The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny scam!

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The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny scam!

Postby pennypicker » Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:26 pm

Why is it people keep falling for these sales jobs on ebay when it comes to "unsearched" wheats. I was looking over completed listings today on ebay and came across a listing that showed a dirty old pile of 1500 wheats. The seller says he buys all his coins at estate sales of deceased people and he goes to SO many sales he simply doesn't have the time to search the pennies. And of course he adds his coins typically come from "old ladies jars" and "grandpa's bag". Well there were 47 bids on this mystery lot and it sold for a whopping $142.50. The winner left a feedback saying "95% were from the '40s & '50's and 5% were late '30 with all being commons. The seller's "sales pitch" resulted in a $142.50 sale of about $50 worth of wheats! :shock:
Last edited by pennypicker on Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny s

Postby AdamsSamoa » Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:29 pm

buyer beware....
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Re: The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny s

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:54 pm

I've rolled th dice a couple of times on feebay...but I look for new sellers..and the ad can never say "unsearched". I try to get a vibe and in the long run it's a gamble. I got a bag with 3650 wheats once, the seller had a feedback of '5'. It wasn't a great bag but it wasn't all 40's and 50's either. Between the teens (2x1909), 20's, and 30's it was a good buy. I was lucky to get a few decent mintmarks of 10's, 20', and 30's. Also, a couple of decent steel wheats. Sometimes you gotta just roll the dice!
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Re: The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny s

Postby Shrewd 1 » Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:58 pm

Every day half of the people try to screw the other half of the people out of their money. :roll:
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Re: The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny s

Postby pennypicker » Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:36 pm

Shrewd 1 wrote:Every day half of the people try to screw the other half of the people out of their money. :roll:

Very well said.
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Re: The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny s

Postby kiwiman » Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:15 pm

pennypicker wrote:Why is it people keep falling for these sales jobs on ebay when it comes to "unsearched" wheats. I was looking over completed listings today on ebay and came across a listing that showed a dirty old pile of 1500 wheats. The seller says he buys all his coins at estate sales of deceased people and he goes to SO many sales he simply doesn't have the time to search the pennies. And of course he adds his coins typically come from "old ladies jars" and "grandpa's bag". Well there were 47 bids on this mystery lot and it sold for a whopping $142.50. The winner left a feedback saying "95% were from the '40s & '50's and 5% were late '30 with all being commons. The seller's "sales pitch" resulted in a $142.50 sale of about $50 worth of wheats! :shock:

That sounds close enough to being unsearched to me. I get about 5% pre-40s from sorting because the mintage is so much lower for those years.
You could be sorting right now.
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Re: The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny s

Postby STINGER » Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:30 pm

I know some people that have bought vehicles that were about half price buy it now off ebay and they tell me it never came. Then I always say let me guess free shipping? Then I get that look how would you know that. Some people just don't get it
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Re: The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny s

Postby NDFarmer » Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:48 pm

What I don't understand is after they fall for it and get screwed they always leave positive feedback.
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Re: The "unseached, grandma's or grandfathers" wheat penny s

Postby Snake42 » Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:21 pm

Some people have more money than they have sense.
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