. There are maybe 4 people I know besides this community that would understand or want a 10oz bar for a cup of Starbucks :lol:

Bravo thanks for sharing Neil! :clap:
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:33 pm

Everyday I see clueless people like that here in Southern California. There are a lot of young people around here that don't know the value of real money like silver. If only this guy did this trick in my city and my teenage son and one of his friends were approached by him... I would have come home from work and found a ten ounce silver bar on the kitchen counter with a note attached saying "Look what I got for you. It only cost me 10 bucks".
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby Rosco » Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:31 pm

You have reached Him an Them on this issue wonderful, Hopefully on our other prepare issues also :thumbup:
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby Zincanator » Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:05 pm

I believe these are the people who leave silver dimes and quarters behind for me to scoop up in the CoinStar reject bin.
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:20 am

silverstacker wrote:Just amazing but true. There are maybe 4 people I know besides this community that would understand or want a 10oz bar for a cup of Starbucks :lol:

Bravo thanks for sharing Neil! :clap:

You're most welcome Stack, I saw that, and HAD to share it, because it just rocked me to my core.

Do you believe that?!?

One could watch that, and roll their eyes, thinking, "what clueless spoiled children." ....and we can chortle , "ha ha ha ha", but when I saw that, I see dead people, let me explain:

since the end of WW2, we as a nation, regressively, have allowed ourselves to grow so arrogant and soft....for 70 years! the point right now, where not only the national economy and polity, but global economy is SO fragile, its not a question of IF, the whole monetary paradigm collapses, but when.

so WHEN this happens, how do a people, who bear NO resemblance to the "Greatest Generation" (the young men and women who went thru the Great Depression and fought WW2) does a people, multi-generational, who really have known NO WANT, or will they act, when the tsunami wave hits?

Its no wonder that TPTB have militarized local law enforcement, or that elements of the military conduct bizarre exercises in violation of the 1870 law, Posse C. These leaders of ours, grow increasingly corrupt, but they are not stupid, because when this dislocation happens, and the "children of Empire" suddenly and abruptly have their bellies emptied, all those "children" who turned down 10 ounces of Argent pur, silver for 10 dollars paper, will turn into an insane mass of violent, hungry angry mobs...unwitting violence.

I don't mean to be such a depressing poster, but it just kills me, when say, we are offered a sane , sober man like Congressman Ron Paul in 2008 AND 2012, speaking clear truths....the media does a blackout on coverage of his campaign. Anybody who watched the debates in those election cycles SAW a leader, but the headlines would read, "Romney comes in 2nd in Iowa straw poll".

ah, i'll quit point was this: YES! we must continue to stack REAL commodity money, but when the "balloon goes up" ( a term we used in Korea, late 70's, for invasion) we shouldn't expect a ready acceptance of our careful accumulated stacks. Many other men here have made this point, and they are correct. We need a "bridge", maybe said bridge being an adequate hoard of folding paper, maybe , as I advocate, a robust stack of $100 FV 75/25 bricks of nicks...just enough to see us thru the learning curve our fellow countrymen will have to go through, God help them all.

The area I have my eye on, in global financial news is Greece. no opinion one way or the other, but I worry MOSTLY, that if things go awry, it will set off a stack of dominoes, that crash right into the 75 Trillion dollar "derivative" mess held by Deutsche Bank....of course there's a few dozen other "black swans" floating about, but that's the one that has me concerned.

When I was 13, I saw "Three Days of the Condor", and the ending scene with Cliff Robertson as the rep of the TPTB, I never forgot, because I believe to this very day, Robertson's character is blows me away how could 40 years ago, these filmmakers could call it ALL so correctly?'ll be around the 2:40 mark.....and then when Redford's character tells Robertson, he whistle blew the whole scheme to the NY Times, Robertson asks, "How do you know they'll print it? far can you go, if they don't?"...I get a chill.

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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby IdahoCopper » Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:29 am

Stack the "4-Fs" - Food, Fuel, Firewood, & Females.
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:42 am

TwoAndAHalfCents wrote:Everyday I see clueless people like that here in Southern California. There are a lot of young people around here that don't know the value of real money like silver. If only this guy did this trick in my city and my teenage son and one of his friends were approached by him... I would have come home from work and found a ten ounce silver bar on the kitchen counter with a note attached saying "Look what I got for you. It only cost me 10 bucks".

