beauanderos wrote:Dow Futures down 400, oil under $30... silver and gold holding up (heading up) well in light of this
neilgin1 wrote:beauanderos wrote:Dow Futures down 400, oil under $30... silver and gold holding up (heading up) well in light of this
OB.....no thumbs up.(due respect)
this is JUST the beginning, wait until the average American's belly gets emptied.
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Don't worry though, the Fed will throw everything they can at it. I seriously doubt they'll let the market fall below -20%. QE4 on the way soon. They'll ban shorting too.
68Camaro wrote:Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Don't worry though, the Fed will throw everything they can at it. I seriously doubt they'll let the market fall below -20%. QE4 on the way soon. They'll ban shorting too.
Agree, at least that that's the administration's desire and they will work hard to that end. I think their line in the sand is roughly the 2007 high of 14000 and change for the Dow, and the equivalent for the other highly watched indices. Obama will insist that he go out with a market "higher/better" than the Bush peak (even if not adjusted for inflation). From 16000 that's only 2000 points (not far from the current point) so they only have 12.5% left to play with. If the rest of the world is collapsing and the US retail market is imploding I think it could be a challenge for them to keep it above 14000. But they will try, even if as you say they have to resort to a major additional stimulus (they won't call it QE4, they probably won't call it QE anything.
Hmmm, how could they do this? (Short of just bumping up their stock buying by 10x until they've essentially nationalized a large part of the market - which might well be what they do). They've already got interest rates at record lows and people still won't buy. They already have half the population on major hand-outs. A tax holiday might be an approach but unless businesses believe it is a long-term change they won't change their approaches and the consumer market will be far too slow to react to that.
I'm not sure I can think of anything they have left that could be effective at this point, short of just buying the market? If they do that, everyone's 401K will have essentially been transformed into US Treasuries. Which is sorta what they want anyway.
Any other thoughts on this?
silverflake wrote:Agree with Rodebaugh. Get out or at least cut your losers and speculations. Raise some cash.
That raises another thought. On the other side of this nebulous "crash" of some type that we all seem to feel is coming (to what degree, I can't say - I think its gonna be big), life will go on. The paradigm may actually be changed but, there will be bargains on the other side (besides miners). Be ready. Maybe my last chance at 47 years old to buy some blue chips on the cheap.
Continue to stack though.
beauanderos wrote:silverflake wrote:Agree with Rodebaugh. Get out or at least cut your losers and speculations. Raise some cash.
That raises another thought. On the other side of this nebulous "crash" of some type that we all seem to feel is coming (to what degree, I can't say - I think its gonna be big), life will go on. The paradigm may actually be changed but, there will be bargains on the other side (besides miners). Be ready. Maybe my last chance at 47 years old to buy some blue chips on the cheap.
Continue to stack though.
I would say raising cash would be of paramount importance, far greater than even continuing to stack, unless you see a screaming deal. Most of us have enough in our stacks anyway, what
we may not have is a sufficient stack of outside-the-banking-system fiat. There will always be deals, but without the ready cash to deploy you will miss out on them. If you can't bid, why
go to the auction?
JadeDragon wrote:I never have enough metal at any price. I'm not dumping my blue chips or funds, I take a long long term view. Hoping to pick up some bargains though in stocks.
JadeDragon wrote:I never have enough metal at any price. I'm not dumping my blue chips or funds, I take a long long term view. Hoping to pick up some bargains though in stocks.
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:68Camaro wrote:Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Don't worry though, the Fed will throw everything they can at it. I seriously doubt they'll let the market fall below -20%. QE4 on the way soon. They'll ban shorting too.
Agree, at least that that's the administration's desire and they will work hard to that end. I think their line in the sand is roughly the 2007 high of 14000 and change for the Dow, and the equivalent for the other highly watched indices. Obama will insist that he go out with a market "higher/better" than the Bush peak (even if not adjusted for inflation). From 16000 that's only 2000 points (not far from the current point) so they only have 12.5% left to play with. If the rest of the world is collapsing and the US retail market is imploding I think it could be a challenge for them to keep it above 14000. But they will try, even if as you say they have to resort to a major additional stimulus (they won't call it QE4, they probably won't call it QE anything.
Hmmm, how could they do this? (Short of just bumping up their stock buying by 10x until they've essentially nationalized a large part of the market - which might well be what they do). They've already got interest rates at record lows and people still won't buy. They already have half the population on major hand-outs. A tax holiday might be an approach but unless businesses believe it is a long-term change they won't change their approaches and the consumer market will be far too slow to react to that.
I'm not sure I can think of anything they have left that could be effective at this point, short of just buying the market? If they do that, everyone's 401K will have essentially been transformed into US Treasuries. Which is sorta what they want anyway.
Any other thoughts on this?
Maybe TPTB are green-lighting a crash in order to justify converting all 401k's to US Treasuries (?).
Just like they did in 2008/09, the Fed and US Government will create new schemes/scams undreamed of. TPTB will do anything and everything to put a floor underneath it. Even if TPTB prop the stock market, they cannot do much to save a crashing economy. Things are going to get much worse for people in the US, that's for sure. Majority of US sheeple are totally ignorant to what is happening and what is about to happen. When it goes down the elites will fly off to some remote location while the majority of us will be killing each other over a can of beans. Ammo will be worth more than silver and gold someday... I have no doubts about that.
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