December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

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December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Country » Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:28 pm


This is for 'true finds" only - coins found in change, rolls, or bags at face value only (not from wheat purchases).

Data includes all posts December 30, 2015 12:48 am forum time and earlier.


1909 - (8) - cooyon(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1909-VDB - (0) -
1909-S - (0) -
1909-S-VDB - (0) -
1910 - (5) - CardsNCoins(1), narragansett(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1910-S - (0) -
1911 - (7) - BenG76(1), Country(1), cwgii(2), John Reich(1), outofsort(2),
1911-D - (0) -
1911-S - (0) -
1912 - (3) - outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1912-D - (3) - narragansett(1), outofsort(1), WileE(1),
1912-S - (0) -
1913 - (9) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), Country(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(2), outofsort(2), WileE(1),
1913-D - (1) - Sullysullinburg(1),
1913-S - (0) -
1914 - (4) - cooyon(1), narragansett(1), Sullysullinburg(1), WileE(1),
1914-D - (0) -
1914-S - (0) -
1915 - (4) - narragansett(1), outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1915-D - (1) - Country(1),
1915-S - (0) -
1916 - (11) - BenG76(1), cwgii(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(5), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1916-D - (3) - narragansett(1), WileE(2),
1916-S - (0) -
1917 - (20) - aristobolus(1), blink(1), bookshelf(3), John Reich(1), mrlaufer(1), narragansett(8), spacemanX(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(3),
1917-D - (0) -
1917-S - (0) -
1918 - (28) - BenG76(1), blink(1), cecropia_moth(1), cooyon(1), J_Dodge(1), narragansett(10), outofsort(4), Sullysullinburg(1), WileE(8),
1918-D - (3) - blink(1), J_Dodge(1), narragansett(1),
1918-S - (2) - narragansett(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1),
1919 - (40) - aristobolus(1), blink(1), CardsNCoins(1), cecropia_moth(1), Country(1), cwgii(3), mrlaufer(2), narragansett(10), outofsort(4), spacemanX(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(4), Whinstone(1), WileE(9),
1919-D - (4) - CardsNCoins(1), WileE(3),
1919-S - (12) - hirbonzig(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(3), outofsort(3), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1920 - (35) - blink(1), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(2), cecropia_moth(1), John Reich(2), narragansett(14), outofsort(3), spacemanX(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(5),
1920-D - (6) - bookshelf(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1920-S - (0) -
1921 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1921-S - (0) -
1922-D - (0) -
1922-NO D - (0) -
1922-WEAK D - (0) -
1923 - (4) - narragansett(2), WileE(2),
1923-S - (0) -
1924 - (5) - Country(1), narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1924-D - (0) -
1924-S - (0) -
1925 - (23) - blink(1), cecropia_moth(1), Country(2), narragansett(9), Numis Pam(1), outofsort(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(3), Whinstone(1), WileE(3),
1925-D - (1) - bookshelf(1),
1925-S - (1) - cwgii(1),
1926 - (16) - blink(2), CardsNCoins(1), Country(1), cwgii(2), hammerrob(1), hirbonzig(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(3), outofsort(2), WileE(2),
1926-D - (4) - CardsNCoins(1), cwgii(1), outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1926-S - (1) - narragansett(1),
1927 - (23) - blink(3), bookshelf(1), cwgii(2), Frank t(1), J_Dodge(1), narragansett(8), Numis Pam(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(1), woodyh(1),
1927-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1927-S - (2) - bookshelf(1), WileE(1),
1928 - (24) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), cecropia_moth(1), cwgii(2), narragansett(5), outofsort(3), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(6), WileE(4),
1928-D - (2) - CardsNCoins(1), narragansett(1),
1928-S - (3) - cecropia_moth(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2),
1929 - (37) - blink(2), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(1), Country(1), cwgii(3), John Reich(1), narragansett(13), outofsort(2), Sullysullinburg(3), TwoAndAHalfCents(4), WileE(5),
1929-D - (4) - hirbonzig(1), narragansett(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(1),
1929-S - (6) - cwgii(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(3),
1930 - (22) - bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(1), cecropia_moth(1), chris819(1), cwgii(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(9), outofsort(1), Sullysullinburg(2), WileE(3),
1930-D - (6) - bookshelf(2), Country(1), cwgii(1), WileE(2),
1930-S - (3) - bookshelf(1), WileE(2),
1931 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1931-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1931-S - (0) -
1932 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1932-D - (1) - narragansett(1),
1933 - (1) - TheJonasCollegeFund(1),
1933-D - (0) -
1934 - (47) - bookshelf(3), CardsNCoins(1), cecropia_moth(1), chris819(1), Country(5), cwgii(5), hammerrob(1), hirbonzig(1), J_Dodge(1), John Reich(2), narragansett(12), Numis Pam(1), outofsort(6), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(6),
1934-D - (5) - bookshelf(1), mrlaufer(1), WileE(3),
1935 - (44) - blink(1), bookshelf(7), cecropia_moth(1), Country(3), cwgii(1), hammerrob(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(13), outofsort(1), Sullysullinburg(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(4), WileE(9),
1935-D - (9) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), Country(1), cwgii(1), hirbonzig(1), outofsort(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(2),
1935-S - (7) - cwgii(1), narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(3),
1936 - (64) - blink(1), bookshelf(7), CardsNCoins(3), Country(2), cwgii(2), hirbonzig(1), John Reich(2), narragansett(23), outofsort(2), Sullysullinburg(3), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(8), WileE(8), woodyh(1),
1936 -DBL DIE - (0) -
1936-D - (7) - Country(1), cwgii(1), John Reich(1), narragansett(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(1),
1936-S - (4) - TwoAndAHalfCents(3), WileE(1),
1937 - (70) - blink(3), bookshelf(3), CardsNCoins(3), chris819(1), Country(3), cwgii(2), everything(1), hammerrob(2), hirbonzig(1), J_Dodge(2), John Reich(4), narragansett(19), outofsort(4), Sullysullinburg(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(5), Whinstone(1), WileE(13), woodyh(1),
1937-D - (12) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), cwgii(2), narragansett(1), TheJonasCollegeFund(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(4),
1937-S - (8) - blink(1), bookshelf(1), cwgii(1), narragansett(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), Whinstone(1),
1938 - (47) - blink(1), bookshelf(2), CardsNCoins(1), cwgii(4), hirbonzig(1), John Reich(3), narragansett(23), outofsort(1), plus1hdcp(1), Sullysullinburg(2), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(6), woodyh(1),
1938-D - (1) - TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1938-S - (4) - bookshelf(1), narragansett(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1939 - (75) - blink(4), bookshelf(11), CardsNCoins(1), Country(2), cwgii(5), everything(1), hirbonzig(1), John Reich(2), mrlaufer(1), narragansett(19), outofsort(3), Sullysullinburg(4), TwoAndAHalfCents(2), WileE(19),
1939-D - (5) - blink(1), narragansett(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(2),
1939-S - (7) - bookshelf(1), narragansett(2), Shifty51(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(2),

