68Camaro wrote:The goal you select depends on how you want to live: do you want to live like the dime per day ancient laborer, or more like the middle class that most of us have lived our entire lives? 1000 oz for a couple, 500 oz per person, to last several decades, is a slim margin of living unless you are already semi-self-sufficient, or unless silver goes to gold levels of value. We know that gold levels for silver are possible, but do you want to bet your life on that when you don't need to?
To think you can plan a retirment of something that goes up or down 100% in a year or two is the craziest thing ever if the measure of relieve Value has not done the same. This thread is attempting to standardize it as a primary means of currency. That is what the dollar is for. It is an accepted means of trade. Silver is not. you will need to convert your silver to a useable standard ( the dollar ) for most anything today.
You are trying to peg silver as a fixed instrument which it is far from that. It is extremely volatile and to day 1 oz per day or 5 per day is not possible to make an accurate predictioN.
TXBullion wrote:I would note count on SS for retirment. Maybe as a part but you need to make plans that don't put your future at the mercy of someone's choice. Get out there and hustle , come up with plan b and plan c. The people I see who retire with nothing to do seem to go in decline. the ones who have obligations , commitments , meaning and purpose are the ones who seem to keep on chiving on
beauanderos wrote: Everyone on this site thinks they will get to enjoy some type of individually visualized "rosy retirement"
where they get to go hunting, fishing, golfing, cruises, etc... and just sit back as the checks roll in. Uh uh, ain't gonna happen.Get ready for a paradigm
shift. Check out the "retirement" status of citizens in present day third world countries... and then fast forward ten years. We'll be in the same boat by then.
amalekidad wrote:beauanderos - thread drift is not only allowed, it’s encouraged! Besides you didn’t do any thread drift. ‘Retirement’ is what I’m talking about. I don’t see how I can ever retire. Besides, every time I start to slack off, the Smoking Hot Wife threatens to make me do more work on the ‘hobby farm.’
Y’all are great. Jade Dragon, said what I’m thinking. What I can sell an oz of Ag for will buy about the same amount of wheat (insert commodity name here) as I was able to buy when I bought the Ag. Regardless of price! Yes, I’m talking on average – every single transaction will be an exception.
BTW, the goats that my wife has are ‘exotic’ Nigerian Dwarf goats. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SU3CwdvPEU These are my grand’kids’ playing with the goats.
deacon wrote:Gold and silver aren't investments. If anything they are speculations. Why not get a portfolio of diversified funds? 60% stocks, 40% bonds, reduce one or the other for your gold/silver hoard. Fill a 401k first, then your IRA, then taxable account. Consider reading A Random Walk Down Wallstreet, or The Intelligent Investor.
So maybe something like:
30% Total Domestic Stock
20% Total International
30% Total Bond
10% Gold/Silver
5% Cash
5% Other
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