Dry Powder

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Dry Powder

Postby beauanderos » Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:06 am


As the battle ensues or, more accurately, as the ongoing skirmish continues...

Remember to keep some powder dry!

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Re: Dry Powder

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:10 am

beauanderos wrote:Image

As the battle ensues or, more accurately, as the ongoing skirmish continues...

Remember to keep some powder dry!


ohhhhhh Ray!.....why fret? Don't you feel warm and comforted knowing the Plunge Protection Team is hard at work?.....don't you think the Big Six banks should be able to manipulate silver down to a price, where they can snap up the 1000 toz bars needed to fabricate coinage at the lowest price they can get.

don't they deserve a break?....listen pal, lobster, caviar and Korbel Champagne aint cheap, its the least we can do for the brave geeks on the PPT.......here to save the day!

The Donald is really speaking to me now, in several days, i'm forming a new 501c3 religion, under the non profit umbrella called the "Upright Decency Association" (who in the heck can be AGAINST being upright?...or decent?) its a fabulous ...just fantastic! BEAUTIFUL!....and our new religion is "Americanism", we're going to spread a promising hopeful message, "Lets Make America GREAT again!"....just like the Donald proposed.

i'm so happy! ,my own non for profit, tax deductible religion!!
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Re: Dry Powder

Postby johnbrickner » Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:29 am

neilgin1 wrote:ohhhhhh Ray!.....why fret? Don't you feel warm and comforted knowing the Plunge Protection Team is hard at work?.....don't you think the Big Six banks should be able to manipulate silver down to a price, where they can snap up the 1000 toz bars needed to fabricate coinage at the lowest price they can get.

don't they deserve a break?....listen pal, lobster, caviar and Korbel Champagne aint cheap, its the least we can do for the brave geeks on the PPT.......here to save the day!

The Donald is really speaking to me now, in several days, i'm forming a new 501c3 religion, under the non profit umbrella called the "Upright Decency Association" (who in the heck can be AGAINST being upright?...or decent?) its a fabulous ...just fantastic! BEAUTIFUL!....and our new religion is "Americanism", we're going to spread a promising hopeful message, "Lets Make America GREAT again!"....just like the Donald proposed.

i'm so happy! ,my own non for profit, tax deductible religion!!

That's actually a GREAT idea Neil, If you have no scruples.
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Re: Dry Powder

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:28 am

johnbrickner wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:ohhhhhh Ray!.....why fret? Don't you feel warm and comforted knowing the Plunge Protection Team is hard at work?.....don't you think the Big Six banks should be able to manipulate silver down to a price, where they can snap up the 1000 toz bars needed to fabricate coinage at the lowest price they can get.

don't they deserve a break?....listen pal, lobster, caviar and Korbel Champagne aint cheap, its the least we can do for the brave geeks on the PPT.......here to save the day!

The Donald is really speaking to me now, in several days, i'm forming a new 501c3 religion, under the non profit umbrella called the "Upright Decency Association" (who in the heck can be AGAINST being upright?...or decent?) its a fabulous ...just fantastic! BEAUTIFUL!....and our new religion is "Americanism", we're going to spread a promising hopeful message, "Lets Make America GREAT again!"....just like the Donald proposed.

i'm so happy! ,my own non for profit, tax deductible religion!!

That's actually a GREAT idea Neil, If you have no scruples.

oh, i'm very excited, this is just fabulous fantastic and beautiful!.......the doc gave me some ointment, and it took care of them scruples, a little redness after, but this stuff just kills them scruples. If you let them scruples get the upper hand, you're in for some real skin problems.

You see each UDA is a free religious association confined to individual counties....you could charter your own counties UDA, every county UDA is a separate dot org, however to get your charter, you'll have to send a "love offering"......and then of course, we send you a love offering back, and since you're the Overseer of your counties UDA, well....then you donate your vehicle to the UDA, and all expenses are tax deduc's....why not? That vehicle is necessary for you to do your duties as Overseer.....and remember , not just ANYBODY can join....oh no!!! they need the thumbs up from two members of the UDA religion in GOOD STANDING, upright and decent.....in short, no new faces.

I am very excited about this, Thank you Donald Trump! You are precisely the Great Leader this country needs, just smart enough to get us into trouble, and too dumb to figure out how to get us out of it.

Does that mean the UDA "endorses" the Donald?.....no, the UDA as a religion is not about "politics", which can be negative, the UDA is about "Americanism" which is a positive religion, and being GREAT!! and UPRIGHT!!! and DECENT!!!

the UDA is about service to the county, as well as security , via each county UDA's "Auxiliary Posse" (AP)...however since each AP's Muster is a religious function, its not available for public, meaning NON UDA members.

All love offerings may be made in fiat or PM's (such valuation determined by the recipient UDA, and such valuation formulations are again, not for the public knowledge) however since most UDA members are also laborers IN the UDA, they require just compensation for both labor and expense.

I don't see a problem here, when is it a problem to be Upright and Decent?....and to associate with other Upright and Decent folk?
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Re: Dry Powder

Postby InfleXion » Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:54 pm

Keeping powder dry AND some amount safe from the clutches of my bank who loves nothing more than to do other things with it that I would not approve of. Best to stay ahead of the curve of potential capital controls.

Snagged a few kooks last night off eBay. These prices aren't low enough for me to buy a tube or two yet but I can't just sit on the sidelines either.

I've fired the pistol a couple times, maybe even a 308 a few weeks back, but still waiting to get into the 00 buckshot.
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Re: Dry Powder

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:55 pm

I keep only a minimal amount of cash in the bank to pay utility bills. Most of it is removed via ATM to fund my purchases of barbarous yellow rocks.
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Re: Dry Powder

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:10 pm

How many times have we said that dry powder doesn't matter if you can't get the metals. When the market goes wonky the metal dries up, and here we are again.
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Re: Dry Powder

Postby silverstacker » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:43 pm

68Camaro wrote:How many times have we said that dry powder doesn't matter if you can't get the metals. When the market goes wonky the metal dries up, and here we are again.

That was before my time here but I may have to do a search of how many times and what topics "dry powder" was used and read some past messages.
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