This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.
Please Note: These articles are to inform your thinking, not lead it. Only you can decide the best place for your money, and any decision you make will put your money at risk. Information or data included here may have already been overtaken by events – and must be verified elsewhere – should you choose to act on it.
Gold and silver made great leaps today... and the mining stocks were incredible. All this while the DOW tanked. You know they aren't going to allow precious metals to seem like a safe haven, particularly when the two asset classes are moving in different directions. "Never let them stay green two days in a row, while equities are falling," they like to say as they assassinate spot pricing.
The only question is, when will it start and how far will they crush it? I'm betting it starts (at the latest) on Sunday nite, if not tonight. If they are unable to suppress the price this time, it will be a true testament to the resiliency of this upsurge, and may well provide impetus for a strong, sustained move upwards (silver > $18, gold > $1290)
I can easily see a Friday smackdown. However, this does seem like the beginning of another bull market so I kind of wish it would drop back to 14 so I could buy the deals. To the moon is fine by me as well though.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -Thomas Jefferson
Nope - it's going down to 10-12. Why? Because I said so...
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell. We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. Ayn Rand.
Nope.. Full speed ahead Captain. Deutsche Bank and company are on the sidelines. The bombing planes are just not anywhere to be seen. It's price discovery now baby!!
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle, 1855
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -Thomas Jefferson
"If I had to pick one player to take the last shot to win the game I would pick Michael Jordan...if I had to pick one player to take the last shot to save my life I would pick Larry Bird"--PAT RILEY, L.A. Lakers Head Coach
"I'd rather play against Michael Jordan than Larry Bird...Jordan made you look bad but Bird made you look stupid!"--JAMES WORTHLY, Laker Hall-of-Famer
I truly believe that Deutsche Bank and friends have their hands tied at this moment. This should allow speculation to proceed uninhibited. PMs have been "inhibited' from rising for the past 5 years! Perhaps, we'll get too much of a rise, and it will go up too fast. We could get a big push higher in May before the summer (the key to watch is the USD - going down again tonight). But, I think PMs are normalizing to where they should be, which is higher.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle, 1855
beauanderos wrote:ok... this is surprising! After hours, gold up another $7.70, silver up another 23 cents.
Country? You may get your wish
Why you surprised OB?....the day is here, the gamblers are cornered, the jig is up.....the tape shows us that....Time has come today. watch how quick all these resistance points get cut thru! Time has come today.
pennypicker wrote:Neil said we're going to $19...he may be right!
I MIGHT have made a big purchase at 14.95 + 2.00......but I also been looking at OTHER Currencies, two week ago, I noticed the gals at the kwik trip sell those half pint Stol vodkas, (I don't drink, coz bad things happen), so I asked them if they could buy me two 48 ct cases on their wholesale chit, and they said sure, cost me $160, and when the time comes, that there is no store bought liquor, i'll sell the many alki's here a half pint for one toz of silver....everybodies got ole granpapies Morgan', etc....two of them and you got you a half pint....its a hard ball world....we going to 250 a toz.
pennypicker wrote:Neil said we're going to $19...he may be right!
I MIGHT have made a big purchase at 14.95 + 2.00......but I also been looking at OTHER Currencies, two week ago, I noticed the gals at the kwik trip sell those half pint Stol vodkas, (I don't drink, coz bad things happen), so I asked them if they could buy me two 48 ct cases on their wholesale chit, and they said sure, cost me $160, and when the time comes, that there is no store bought liquor, i'll sell the many alki's here a half pint for one toz of silver....everybodies got ole granpapies Morgan', etc....two of them and you got you a half pint....its a hard ball world....we going to 250 a toz.
This encourages me to stock up on booze. I've been seeing super cheap vodka (UV brand) by the case recently.
Chief wrote:This encourages me to stock up on booze. I've been seeing super cheap vodka (UV brand) by the case recently.
imho, in the search for alternative currencies, or high demand tangible items for trade, (THAT KEEP) you cant beat stacking cases of cheap half pints of vodka, even better if you don't drink hard likker.