You're a good father, and may God prosper those two dear young men, and yours, who have to live in that dystopian nightmare, SoCal, where I did too for 20 years........only good thing about the place was a evening spent at Dodgers Stadium, which I miss very much, 3rd Deck, seats between rows 1 thru 14.....Go Blue! one year, me and the boy were in Arizona, spring training, couple rows up from home plate, didn't know who the pitcher was, but I was watching three innings, the guy was throwing 95 mph heat one pitch, then the next was a 75 mph drop off curve....never seen him before, and thought.."marone, this kids a star!"...the guy next to me has a program and I ask, who's that pitching?"....fellow looks down and says, "Kershaw". Man, I miss Chavez Ravine.

you did a great job with your boy, Two. n
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:27 am

IdahoCopper wrote:Stack the "4-Fs" - Food, Fuel, Firewood, & Females.

amen. as for females, God forgive this thought, but I wish I had the bolls to make a bid to an Amish elder for one of their "extra" breeding females, but I got a sneaking suspicion, said offer wouldn't be received well.

its too bad, coz it'd be a win-win deal, Papa Yoder would get him nice Ag, daughter Yoder would have a blast, I mean she wouldn't feel like she landed on Mars here, mornings could be spent together with coffee and taking turns reading from Scripture, then she'd have a blast with my tankless water heater, its a lot more expensive than a normal water heater, coz it heats the water on demand only, which means my new bride could luxuriate with a 45 minute hot shower...maybe turn her onto Nair for the legs, but its her body, which means she doesn't HAVE to shave, exception being facial hair, but that's easily taken care of. Then we could spend a couple hours, "prospering and multiplying"...which in the space of a few days, she'd come to relish, coz I know quite a few tricks them Amish boys haven't even thought to take of your woman's "needs" the pump so to speak.....and that even includes cuddling. Then have more fun, teaching her how to drive....ride into town, maybe get some burgers, go see "Jurassic World"....or head to a major sporting goods store and see if she wants to dress like Linda Hamilton in "Terminator 2", which might happen, when she gets to have some fun tuning up her shot in the back pasture:

of course, she'll miss her kin, but on Sunday, I would put my suit on, she could put her Amish Wear on, and we'd head back to Father's Sabbath worship, and then spend time visiting....unless she was "banished", but that detail would handled in the original deal with her Papa.

her only duties here, would be "keeping house".

nice fantasy, huh?
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby rsk1963 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:41 am

those that sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither

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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:55 pm

rsk1963 wrote:gold version.. same results.

you know what watching these are like?.....its like watching a hapless toddler, sucking its thumb, sitting in between two railroad tracks, as a 100 coal car load is barreling towards this wee one, one mile down track at 70 mph.

I seem to remember two words in the Constitution/Bill of Rights......."well-informed" didn't say "mommy-coddled".

This will not end pretty, thanks for the vid 63, n.

ps.....and to think of all those guys in those thousands of landing craft headed for the Normandy beach codename Omaha, June 44....oh, that makes me mad, watching these narcisstic naifs twaddle about, looking at Mark Dice, like he's a bothersome freak.....and I think of those boys in those boats, waiting for the ramp to come down....its not just about gold or silver refused on some SoCal street corner....much much more than that. Freedom and Liberty are fragile twin sisters, that require care and diligence to defend, because if history has shown us anything, Tyranny is a beast with fangs, waiting to pounce on the weak and unwary. Only those well-informed, with vigorous Blood, can keep this beast at bay....but I feel its already to comfort myself, i'm going to post a video of a fictional battle, as a metaphor. Its why Théoden is my favorite character in LOTR, when we first see him, he's been denuded, a spell cast over him, and when we last see him, he lays dead on battlefield, given everything...a glorious death, no man could ask for more in dark times.

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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby Thogey » Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:58 pm

you know what watching these are like?.....its like watching a hapless toddler, sucking its thumb, sitting in between two railroad tracks, as a 100 coal car load is barreling towards this wee one, one mile down track at 70 mph.

