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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:35 am

scyther wrote:I find it strange (but sadly not surprising) that everyone's ignoring the adultery angle here. The idea that vulgar talk somehow "dehumanizes" women is idiotic, but it is pretty messed up that he tried to cheat on his wife, while she was pregnant, with a woman who was also married.

Trump's done.

Thats the thing though, everyone always knew that. That is why I cant really fathom it is even a story. No one really cared about JFK or bill clinton for that matter doing these things either and I absolutely guarantee if someone had followed JFK he would have at some point said something about how women flock to his power or influence just as trump had done and that he made advances on them. This tape was proof Trump did what we ALL already knew he has done in the past. A rich man who used his wealth to attract women that he went on to make advances they "let" him make. There was no force acknowledged here. One might not have assumed their was audio of it, but if you didnt think trump said something like this before then you didnt know much on his past. The idea anyone relates this to sex abuse is just weird.

I agree with guiliani. The debate was a beat down. The media spent days trying to pretend it was all over because GASP trump got caught saying they he uses his power and influence to attract women he then GASP makes advances on that they LET happen. Pffft. Im not even making excuses for it at all, I was the odd man out many a times in my life because I dont have locker room talk like this with the guys, but we all knew Trumps history with the ladies which as far as I know has no force involved. We all know Trump has cheated on wives in the past, as well as having been with married women, and even spent a lot of time at the playboy mansion or his own miss universe contest. Suddenly this matters a month before the debate, because we found unvarnished talk about what we all knew he was like? lol. I am sure it annoyed many but I dont expect it to change the vote much.

It would be like if a tape came out on hillary with her talking to some wealthy supporter telling the person she will act on their behalf as she accepted their money. We all know she has done this type of thing. Hearing it in a new way might be shocking to hear but it isnt likely to heavily sway people when most of anyone voting hillary lready knew she was like that.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby hobo finds » Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:15 pm

Should have cut off there mics after the 2 minuets were up! Trump would have done better if he just answered the questions and moved on. Could have done the full on attack at the last debate. Trump moving around behind Hillary while she was speaking was like the dentist that killed the lion! He looked like he was ready to deal the final blow! :lol:
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:09 pm

The word pussy in any context is now gone the way of the n-word in any context.
Look how it is redacted here ... ional.html

That is damn funny. We now have to burn all children's books with the word pussy, like Mark Twain's "nigger Jim character". Cat food. Plant names are all going to have to be "corrected".
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:51 am

Wikileaks is starting to release stuff on hillary now. To much for me to even remember to list. So far it mostly confirms things we already knew were likely true. Stuff like the media letting her decide how she is portrayed and vet stories about her and ignoring things she doesnt want covered. She was given questions of past town hall type debates in advance to prep. We also saw that the DOJ was working rather closely with hillaries people during the investigation, the same one many on her staff were given immunity during after everyone knew she had data destroyed after a supeona. We are also seeing clearly the difference between how she portrays herself and how she talks within elitist circles. This has got to hurt for her. Look how popular sanders was this cycle for being against literally every thing hillary fights for when you see behind the veil. She also called those same people names on atleast two occasions. She has also said in private speeches that russia is financially backing anti fracking groups which has long been suspected and denied.

Much more then this but so far it is mostly confirmation of what many of us already suspected. She is as corrupt as it gets, and is indeed above the law with the media in her pocket framing each datapoint as she wants it framed.

Here is a recent Trump quote.
'These Wikileaks emails confirm what those of us here today have known all along: Hillary Clinton is the vessel of a corrupt globalist establishment that's raiding our country and surrendering the sovereignty of our nation,'
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby NHsorter » Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:09 pm

Ain't that quote the truth. You won't see that soundbite on CNN!
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby frugi » Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:27 pm

NHsorter wrote:Ain't that quote the truth. You won't see that soundbite on CNN!