TOTAL FOUND : 819 Lincolns; 64 out of 89 possible categories


1909-VDB - (0) -
1909-S - (0) -
1909-S VDB - (0) -
1910-S - (0) -
1911-D - (0) -
1911-S - (0) -
1912-D - (3) - narragansett(1), outofsort(1), WileE(1),
1912-S - (0) -
1913-D - (1) - Sullysullinburg(1),
1913-S - (0) -
1914-D - (0) -
1914-S - (0) -
1915-S - (0) -
1921-S - (0) -
1922-D - (0) -
1922-NO D - (0) -
1922-WEAK D - (0) -
1923-S - (0) -
1924-D - (0) -
1924-S - (0) -
1926-S - (1) - narragansett(1),
1927-S - (2) - bookshelf(1), WileE(1),
1928-S - (3) - cecropia_moth(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(2),
1931 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1931-D - (1) - WileE(1),
1931-S - (0) -
1932 - (1) - narragansett(1),
1932-D - (1) - narragansett(1),
1933 - (1) - TheJonasCollegeFund(1),
1933-D - (0) -
1936 -DBL DIE - (0) -
1938-S - (4) - bookshelf(1), narragansett(1), Sullysullinburg(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1),
1939-D - (5) - blink(1), narragansett(1), TwoAndAHalfCents(1), WileE(2),