I like this metaphor. What we need is Casey Jones for President.

from wiki

A little-known example of Jones' heroic instincts in action is described by his biographer and friend Fred J. Lee in his book, Casey Jones: Epic of the American Railroad (1939). He recounts an incident in 1895 as Jones’ train approached Michigan City, Mississippi. He had left the cab in charge of fellow Engineer Bob Stevenson, who had reduced speed sufficiently for Jones to walk safely out on the running board to oil the relief valves. He advanced from the running board to the steam chest and then to the pilot beam to adjust the spark screen. He had finished well before they arrived at the station, as planned, and was returning to the cab when he noticed a group of small children dart in front of the train some 60 yards (55 metres) ahead. All cleared the rails easily except for a little girl who suddenly froze in fear at the sight of the oncoming iron horse. Jones shouted to Stevenson to reverse the train and yelled to the girl to get off the tracks in almost the same breath. Realizing that she was still immobile, he raced to the tip of the pilot or cowcatcher and braced himself on it, reaching out as far as he could to pull the frightened but unharmed girl from the rails.
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:02 pm

I've seen these before - at least the gold one. The FED must be all puffed up and proud at how thoroughly well they've destroyed sound money in the US amongst the general population.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:09 pm

thank you Thog!.....I always like it, when I know something today that I didn't know yesterday, ie...the life of Casey Jones, read the wiki entry....that's a man. ......and here's a song for you, one of my favorites: (the line in the song "Good morning, America. How are you? Say, don't you know me? I'm your native son"........never fails to bring a tear to my eye, and I don't know why...maybe coz I love this country so much.....and I feel so powerless to stop this slide....anyway, for you brother

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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby Thogey » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:14 pm

If any of us has the PRIVILEDGE to die like Casey Jones did. You can truly say you life was worth it.

Look it up. The sole fatality in a catastrophic collision was found dead with one hand on the brake.

We need to revive the legends of American history. There were a lot of good old boys that did amazing things.
If I have the gift of prophesy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to move mountains but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love it profits me nothing.
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:43 pm

68Camaro wrote:I've seen these before - at least the gold one. The FED must be all puffed up and proud at how thoroughly well they've destroyed sound money in the US amongst the general population.

let them enjoy their puffery now, for as I see it, the LORD God has already pronounced sentence and judgment on their wickedness.
I been going thru the Psalms...slow, and a couple days ago I read the first Psalm (Tehillim in Hebrew) of the Sons of Asaph, which is in Book Three, which is the 73rd Psalm....and suddenly I understood, like a bright Light overwhelming the dark.....forgive me, I have to post the whole Psalm, otherwise the context will be ruined....even the writer didn't cut himself slack:

Psalm 73
A Psalm of Asaph

Truly God is good to Israel,
to those who are pure in heart.

But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled,
my steps had nearly slipped.

For I was envious of the arrogant
when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

For they have no pangs until death;
their bodies are fat and sleek.

They are not in trouble as others are;
they are not stricken like the rest of mankind.

Therefore pride is their necklace;
violence covers them as a garment.

Their eyes swell out through fatness;
their hearts overflow with follies.

They scoff and speak with malice;
loftily they threaten oppression.

They set their mouths against the heavens,
and their tongue struts through the earth.

Therefore his people turn back to them,
and find no fault in them.

And they say, “How can God know?
Is there knowledge in the Most High?”

Behold, these are the wicked;
always at ease, they increase in riches.

All in vain have I kept my heart clean
and washed my hands in innocence.

For all the day long I have been stricken
and rebuked every morning.

If I had said, “I will speak thus,”
I would have betrayed the generation of your children.

But when I thought how to understand this,
it seemed to me a wearisome task,

until I went into the sanctuary of God;
then I discerned their end.

Truly you set them in slippery places;
you make them fall to ruin.

How they are destroyed in a moment,
swept away utterly by terrors!

Like a dream when one awakes,
O Lord, when you rouse yourself, you despise them as phantoms.

