uthminsta wrote:Tell us if a manager is ever present at one of these experiences.
In the Burger King examples the managers are consistant with the other
staff when they are working the tills. In the other places managers are
less likely to be at or near the tills.
I'll have to ask one of my freinds who's more prone to push issues what
his experiences are.
I've been front line to the public in enough jobs I'm a bit reluctant to make
an issue of something with someone who has no decision making power.
(I know just how annoying that can be to the employee. ^_-)
I'm more likely to look for ways to get my way that don't put the front line
employee between conflicting forces. (Like using the credit card.) The
downside being I don't get to test if it's someone just making it up as
they go or not.
Maybe I should make the method next time:
"OK, I'd like to do a mixed payment $9.10 cash and 3¢ on debt."
That will make it a bit more obvious on the paper trail than just "people
are using credit cards more".
Maybe this is annother reason why I prefer self check-out, the machine
does what it's coded to do, does it the same way every time and once
I've reverse engineered it I know what I have to do to get it to do what
I want it to. The machine has no "feelings" or "opinions" about what's
going on. (That and I can dump in bulk nickels and let it count them
while I do my bagging leisurely. ^_-)
You may be on to something with the "don't know" factor, I found that
if I try to spend a 50¢ piece older clerks have no problem while younger
clerks or anyone that came to Canada in the last 20 years (regardless
of their age) has no idea what they are. (Including a lot of bank tellers.)