the Chinese keep things close to the vest, but this is news that can carry terrible ramifications: ... bad-loan-s
InfleXion wrote:
The big thing to me is that President Xi will be making his first ever address to the UN. The winds of change are blowing.
InfleXion wrote:Well Neil, now that I'm settled in for the night with a cold one I can finally unwind a bit and watch this vid of yours.
But first, a little story. Every day when I leave work I make a snap decision about what direction to take home. Do I take the freeway south or go northbound briefly so that I can hit the less traveled back road. There are multiple factors.. what time of day it is, I wouldn't dare try the freeway during the heat of rush our. Obviously if one direction is severely backed up I will avoid that one, but you can't see what's around the corner. There are always places to hop off and zigzag my way back if I need to so sometimes I just let the wheel do what it wants to do. Today I wasn't in the heat of rush hour, maybe 45 minutes past closing time, but I knew there'd still be some residual traffic so I opted for the less traveled road thinking the scenic route would do just fine. Well the freeeway that direction was backed up for quite a ways with sirens everywhere, just not far enough for me to tell in advance. No problem, I'll hop off the side exit instead of merging onto the main drag. Get around the corner, and then we come to a stop where there's no reason to stop. I can see that there are cars stopped ahead of me not moving, and to the side of me not moving, and sure enough within a couple minutes the line behind me is as far as I can see. They had all the roads in the vicinity completely shut down, for guess who. President Xi that wily old coot. Helicopters overhead, I sat in my car with countless other strangers for 40 minutes waiting for his majesty to finish up at the school he was visiting. Getting to see the convoy almost made it worth the wait.
InfleXion wrote:I won't be able to watch these new videos for a little bit still, but I can at least comment on the other! It's strange how easy it seems to forget that China's rise to an economic powerhouse was not ingenuity, was not shrewd capitalism, was not providing a good or service that someone else could not provide. No, they simply have the most advanced and "successful" child and human labor exploitation system. Their rise to power has been on the backs of the poor. I don't really see any good guys in this global chess game, but its been said that sons pay for the sins of their fathers, and if that is true there will plenty of payment due for a long time. I don't believe that such atrocities can happen without there being some kind of negative reaction and consequence for those making them happen. I believe God is in control of this ship, but free will means that those of us who got a ticket to ride on planet Earth have a lot of leeway in what we can do on this ship, and I think that whether it's obviously apparent or not, that everything any person does to impact the world around them creates a chain reaction of cause and effect that ultimately brings about whatever they put out into the Universe back onto themself. So I do not believe that what China is doing is something they can sustain. With the Foxconn suicides, the absolutely horrendous pollution, and child exploitation, those who promote such evils in this world should beware their just due, and should not expect that their bad deeds will be lacking in consequence just because they are above the law. Human rights are not endowed by the state, and I do not doubt that there will come a day where this will hit the oppressors like a ton of bricks when the needs of the many become neglected enough that the wants of the few are no longer enough to keep things in check.
As for the metaphor of my story, I think you touched upon it pretty well. Another chain reaction of cause and effect. A seemingly innocuous decision leads to a string of decisions, each in and of itself seeming to be most appropriate, which ultimately lead to consequences that could not have possibly been predicted. In this case the only negative aspect was that I lost a small portion of my day to something I had not planned on. There are positive aspects too, such as this discussion it has lead to. But if we are going to continue the metaphor, that I was literally halted, boxed in, with a 5 story concrete wall to one side, countless cars in every direction, helicoptors overhead, a convoy of all sorts of undercover establishment vehicles, and me being completely powerless to do anything except be at the mercy of the situation... the powerlessness is something to consider. I am only one person, as are you, as is your friend who wrote the Walking Dead. As much as I feel in control of my life and my destiny, maybe that is an illusion, or maybe that's only true as long as I don't encounter a force more powerful than my own. Thankfully I am not in the driver seat, but am hitchhiking with my Lord and Savior, so I don't have any need to worry on the road of life or about my own abilities, but it gives a cautious reminder that making decisions haphazardly can have unintended and undesirable outcomes, and it never hurts to do extra planning. Yesterday the world was still turning, but if I had to deal with being surrounded by zombies who just lost their welfare checks instead of just a bunch of regular commuters, boy would I have been in for a rude awakening. I was definitely not prepared to defend myself. I do not carry in public, but I am faithful that whatever situation I encounter that if something is going to happen that could interfere with God's plan that He would circumvent the possibility of someone else's free will reaching a decision point to have that impact, and as may come to no surprise I am pretty confident in ability of persuasion. Still, you can't necessarily expect zombies and meth addicts (huge problem here unfortunately) to listen to even the soundest of reason, especially when the conclusion is not what someone wants to hear.
I am a huge fan of Tolkien's writing, and Jackson's ability to capture the essence of the novels in film was A+. As a Christian author, I find no surprise in his words speaking to your spirit. The all seeing eye of Sauron, atop the tower, a metaphor from a time most people were not alive yet the truth stands the test of time as here we are witnessing the US turn into Mordor. Tolkien, who started writing the story before WWII and was heavily influenced by his own experiencees in WW1, wrote a portion of LOTR during WWII for his son who was overseas. I'm sure we could have a lengthy analysis of all the correlations in the story to history and how they are still relevant today. I love the culmination of the story too. Even when all hope is lost, 2 of the most unlikely of heroes find a way to do what no one else could do and thwart the instrument of oppression and destruction in middle Earth.
I haven't seen a lot of the Walking Dead but in what I did see I definitely got a sense of the struggle for humanity. The zombies have had their humanity taken from them, but even the people struggle to be human too as they are put into difficult situations where you would think having zombies around would unify them, but it doesn't. You still have a group of protagonists and a group of antagonists who can't band together for a common cause even in the end of days, still seeking their own personal desires above all else. Sadly I feel this is how it will be..
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