I just looked at the open interest of July silver on the crimex.........140,000+!!! and we're two steps away from cracking $18, id she closes today Friday, above $18....TO ME, it means the best efforts of the suppressors are getting rather limp.
in time I made that above post, I guess the boyz hit their desks, and "slammed" down on Ag July, went for 17.91 to 17.79, they aint gonna give up without a helluva fight, grandma yellen wont let 'em.....she don't want to get a "stroke", or get into a "car accident" I guess.....
Chief wrote:This encourages me to stock up on booze. I've been seeing super cheap vodka (UV brand) by the case recently.
imho, in the search for alternative currencies, or high demand tangible items for trade, (THAT KEEP) you cant beat stacking cases of cheap half pints of vodka, even better if you don't drink hard likker.
Picked up a 24 pack of half-pint 40% vodka in glass bottles tonight for $50 out the door. Felt like a good buy. It ain't going to turn bad.
Chief wrote:This encourages me to stock up on booze. I've been seeing super cheap vodka (UV brand) by the case recently.
Miniatures are going to be worth their weight in gold someday. Ammo and cigs too.
words of wisdom....for me?.....i'm not trading ammo, in fact of the mind, never let anybody but tight bro's, know if you even HAVE ammo, imho. I might have a mess of 22 cal CCI mini-mags, and that's the rolls Royce of 22's, because 22's equal meat....rabbit and squirrel, and maybe you could trade 10 count rounds, but it would be best to have a wingman with you.
I been cursed with the habit of tobacco, so I might trading FOR it. I like that "old liquors" site, but the local boys would be more than happy with plain alkihol. We're lucky enough to have the "Dwarf"......not a midget, but a "lords of the rings" Dwarf, meaning this kid can build and rebuild ANYTHING you want, engines, metal plating....he could uparmor a pick up truck...AND he could take copper sheeting and make a still based on plans, I kid you not.....and in that spirit, here is a real world "last run of likker" done by the late and great Popcorn Sutton, God rest his soul....its an entertaining step by step tutorial on how to make a run of likker.
before I pin it up, let me say two things, number one, COPPER only, number two, your water, I sit atop a 2 and half million year old coral reef with about 400 feet of pressed down limestone beneath, that was the old sea bottom, the drinking water is sweet, BUT would make poor sipping liquor....about 50 miles is a spring that has a public off shoot, this water goes thru a different formation, we call it "pink lady gravel", its a more like a tough granite, THAT is the kind of water you want for making likker.
let me let the late Popcorn teach you, so save those canning jars:
neilgin1 wrote: I might have a mess of 22 cal CCI mini-mags, and that's the rolls Royce of 22's, because 22's equal meat....rabbit and squirrel, and maybe you could trade 10 count rounds, but it would be best to have a wingman with you.
If things came to this dont expect to be able to hunt for long in much of the country. These small animals were driven to critically low numbers in most of the nation during the great depression and populations were much lower back then.
I live in an underdeveloped sub-division small lots. This area is very heavy with wild life. It's not weird to see 5-7 deer just standing in my tiny yard eating my trees.
It is so thick with animals around her I feel like I live in zoo. Herds of javilia roam around. The racket at night this time of year is amazing. We have over 347 species of birds within 10 square miles, look it up.
Treetop is right. All this will end 48 hours after the SHTF. Poof! they will be gone before you discharge your first box.
The animals that survive will be spooked, they will disappear.
If I have the gift of prophesy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to move mountains but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love it profits me nothing.
Would gladly donate the more than 4 million wild hogs in Texas to the cause. Very destructive. Would take a little more than a 22 to bring them down, in most cases. Yes the animals will go into hiding. What comes of cattle in fields, feed yards? Horses, goats, sheep, etc. Mass slaughter? Hope it doesn't come to that.
Always drink upstream from politicians, they tend to foul things up.