aristobolus - (2) - 1917(1), 1919(1),
BenG76 - (3) - 1911(1), 1916(1), 1918(1),
blink - (29) - 1913(1), 1917(1), 1918(1), 1918-D(1), 1919(1), 1920(1), 1925(1), 1926(2), 1927(3), 1928(1), 1929(2), 1935(1), 1935-D(1), 1936(1), 1937(3), 1937-D(1), 1937-S(1), 1938(1), 1939(4), 1939-D(1),
bookshelf - (57) - 1913(1), 1917(3), 1920(2), 1920-D(1), 1925-D(1), 1927(1), 1927-S(1), 1928(1), 1929(2), 1930(2), 1930-D(2), 1930-S(1), 1934(3), 1934-D(1), 1935(7), 1935-D(1), 1936(7), 1937(3), 1937-D(1), 1937-S(1), 1938(2), 1938-S(1), 1939(11), 1939-S(1),
CardsNCoins - (19) - 1910(1), 1919(1), 1919-D(1), 1920(2), 1926(1), 1926-D(1), 1928-D(1), 1929(1), 1930(1), 1934(1), 1936(3), 1937(3), 1938(1), 1939(1),
cecropia_moth - (9) - 1918(1), 1919(1), 1920(1), 1925(1), 1928(1), 1928-S(1), 1930(1), 1934(1), 1935(1),
chris819 - (3) - 1930(1), 1934(1), 1937(1),
cooyon - (3) - 1909(1), 1914(1), 1918(1),
Country - (27) - 1911(1), 1913(1), 1915-D(1), 1919(1), 1924(1), 1925(2), 1926(1), 1929(1), 1930-D(1), 1934(5), 1935(3), 1935-D(1), 1936(2), 1936-D(1), 1937(3), 1939(2),
cwgii - (48) - 1909(1), 1911(2), 1916(1), 1919(3), 1920-D(1), 1925-S(1), 1926(2), 1926-D(1), 1927(2), 1928(2), 1929(3), 1929-S(2), 1930(1), 1930-D(1), 1934(5), 1935(1), 1935-D(1), 1935-S(1), 1936(2), 1936-D(1), 1937(2), 1937-D(2), 1937-S(1), 1938(4), 1939(5),
everything - (2) - 1937(1), 1939(1),
Frank t - (1) - 1927(1),
hammerrob - (5) - 1926(1), 1934(1), 1935(1), 1937(2),
hirbonzig - (9) - 1919-S(1), 1926(1), 1929-D(1), 1934(1), 1935-D(1), 1936(1), 1937(1), 1938(1), 1939(1),
J_Dodge - (6) - 1918(1), 1918-D(1), 1927(1), 1934(1), 1937(2),
John Reich - (25) - 1911(1), 1913(1), 1916(1), 1917(1), 1919-S(1), 1920(2), 1926(1), 1929(1), 1930(1), 1934(2), 1935(1), 1936(2), 1936-D(1), 1937(4), 1938(3), 1939(2),
mrlaufer - (5) - 1917(1), 1919(2), 1934-D(1), 1939(1),
narragansett - (242) - 1909(4), 1910(1), 1912-D(1), 1913(2), 1914(1), 1915(1), 1916(5), 1916-D(1), 1917(8), 1918(10), 1918-D(1), 1918-S(1), 1919(10), 1919-S(3), 1920(14), 1920-D(2), 1921(1), 1923(2), 1924(2), 1925(9), 1926(3), 1926-S(1), 1927(8), 1928(5), 1928-D(1), 1929(13), 1929-D(1), 1930(9), 1931(1), 1932(1), 1932-D(1), 1934(12), 1935(13), 1935-S(2), 1936(23), 1936-D(1), 1937(19), 1937-D(1), 1937-S(2), 1938(23), 1938-S(1), 1939(19), 1939-D(1), 1939-S(2),
Numis Pam - (3) - 1925(1), 1927(1), 1934(1),
outofsort - (49) - 1911(2), 1912(1), 1912-D(1), 1913(2), 1915(1), 1918(4), 1919(4), 1919-S(3), 1920(3), 1925(1), 1926(2), 1926-D(1), 1928(3), 1929(2), 1930(1), 1934(6), 1935(1), 1935-D(1), 1936(2), 1937(4), 1938(1), 1939(3),
plus1hdcp - (1) - 1938(1),
Shifty51 - (1) - 1939-S(1),
spacemanX - (3) - 1917(1), 1919(1), 1920(1),
Sullysullinburg - (29) - 1910(1), 1913-D(1), 1914(1), 1916(1), 1918(1), 1919(1), 1919-S(1), 1920(1), 1925(1), 1927(1), 1928(1), 1929(3), 1930(2), 1935(2), 1936(3), 1937(1), 1938(2), 1938-S(1), 1939(4),
TheJonasCollegeFund - (8) - 1918-S(1), 1919-S(1), 1920(1), 1927(1), 1933(1), 1936(1), 1937(1), 1937-D(1),
TwoAndAHalfCents - (71) - 1909(1), 1910(1), 1912(1), 1915(1), 1916(1), 1917(1), 1919(4), 1919-S(1), 1920(2), 1920-D(1), 1924(1), 1925(3), 1926-D(1), 1927(2), 1928(6), 1928-S(2), 1929(4), 1929-D(1), 1929-S(1), 1934(1), 1935(4), 1935-D(1), 1935-S(1), 1936(8), 1936-D(2), 1936-S(3), 1937(5), 1937-D(2), 1937-S(2), 1938(1), 1938-D(1), 1938-S(1), 1939(2), 1939-D(1), 1939-S(1),
