Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

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Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby beauanderos » Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:24 am

referring to the final winners spread sheet linked here http://realcent.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=35696

Quick analysis of our guesses (is this because we share a bias as stackers?) indicate that we were all overly optimistic regarding our predictions
(mirroring the reflection that things will often become worse than any can imagine)... yet not quite so bad as the most pessimistic among us had predicted.

Will this trend continue into 2016? I imagine so. Has anything changed in the fundamentals? No.

I'm not talking about the fundamentals of our rationale for stacking precious metals. That remains unchanged. And events are lining up to provide those
late to the game with excellent entry points. And long-timers the opportunities to lower our DCA :D

What I'm talking about when I propose that "the fundamentals haven't changed," is that, until the system breaks, TPTB will keep the markets fixed.
Those who push the prices down will continue to do so until physical scarcity (again) shoves premiums back up, leading to a final divergence of pricing
based on paper vs physical.
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby Market Harmony » Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:28 am

We will end 2016 higher in price than the end of 2015
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby pennypicker » Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:05 am

I see PM prices being flat the first half of 2016 and picking up slightly the second half. But overall 2016 should be a lackluster year--good for stacking however and lowering our DCA's.

Happy New Year folks and remember to invest not only in metals but in your physical health as well :thumbup:
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Fri Jan 01, 2016 7:43 pm

IMO lower that where they are now, then go higher as 2016 progresses. As for the exact timing, I have no idea.
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby silverstacker » Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:20 am

Unfortunately, I see lower prices with a possible increase at election time in Q4 (providing the Right person is elected).I'm feeling more of a $10-12 range and a $900- $1,000 range. Wish I could see differently but I just don't for this year. I hope I'm wrong.

More steady stacking to take advantage of to DCA and maybe 5 of the major governmental tubes, some collector pieces will likely be on the plate for me this year. Focusing on more older bars as well as some art bars at lower prices with low mintage rounds (I.e. Privateer #1)

2017 - 2018 is where I see the spot price rising at a more positive rate and climbing hopefully back to the $18 - $20 range.

Many of the small mineing company's today will end up in some private equity group and get aquired by larger mineing company. I'd assume that these company's have a higher degree of certainty on where the "better" PM deposits are located in The America's and abroad. With all the overhead and having to continually brace themselves for lower spot prices, there's no doubt they need a way out or a way to stay afloat longer because it's going to have to pay in quantity to offset the lower profit margin they usually take in.

If it doesn't work they continue sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Now, not only the paper market is leveraged but the mining company's are as well. This is where the ETF's get SLAMMED HARD :o ...Big domino falls down :o

Gobs and gobs of uncertainty easily clouds judgement. Too much speculation and TPTB with their assumptions will continue to determine what's needed out of 2016 and how TPTB can press upon the markets and the public with "good reasons mind you " :roll: A way that makes the events that have yet to come are already fixed because they've found the right way to correct the problem. Yet again sweeping under the rug.

So many factors are in play right now that at any movement could easily trigger a complete opposite outcome. If things stay at the current "event rate" these spot numbers I mentioned are what I feel are most likely to happen.

Done with the rant off to sleep.

Wait and see....stay the course.......and keep stacking ;)

IMO of course
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby agmoose » Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:41 pm

I tend to agree with the down early in the year and up in Nov/Dec projections. Oil and silver/gold will separate, as oil will remain low all yr.....and into 2017/2018, unless OPEC shuts down their wells. I think by this time next yr, silver will be at $17 and gold at $1175. Maybe that is just wishful thinking as I continue to stack. But I believe we are headed for another 20% in the stock markets and hat will have people turning to silver and gold again.

Either way....I will be at FUN next week.....stacking. I had a pretty solid yard sale and garage cleaning to raise some extra cash over the holidays. It is all going to Ag & Au.
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:09 am

Prices will go lower, with lots of head fakes a long the way... look at what happened to silver today.

As the stock market continues to get nailed, there will be forced selling of paper PMs. Think 2008.
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:13 am

I just pray we don't see mushroom clouds in 2016.

I just pray.
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:36 am

neilgin1 wrote:I just pray we don't see mushroom clouds in 2016.

I just pray.

I hope it lands right on my head, that way I get vaporized.
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby J_Dodge » Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:27 am

neilgin1 wrote:I just pray we don't see mushroom clouds in 2016.

I just pray.

A double and triple "Amen" to that Neil. To many hot heads in the world w/ nothing to loose.

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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby InfleXion » Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:07 pm

It looks like silver and probably gold too are building a base at these levels. I don't see the price going much lower unless the stock market crashes and takes paper down too. I thought some Chinese exchange (not the AIIB) was supposed to replace the COMEX this year, but I haven't kept up on it. If that happens I'll be glad that I'm a buyer now, but I'm trying to save cash right now too to keep more options on the table.
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Re: Where will Spot Prices Head in 2016?

Postby Recyclersteve » Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:36 pm

They say the trend is your friend and there is no doubt that both gold and silver are in long-term downtrends. So in this case the trend is my enemy. Except that dollar cost averaging means I can buy more at a cheaper price. So now it is my friend again. Maybe it is more like a frenemy. :)
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