When my soul was embittered,
when I was pricked in heart,

I was brutish and ignorant;
I was like a beast toward you.

Nevertheless, I am continually with you;
you hold my right hand.

You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will receive me to glory.

Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.

My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

For behold, those who are far from you shall perish;
you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you.

But for me it is good to be near God;
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
that I may tell of all your works.
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:44 pm

Thogey wrote:If any of us has the PRIVILEDGE to die like Casey Jones did. You can truly say you life was worth it.

Look it up. The sole fatality in a catastrophic collision was found dead with one hand on the brake.

We need to revive the legends of American history. There were a lot of good old boys that did amazing things.


the reprint of the 1939 book is $42 on Amazon.
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby silverstacker » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:20 pm

neilgin1 wrote:thank you Thog!.....I always like it, when I know something today that I didn't know yesterday, ie...the life of Casey Jones, read the wiki entry....that's a man. ......and here's a song for you, one of my favorites: (the line in the song "Good morning, America. How are you? Say, don't you know me? I'm your native son"........never fails to bring a tear to my eye, and I don't know why...maybe coz I love this country so much.....and I feel so powerless to stop this slide....anyway, for you brother

I have too many kids. The first thing I thought of when seeing this picture was "Thomas the Engine" :lol:
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby Treetop » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:24 pm

This is why I expect metals wont be used for barter much in most scenarios unless it is truly long term, without a government run economy. The vast bulk have no idea what it even is. The government will just make some new currency, and most will gather around whatever economy they set up. If that doesnt happen, then I expect things will be bad enough few would ever be in a position for several years to value much over food or water. Why would people who dont know what metals are want them in such a scenario? Just my 2 cents of course I have no idea where things might go.
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:34 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
You're a good father, and may God prosper those two dear young men, and yours, who have to live in that dystopian nightmare, SoCal, where I did too for 20 years........only good thing about the place was a evening spent at Dodgers Stadium, which I miss very much, 3rd Deck, seats between rows 1 thru 14.....Go Blue! one year, me and the boy were in Arizona, spring training, couple rows up from home plate, didn't know who the pitcher was, but I was watching three innings, the guy was throwing 95 mph heat one pitch, then the next was a 75 mph drop off curve....never seen him before, and thought.."marone, this kids a star!"...the guy next to me has a program and I ask, who's that pitching?"....fellow looks down and says, "Kershaw". Man, I miss Chavez Ravine.

you did a great job with your boy, Two. n

Thank you for the kind words. I do my best to raise my son to be prepared for the world he and his generation will inherit. He is well on his way to taking on life's responsibilities while at the same time enjoying life's pleasures like watching baseball (and I don't mean those boys in blue). This family cheers for the RED team. The one with the other MVP. There's more to SoCal than L.A.
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:16 am

TwoAndAHalfCents wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:
You're a good father, and may God prosper those two dear young men, and yours, who have to live in that dystopian nightmare, SoCal, where I did too for 20 years........only good thing about the place was a evening spent at Dodgers Stadium, which I miss very much, 3rd Deck, seats between rows 1 thru 14.....Go Blue! one year, me and the boy were in Arizona, spring training, couple rows up from home plate, didn't know who the pitcher was, but I was watching three innings, the guy was throwing 95 mph heat one pitch, then the next was a 75 mph drop off curve....never seen him before, and thought.."marone, this kids a star!"...the guy next to me has a program and I ask, who's that pitching?"....fellow looks down and says, "Kershaw". Man, I miss Chavez Ravine.

you did a great job with your boy, Two. n

Thank you for the kind words. I do my best to raise my son to be prepared for the world he and his generation will inherit. He is well on his way to taking on life's responsibilities while at the same time enjoying life's pleasures like watching baseball (and I don't mean those boys in blue). This family cheers for the RED team. The one with the other MVP. There's more to SoCal than L.A. topic..meaning baseball, mistake me not, I love that RED team as well...the Angels....with Mike as manager?!?....holy cow, did the Dodgers mess up BIG TIME, when he wasn't tapped by them.....with me, when I lived in SoCal, was that I lived the entire time in Topanga Cyn, so it was a matter of geographics, you KNOW what its like to do a 100 mile r/t in SoCal, plus I didn't know the ballpark, (seats and sections) as well as I knew Chavez Ravine, Dodgers's the difference, night games at Dodgers Stadium, which I preferred, because that ocean mist would roll in, and it would become a pitchers park, which I like because I have a pitchers heart. now at Angels Stadium, I preferred the day games, coz of the distance, but my first forays there, I didn't really KNOW the park, and Orange County? July and August?....we got fun, until I discovered that overhang on the first base side.