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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby NHsorter » Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:26 am

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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby frugi » Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:12 am

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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby justoneguy » Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:08 pm

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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:45 pm ... ward-trump

Electoral college still sliding towards Trump. There are a few polls still showing hillary as the national leader some of those acknowledge on their own pages that they are polling many more from the left then the population has as a percentage. Meanwhile rueters, rasmussen, latimes and several others all showed her having a lead right after the recent video about Trump, but Trump is up several points in those now after the last debate, and recent wikileaks dumps. He is also starting to turn many individual states. The media doesnt seem to be acknowledging this but this is the best position according to polling he has been in during the entire election. Considering past discrepancies with electronic voting could they be doing this so it is easier to steal? Im not saying this is the case but it does make me wonder. The power structure is clearly freaking out. Many I talk to insist Trump already lost and he has no chance in the world, when he is actually in the best position of the entire election and could easily win at this point.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby hobo finds » Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:31 pm

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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby scyther » Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:39 pm

Seems like even the Dilbert guy we keep hearing about thinks Hillary will win now. ... a-of-women
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:52 pm

Yet Trump already more then made up all lost ground according to many polls. No idea why the dilbert guy said wikileaks wasnt about hillary, most of it has been, nor why he would say there are no "meteors". I mean we now know according to her own emails many of her core stances are total lies simply to get votes, she calls even her own supporters names and makes fun of them. She simply isnt convincing the sanders supporters to line up behind her at the rates she needs. The best is yet to come with wikileaks as well, none of us know what else he has, but he insists it is more then enough to have her indicted. She literally already lost all the ground gained after the release of trumps video and her worst wikileaks controversy yet is still secret. Also weird he points to hillaries support from women as key to her winning when Trumps support among men is even stronger according to all the polls Ive seen for months that covered it. Despite the frothing at the mouth I never expected the Trump tape to matter much. Everyone who knows his past knows he must have talked like this at some point or another. Also most men, probably all of us have heard this same type of talk from other men we respect or are friends with.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby IdahoCopper » Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:23 pm

Trump's words on the tape were close to this: "When you are a star, it is unbelievable what they will LET you do to them."

The keyword is "LET". What he actually said, not what the MSM spun, was his incredulity of how women are. His words had nothing to do with assulting women sexually. It is not assult when a woman lets/wants you to do it. Especially if you are a billionaire and she thinks she might "git sum o'dat".

Now, a week later, people are reviewing the disconnect between the word said, and how the MSM reported it as his presidential death knell. The bell actually tolls on the MSM's credibility instead.


Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful - I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.
And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.
Bush: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab them by the p#####. You can do anything.

The word let? Definitely not quoted.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:52 pm

I finally listened to the tape and it seemed like he was entertaining Bush. Like he was clowning around and liked the attention he was getting. Clearly hyperbole: Grab them by the p#####. You can do anything.

If someone said that to me, and I'm sure I hear worse everyday of my life, that's how I take it.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:22 am

Trump rallys are huge!. There was on in Prescott Valley. Lots of pissed off old geezers. The only reason I even passed a thought of going was because my 14 year old son and almost all his friends were insanely interested.
I went to sign he and his friend out at the office. The early release form with the list of kids who's parents picked the up early was almost all "Trump". We arrived at about 12:00 for a 15:00 rally. We had tickets, which were a waste of printer ink. People had been out there since 08:00. When I got there the line was easily mile long. No way I was going to stand in a mile long line. The kids ran up front to the VIP lady and said they wanted to meet with their school group, and she let them in. The kid's government teacher was there with over 50 kids, unsanctioned by the school gathered. Sterling called me just before the end. He fled early just before the end because the uproar of the 7,000 in the arena and the 15,000 outside watching on a jumbo screen about cracked his skull. Remember there are only 250, 000 within 50 mile radius of here.
He said is was fun, and that Donald is orange just like on TV.

Moral of the story. I'm am in a bubble and from where I sit Trump takes AZ. Watching this play out one way or another is incredible. I am very concerned about national security, almost scared.

Can this idiot possibly understand this is not helping?
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby NHsorter » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:25 am

Thogey wrote:Watching this play out one way or another is incredible. I am very concerned about national security, almost scared.
Just curious what you mean by this, if you don't mind elaborating. I have heard so many people with so many different specific fears or scenarios. Just interested in your opinion if you don't mind sharing. I myself an not 100% sure what I think.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby IdahoCopper » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:51 am

Scott Adams has another good post today. ... candidates
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:14 am

IdahoCopper wrote:Scott Adams has another good post today. ... candidates

1. Rumor: A Wikileaks email says Clinton allegedly “hates everyday Americans.” The words on the page do say that, but the context is that she hates the label “everyday Americans.” This rumor is false.

