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The Trustee and his staff are unable to provide legal advice. Claimants and others with interest in the case are encouraged to seek advice from an attorney with bankruptcy experience in order to determine the bankruptcy’s impact on their individual situation
June 24, 2016
Deadline to file a proof of claim is SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 (deadline for Governmental units only is September 28, 2016). IF YOU HAVE ALREADY FILED A PROOF OF CLAIM WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT, NO ADDITIONAL CLAIM IS NEEDED. Notice to File a Proof of Claim added to Bankruptcy Info Page under Key Court Documents.
June 9, 2016
Sale Order added to Bankruptcy info page under Court Orders.
May 19, 2016
Meeting of Creditors 5/11/16 transcript added to Bankruptcy Info page:
◾Transcript of Meeting of Creditors (PDF)
May 17, 2016
Important Documents added to the Bankruptcy Info page.
May 16, 2016
Bankruptcy Info page added containing important upcoming dates.
April 19, 2016
If you are a creditor of Northwest Territorial Mint you will need to electronically file a Proof of Claim form. For help filing this form please follow these instructions.
The bankruptcy case number for the Northwest Territorial Mint Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filing is 16-11767-CMA
Along with your proof of claim submit proof of payment, including copies of any checks, both front and back, to assist the Trustee in evaluating your claim. In order to protect your privacy, redact all but the last four digits of any account number, tax ID number, or social security number appearing on the proof of payment. Please refer to Bankruptcy Rule 9037 regarding privacy protection for filings made with the Court.
April 13, 2016
If you placed your order with the company prior to April 1st 2016 and your check was negotiated (cashed) then you are a creditor of the Northwest Territorial Mint bankruptcy. If your order check was not negotiated (cashed) prior to that date your check will be returned to you in the near future. If your order was placed on or after April 1st your order will be filled in the regular course of business or we will return your check to you if the specific items are not currently available. Thank you for your understanding and your business.
The bankruptcy process can be confusing and frustrating for creditors. Thus in an effort to keep you informed of our progress, major events in the bankruptcy and the possible recovery we will from time to time be providing additional information to our website. The information will relate to the progress in the case, court dates and other relevant information to this case.
I, Mark Calvert, was appointed as Trustee on April 11th at 9 am. I am in the process of getting up to speed on the current situation. My intent is to have an initial creditors meeting on May 11th in the afternoon. At this meeting I will provide my initial findings, anticipated timelines and estimated recovery for the customers. I would appreciate your patience until May 11th so I can focus on completing my initial assessment and distribute the information to all creditors. My initial report will also be posted on this website in a downloadable format for your review.
I apologize for the burden this has placed on you and your family. I will do my best to maximize your recovery within a reasonable timeframe. If you are unable to wait until May 11th, please feel free to send me an email at Once a week I will make an attempt to respond to all emails.
The Trustee and his staff are unable to provide legal advice. Claimants and others with interest in the case are encouraged to seek advice from an attorney with bankruptcy experience in order to determine the bankruptcy’s impact on their individual situation