Doctor Steuss wrote:beauanderos wrote:Hope the LCS will make good on it, they should... if they want your return business

I am pretty sure they will. I have been a customer for over a decade. But, if they don't make good on it, I am going to have to find a new place to impulse shop.
I did get to see one of the 2 oz. Elemetel rounds (they had both the siren, and the privateer) in person. Those are some really well done products. The LCS had them for sale for $60 each though, lol.

If I had more time, I would have prodded to find out their buy price.
hey Doc, (and OB)
I'm curious about two things, and PLEASE don't take offense, ie, i'm not trolling, just curious.
first, why do guys buy in sacks? understand that you can get MORE, like a $100 FV....or $500 FV worth, but for me personally, two things come into play, I would assume, right now, a $100FV canvas(?) bag of 90's would be $1400?....for me, that's a no go, as I am decidedly middle class...median national income, so ya'll must have a lot more discretionary income than I do, and I don't trust anybody, who isn't tight with me, or blood kin....and you cant see thru canvas, which means they could toss a BUNCH of G4's,or VG8's in there, and that don't equal 7.15 they weigh the bags to come out to say 71.5 toz per 100 face?
plus, and this is just the way I play my hand, but when I was gearing up to seriously stack, and learning the market, I look at Ag a bit different. I consider that me, paying in soon to be sheiss PAPER fiat, for real money a huge gimme, because I would NEVER sell one gram of Ag for paper money, no....i'll TRADE Ag for goods, food, livestock, grain, diesel, things I can use, so I figured if that's the case, I want MOST coins I buy to "look" PRECIOUS, meaning that blast white look, with the "United States of America" across the buying 10 face rolls of GEM/BU 64 Kennedy's and 60's era Franklins and 62-64 Wash;s at 15 times face, back in 08-10, was a big deal for me, along with buying rolls of burnished ASES at anywhere from say 360 buy it nows, when the auctions were going for 320-340....and really, please don't take offense, but canvas bags?
and the second question is this Doc, we all know the board is bullshite....right?...its a huge criminal enterprise, its "says" Ag is worth 14.80.....but Doc, you see a coin you like, a coin you consider "well done", like that 2 toz round,and the guy has it at 60 ask, which means $30 a toz......and you thought it was too high priced, but we read of some serious backlogs, we know global fiat is teetering, we know the miserable chicoms are counterfeiting Ag to beat the band...might it be that the REAL price of Ag IS $30 a least that's the price of Ag in that LCS?
the point i'm struggling to make is, (and i'm struggling) why do guys seem to "shop" Ag to shave a couple of paper dollars off the retail Ag toz price.....when in fact, that 5 or 10 "dollar" difference in the near future, will not matter?...come a day a hundred paper bill will be "worth" one dollar....maybe even less. i'm certain of it, but that's just my take.
there's some rough days coming.....people will kill each other for stale bread, normally decent women will sell their bodies for cans of Chef Boyardee.....people who now take this filthy medicine, these anti-depressants, will be roaming the streets, unhinged and violent, because they cant get it no more, like the frigging "walking dead"...scumbags, who are scumbags NOW, will get together in bands of predators, and just prey on the weak, sick, and old...or those not stout of heart, enough to put a volley of bullets into their heads, and turn around a light a cigarette, before you drag them off their "bikes", put them in a pile, and burn 'em, let the vultures take whats left.
that is the world that's coming...soon. Some might think I've lost my sanity, or i'm overwrought, and paranoid...and that's okay.
I say this with love and respect....heed the signs, get right with God, and fear no evil or darkness, nor death of body.