I dunno. She has said much more on this then that single mentioned item. Not sure how you could ignore the rest as he did, they are well acknowledged. She called half of Trump supporters deplorables, and called bernie supporters AKA nearly half of the democrats "uninformed basement dwellers", another time she referred to an unspecified portion of democrat leaning people as a bucket of losers. She also explained that she needs both a public and private position on issues, essentially saying the general populace just doesnt get it so need to be lied to so they still vote in the right people to sell us out. lol I paraphrased. So presumably she still likes a small portion of her supporters but she has directly called most of us names, and doesnt think we deserve the truth at all because we might pick the wrong future. Then of course we also have the claims from many who worked for her saying how horrible she treated anyone below her.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby hobo finds » Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:59 pm

Thogey I think Clinton takes AZ, as more Republicans will vote 3rd party or write in. How about UTAH they say they may not go Republican :shock: And all I can say is get this over with! So many phone calls on house land line and now on cell phones. And the adds on tv :sick:
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:39 pm

hobo finds wrote:Thogey I think Clinton takes AZ, as more Republicans will vote 3rd party or write in. How about UTAH they say they may not go Republican :shock: And all I can say is get this over with! So many phone calls on house land line and now on cell phones. And the adds on tv :sick:

Yeah Ive heard that as well, despite Trump winning 100% of the polls Ive seen for utah. We have had issues with electronic voting every year since they have been a big thing and Utah happens to be the furthest down that path, having gone all the way to most in Utah now voting through the internet. (or atleast they did in the primary not positive that is the plan for the general) Bush got more votes then voters in many precincts in the past, and obama somehow pulled 99-100% of the vote in precincts in key swing states as well. neither of those were investigated despite being obvious and glaring issues. IT will be interesting to see if Trump contests the election and where that might lead if Hillary wins and there are more discrepancies that show up. Why exactly are we moving towards a system with so many flaws anyway when it costs more, and why did we simultaneously stop doing exit polls when theyve proven rather accurate historically? Sad more people dont care about this issue.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby frugi » Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:50 am

When Trump wins the election Obama and Hillary will cry foul and say that Russia hacked the election results and changed them......Will be the beginning of WWIII...Perhaps Obama thinks he will nuke Russia to cover up (again) for hillary.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:34 pm

It is very possible these accusers of Trump coming out might backfire. Several of the stories are now proven false or unlikely. We have even had women who have had contact with Trump say multiple media sources contacted them asking if Trump had made advances. The link below coversme of this but there is more then this already out there and I expect more to come. So we had the media insist a guy saying women LET him make advances on them was assault, then run around seeking out women to insist he had actually made un wanted advances several of these already disproven. This was an orchestrated hit out of corporate media that are under covering the fact we now know hillary is likely the most corrupt politician in US history and should already be in prison if not for said corruption. Meanwhile we have extreme saber rattling that could lead to world war over actions in libya/syria that hillary was key in creating. I dont see how anyone could suggest there is less of a difference between these two candidates then past elections, there has never been a bigger difference in my life. We have seen less then 20% of the materials wikileaks claims to have and the best is supposed to come last, yet we already see 100% corruption and lies top to bottom. ... ald-trump/
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:50 pm

Got my ballot,voted my ballot. I'm now on a self imposed media blackout. As much as possible :shifty: :roll:
I will avoid the news.

I'll read the history on Nov 9th.

My final, maybe hopeful prediction.

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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:09 pm


Trump was awarded the ellis island medal of honor in 1986 along with rosa parks and mohamed ali. Back before he challenged democrats and became racist. Hillary won it in 1999. Trump won it with 80 others the first year it was awarded. Trump should wear it to the last debate on wednesday, lol.

A description of the award.

The Ellis Island Medals of Honor embody the spirit of America in their celebration of patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity. They recognize individuals who have made it their mission to share with those less fortunate their wealth of knowledge, indomitable courage, boundless compassion, unique talents and selfless generosity; all while maintaining the traditions of their ethnic heritage as they uphold the ideals and spirit of America. As always, NECO remains dedicated to the maintenance and restoration of America’s greatest symbol of its immigrant history, Ellis Island.
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