Naw, I love the Angels too. (they might have got robbed in 05 in the AL playoffs against my hometown White Sox, with that pitch in the dirt...member that?....but I know White Sox park like the back of my hand, so that was a great year...sorry.)

I just love baseball like crazy, in fact there is only one team I actively dislike and one that disgusts me. Loathe the Yankees, (though Joe Torre, Derek and Mariano are all class acts)....and the Cubs just disgust me, nothing lovable about losers, and the fans?...they care more about beer than baseball, and management KNOWS it...or has been said in Chicago, "Wrigley Field is the biggest gay bar in Chicago".

my boy and I have been at about over a third of all ballparks, and we really want to go to Fenway BAD, BUT, that's a $2k trip, and i'm furiously paying down dollar debt, so.....we'll wait...our aim is every ball park in the nation.

here's a small treat for you, one of the best baseball doc's I ever seen, "Four Days in October", its part of that ESPN series, "30 in 30"....its the 2004 ALCS, when the Red Sox were down 3 games to zip, and it lifts YOU...whenever I feel really down, I watch streams on Netflix, BUT I found a copy on youtube for you, its a spellbinding 53 minutes, and in the beginning, before the start of game 4, I love Kevin Millar's leadership and heart, comes in at the 4 minute mark...that's a leader, it seems all is lost, but not to him....just watch, you'll love it....

also, if you get Netflix streaming, there's another 5 star baseball doc, entitled "Knuckleball"'s the trailer. (sorry to be quoting Psalms and chattering about baseball, but silvers basing, so.....lets keep our spirits up....)

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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby Double3 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:27 am

I got some food stamps.

Or the guy who was too old to be dressed like he was 20 with the $160 headphones.
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby Double3 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:28 am

Treetop wrote:This is why I expect metals wont be used for barter much in most scenarios unless it is truly long term, without a government run economy. The vast bulk have no idea what it even is. The government will just make some new currency, and most will gather around whatever economy they set up. If that doesnt happen, then I expect things will be bad enough few would ever be in a position for several years to value much over food or water. Why would people who dont know what metals are want them in such a scenario? Just my 2 cents of course I have no idea where things might go.

and there we have it folks. :thumbup:
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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby Dano » Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:46 am

here's a small treat for you, one of the best baseball doc's I ever seen, "Four Days in October", its part of that ESPN series, "30 in 30"....its the 2004 ALCS, when the Red Sox were down 3 games to zip, and it lifts YOU...whenever I feel really down, I watch streams on Netflix, BUT I found a copy on youtube for you, its a spellbinding 53 minutes, and in the beginning, before the start of game 4, I love Kevin Millar's leadership and heart, comes in at the 4 minute mark...that's a leader, it seems all is lost, but not to him....just watch, you'll love it....

As a lifelong Red Sox fan, I will always remember that October. I tell my oldest son (born July 2005, you do the math! wink, wink) how amazing that series was. How it was much more intense than the World Series that followed. How one must never give up, even in the face of overwhelming odds. He is a little league pitcher now, and a huge Red Sox fan (even this year!) Additionally I have been teaching him many of the lessons I have learned from you and others on this board. At age 5 he could discern a silver coin by it's "ring" and he knows well it's true value.

Thank you for your continued wisdom and discussions!

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Re: Selling a 10 toz bar fo silver for $10.

Postby RichardPenny43 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:04 am

neilgin1 wrote:...and the Cubs just disgust me, nothing lovable about losers, and the fans?...they care more about beer than baseball, and management KNOWS it...or has been said in Chicago, "Wrigley Field is the biggest gay bar in Chicago".

How dare you!!!
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