As the battle ensues or, more accurately, as the ongoing skirmish continues...
Remember to keep some powder dry!
beauanderos wrote:
As the battle ensues or, more accurately, as the ongoing skirmish continues...
Remember to keep some powder dry!
neilgin1 wrote:ohhhhhh Ray!.....why fret? Don't you feel warm and comforted knowing the Plunge Protection Team is hard at work?.....don't you think the Big Six banks should be able to manipulate silver down to a price, where they can snap up the 1000 toz bars needed to fabricate coinage at the lowest price they can get.
don't they deserve a break?....listen pal, lobster, caviar and Korbel Champagne aint cheap, its the least we can do for the brave geeks on the PPT.......here to save the day!
The Donald is really speaking to me now, in several days, i'm forming a new 501c3 religion, under the non profit umbrella called the "Upright Decency Association" (who in the heck can be AGAINST being upright?...or decent?) its a fabulous ...just fantastic! BEAUTIFUL!....and our new religion is "Americanism", we're going to spread a promising hopeful message, "Lets Make America GREAT again!"....just like the Donald proposed.
i'm so happy! ,my own non for profit, tax deductible religion!!
johnbrickner wrote:neilgin1 wrote:ohhhhhh Ray!.....why fret? Don't you feel warm and comforted knowing the Plunge Protection Team is hard at work?.....don't you think the Big Six banks should be able to manipulate silver down to a price, where they can snap up the 1000 toz bars needed to fabricate coinage at the lowest price they can get.
don't they deserve a break?....listen pal, lobster, caviar and Korbel Champagne aint cheap, its the least we can do for the brave geeks on the PPT.......here to save the day!
The Donald is really speaking to me now, in several days, i'm forming a new 501c3 religion, under the non profit umbrella called the "Upright Decency Association" (who in the heck can be AGAINST being upright?...or decent?) its a fabulous ...just fantastic! BEAUTIFUL!....and our new religion is "Americanism", we're going to spread a promising hopeful message, "Lets Make America GREAT again!"....just like the Donald proposed.
i'm so happy! ,my own non for profit, tax deductible religion!!
That's actually a GREAT idea Neil, If you have no scruples.
68Camaro wrote:How many times have we said that dry powder doesn't matter if you can't get the metals. When the market goes wonky the metal dries up, and here we are again.
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