I've always enjoyed trivia. Why don't we have a trivia thread here? We need to set some ground rules. First, I don't have prize money to award, so this is just for pride, bragging rights, or whatever. I don't expect you to post your guesses to each question on the thread. You can keep your answers to yourself so we don't spoil things for others. The guide we use for the questions will come from the famous Redbook. Let's just say that with rare exceptions this will include anything from U.S. half cents to $20 gold pieces. Please feel free to add questions to the thread as you see fit. This one could be good for old and young collectors alike. Also, let's keep the answers in a separate thread from the questions so that a reader of a question doesn't immediately see the answer.
Question #1: During the 20th century there were four years where quarters were not produced. What are they? (remember- answers in a different thread. That thread is titled Coin Trivia- Answers). (Degree of difficulty: Low)