oober wrote:So I was just looking thru an Antique mall and spotted a 5 candle weighted sterling candle holder for $130.00 It is marked weighted sterling and probably weighs 3 lbs or so. If I were to pick this up, how much of this would be actual sterling? I did not see a makers name on it by the way.
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:oober wrote:So I was just looking thru an Antique mall and spotted a 5 candle weighted sterling candle holder for $130.00 It is marked weighted sterling and probably weighs 3 lbs or so. If I were to pick this up, how much of this would be actual sterling? I did not see a makers name on it by the way.
Who made it? If there are no makers hallmarks... how do you know it is really Sterling?
There were many made by Westmoreland sold on feebay last two years. IMHO they were not worth $130.00. If all you want is the melt value... run from this one.
Sterling hollow-ware, and good candle holders are very expensive. If you can find hollow-ware at a low price and then resell it for a profit... it is worth your while.
Good ones are worth more than melt value. Do a little homework and find out who made it. If you can't find who made it... walk away.
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