Whinstone - (4) - 1919(1), 1925(1), 1937(1), 1937-S(1),
WileE - (151) - 1909(1), 1910(1), 1912(1), 1912-D(1), 1913(1), 1914(1), 1915(1), 1916(1), 1916-D(2), 1917(3), 1918(8), 1919(9), 1919-D(3), 1919-S(1), 1920(5), 1920-D(1), 1923(2), 1924(1), 1925(3), 1926(2), 1927(1), 1927-D(1), 1927-S(1), 1928(4), 1929(5), 1929-D(1), 1929-S(3), 1930(3), 1930-D(2), 1930-S(2), 1931-D(1), 1934(6), 1934-D(3), 1935(9), 1935-D(2), 1935-S(3), 1936(8), 1936-D(1), 1936-S(1), 1937(13), 1937-D(4), 1938(6), 1939(19), 1939-D(2), 1939-S(2),
woodyh - (4) - 1927(1), 1936(1), 1937(1), 1938(1),
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle, 1855
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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:36 pm

1919S....saved from the cold earth!
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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:09 pm


I also posted this same one in the November 2015 thread by mistake
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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby outofsort » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:38 pm

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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:37 pm

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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby John Reich » Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:14 am

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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby bookshelf » Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:54 pm

1927, 1935
Wanted: current Japanese YEN coins and bills
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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby outofsort » Sat Dec 26, 2015 3:30 pm

1912-d Well worn - difficult to determine last digit in date with confidence. My daughter insists it's a 1914-d :)
Last edited by outofsort on Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Sun Dec 27, 2015 6:49 pm

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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby J_Dodge » Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:09 am

A 1918 from the "have a penny, take a penny" at the local convenience store when I was getting gas.

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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:48 am

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Re: December 2015 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread

Postby Country » Mon Jan 04, 2016 1:58 pm

The final Pre-1940 Lincoln stats for December 2015 have been posted. Look to the first post of this thread to get the details. Always look to the first post to see the last post that was included in the latest update.

Please post your January 2016 Pre-1940 finds in the new thread:
January 2016 Pre-1940 Lincoln Tracking Thread.

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