by InfleXion » Wed Dec 30, 2015 5:22 pm
Something is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it right? I've never come across a concrete answer to this question before, but I have wondered.
I don't know that we could attribute a measurable decrease in resale value for non-sealed maples even if that were the case, but I personally have affinity for maples and I do not buy any gold that isn't in the plastic seal or a capsule because that's my preference. This preference stems from both wanting to keep the coin nice, and knowing that it is nice, and also having a better sense that it isn't counterfeit since the plastic is an added element to that.
I have a few sealed silver maples that I really like, but some in tubes as well. I'm not sure I'd pay more for a sealed silver coin, but I would be more likely to buy it than a non-sealed coin definitely.
So it's a factor, but so is who to buy from and how much to pay which I think are both more important.
Overall it probably doesn't matter, because I figure less people care about it than those who do. Although if your LCS owner says to keep them in the plastic, I'd heed his advice. Even if it doesn't get you more money, I think the benefit is there for a quicker sell.
Silver: the Rodney Dangerfield of precious metals.
If it's printed on a piece of paper it's worth the paper it's printed on.
If it's a digital asset it's worth the electrons in cyberspace.