Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Doctor Steuss » Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:38 pm

Treetop wrote: nO idea if anyone has in recorded from Pa but that is exactly what they claim. This time always from the right to left though. Out of texas in early voting though a few did record it happening.

As chance would have it, I just got off the phone with my wife, and she mentioned this happened to her. It kept switching to "None of these...". Poll worker came over, moved her to a new machine, and went to work cleaning the one she had been on.

I think this type of thing is more likely an indication that the person who used the machine before you was gross, rather than some nefarious voter fraud cabal. After all, if someone had the sophistication to alter the machines, why make the vote switch visible?
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby natsb88 » Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:45 pm

Most of Pennsylvania uses the same machines with pretty archaic touchscreen technology that has to be calibrated (usually means pulling up a utility screen and touching targets on the screen so the machine can sync the touch input with what is displayed on the monitor). Most poll workers are elderly and many are not great with technology, so often the "changing your vote" phenomenon is simply an improperly calibrated touch screen. Usually as simple as taking a few seconds to calibrate the machine, IF a poll worker knows how to do it. Is it a problem? Yes. Is it nefarious? I'm inclined to think not. A couple of the old folks at my polling station know what they are doing and I've never experienced a problem with the machines.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Treetop » Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:50 pm

Lean to thinking its nefarious since all the reports I see on it have it going in a single direction. That said Im waiting to see if we get results like in 04 when bush got more votes then voters in several ohio precincts, and in 08 and 12 when obama got 99-100% of the vote in many battleground precincts. neither of those was really possible. Those are not the only proven examples of major issues though either just the ones I remember offhand. We should not be dismissing it whatsoever. It also happens for more local elections. Also it is odd that we ended exit polling the same time we entered into a much much more expensive system with no real benefits that has the potential for cheating.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby johnbrickner » Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:19 pm

Treetop wrote:
johnbrickner wrote: They've drunk the cool-aid of R vs D and have bought in this is how the system works for them. They are unaware.

<snip> Watching the libertarians choose a guy who isn't libertarian at all who picked a VP that wants almost all guns outlawed and loves the patriot act and wars floored me.<snip>

I get so big pictured at times, I realized when I read your post here Zac that I didn't know who the LP VP candidate was. OMG Bill Weld, Gov the year I lead the LP in MA! And he all but endorsed Clinton? The same guy who screwed the LP about running on the LP ticket for NY Gov in '06? Did I see him referred to as a Republican Libertarian? That would be like comparing him to Ron Paul :evil:

Leave leading the party for 20 years and look what happens. There is a lot I don't know. This much I do know: This LP is NOT the same Party I devoted 20 years of activism in the trenches for. I am embarrassed to publically associate my self with this Party as it is now. I thought Trump and Clinton were bad enough candidates. Bill Weld, OMG. I want to say you've got to be shatting me, but there he is in all his Glory.

Who allowed the Republicans to adsorb the LP like they did the Tea Party Movement in '09?

Polls closing shortly and I become every more adamant we live in the illusion of a democracy. Here In NY I'm now left with Stein or not voting. You call that a choice?

This is very humbling. I was recruited by David Bergland him self at 19 years of age. I stood on the shoulders of the Giants that came before me to see the LP vision. I think of all of the work that was done, money donated, people persuaded to run on local tickets, local town organizations started, total man hours donated, Harry Brown at Fanuael Hall (Not all Carla Howell's doing) under my leadership for this Presidential ticket 20 years later?

I'm burning my party membership.

Edited to add: You'd think I'd be beyond this kind of disillusionment with politics but this is just way to personal. I am just furious and need to find an activists outlet to combat this, this shameless pissing on America I see every day of my life. Were I not with two teen aged children right now I'd go Politically Commando (and wear a kilt to boot). I now advocate nothing less than the complete and total legal decentralization of the power of the US Federal government and international corporations to levels subservient to the Individual, the Communities and the States. Let the chips fall where they may.

I voted Stein. Certainly, her Presidency would hasten the Empire's fall.
Last edited by johnbrickner on Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Treetop » Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:30 pm

Not only that John, but Johnson is quoted as saying weld wasnt just the VP that if they won he would be his co-president.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby IdahoCopper » Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:41 pm

Computer voting machines were sold as a lower cost way to count ballots.

Now we have the cheapest democracy money can buy.

The entire nation needs to return to paper ballots and hand counting.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Doctor Steuss » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:36 am

If the current tally trend of the last few hours holds, there's a chance (albeit, small) that Clinton's popular vote margin will exceed that of Gore.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Thogey » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:45 am

Doctor Steuss wrote:If the current tally trend of the last few hours holds, there's a chance (albeit, small) that Clinton's popular vote margin will exceed that of Gore.

This is going to be the next big push in order to crap on Trump.

"He didn't win the popular vote so he is not legitimate." :lol: :clap:

It is going to be fun to watch.

Trump could solve the problem (popular vote deficit) by building a wall around California and selling it to the chinese.

We can lay these retards off on the Chinaman. ... story.html ... n-6245665/
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Doctor Steuss » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:59 am

Thogey wrote:This is going to be the next big push in order to crap on Trump.

"He didn't win the popular vote so he is not legitimate." :lol: :clap:

It is going to be fun to watch.

Hopefully, since the electoral spread is much wider, we don't end up with a judicial truffle-shuffle again.

It'll be interesting to see how people react over the next few years. If he's even a fraction as liberal as he was before he started pandering to the right, he'll likely be a Democrat's dream Republican -- pro-Universal healthcare, belief that heavy-handed regulation is needed to make company's act in the best interest of America, and so on.

If he doesn't manage to fix anything, I can only imagine the Inception-esque tu quoque fallacy we'll see. "It's Obama's fault because he said it was Bush's fault because it was Obama's fault that..."

Now that the GOP will control the Executive, Legislative, and soon the Judicial, I wonder where the tribal loyalists will aim any dissatisfaction they may encounter? Or, maybe we're on our way to a conservative utopia. *shrug*
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Treetop » Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:08 am

One of my favorite things about Trump is he will be hung by his own supporters if he doesnt try to do things like "drain the swamp". Hes either gonna be a bulldog imo or most on both sides hate him.

Its SO fun reading all the commenters thinking its the end of the world, but wed have totally been fine with one of the most corrupt leaders Im aware of in Us history play war games with russia over sand and selling us to the highest bidder.

Personally I think trump will be well above average and crack a few heads together.
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Re: Do You Know Someone Who is voting for Hillary?

Postby Treetop » Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:17 am

Reading comments all over. this is how I interpret some of the logic.

"hes not a career politician, hes so unpredictable!!"

"So.... I take it you mean there is a chance he will work for us instead of lobbyists then??"

"No!! the TV told me he might nuke the whole earth!!! Also he has horrible hair and hes orange!!!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
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