Unfortunately, I see lower prices with a possible increase at election time in Q4 (providing the Right person is elected).I'm feeling more of a $10-12 range and a $900- $1,000 range. Wish I could see differently but I just don't for this year. I hope I'm wrong.
More steady stacking to take advantage of to DCA and maybe 5 of the major governmental tubes, some collector pieces will likely be on the plate for me this year. Focusing on more older bars as well as some art bars at lower prices with low mintage rounds (I.e. Privateer #1)
2017 - 2018 is where I see the spot price rising at a more positive rate and climbing hopefully back to the $18 - $20 range.
Many of the small mineing company's today will end up in some private equity group and get aquired by larger mineing company. I'd assume that these company's have a higher degree of certainty on where the "better" PM deposits are located in The America's and abroad. With all the overhead and having to continually brace themselves for lower spot prices, there's no doubt they need a way out or a way to stay afloat longer because it's going to have to pay in quantity to offset the lower profit margin they usually take in.
If it doesn't work they continue sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss.
Now, not only the paper market is leveraged but the mining company's are as well. This is where the ETF's get SLAMMED HARD

...Big domino falls down
Gobs and gobs of uncertainty easily clouds judgement. Too much speculation and TPTB with their assumptions will continue to determine what's needed out of 2016 and how TPTB can press upon the markets and the public with "good reasons mind you "

A way that makes the events that have yet to come are already fixed because they've found the right way to correct the problem. Yet again sweeping under the rug.
So many factors are in play right now that at any movement could easily trigger a complete opposite outcome. If things stay at the current "event rate" these spot numbers I mentioned are what I feel are most likely to happen.
Done with the rant off to sleep.
Wait and see....stay the course.......and keep stacking
IMO of course
“The Bitterness of Poor Quality Lingers Long after the Sweetness of Low Price is forgotten”