If your ISP's DNS resolvers (or other outside DNS resolvers you may be using) aren't
up to date you might be getting re-directed due to a DNS cache poisoning attack:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_spoofingSo this would be why only people on certain ISPs (or maybe just one ISP) are affected
by it but the rest of the internet gets to the site fine.
Coinflation.com (or
www.coinflation.com) should resolve to one of these IP addresses:
Those of you who are getting sent to annother site if you open up a
command prompt window and type "ping
(without the quotes ^_-) what IP address do you get?
Possible solutions you can implement at your end include:
#1: Using an alternative DNS Service like Google Public DNS:
https://developers.google.com/speed/pub ... /faq?hl=en#2: Operate you own resolvers. (Much more difficult. ^_-)
#3: Add an entry to your computer's hosts file to override DNS for
that one domain. This has the problem of becoming out of date
if the site moves to a different server and doesn't do anything
about any other sites that may be affected.
For the record the resolvers run by shaw.ca (my ISP) are resolving
coinflation.com just fine.
After a certain amount of time what's in the cache will expire so unless
the attack is repeated things will go back to normal.
If after reading the Wikipedia article you think that's scary you wouldn't
believe the holes you could drive a truck through at the routing level if
you are at the right places on the internet. (Can't be messed with at
the end user level but most ISPs high enough up the chain can manipulate
certain things in BGP.)
Basically the internet was largely designed to work on the honour system
in the days when the participants were few and concerned about their
reputation. Over time as exploits are found fixes are developed but those
fixes have to actually be implimented to help the situation.