Man steals 300,000 pennies from his employer

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Man steals 300,000 pennies from his employer

Postby plus1hdcp » Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:29 pm ... -employer/

As the title say, a man in PA stole @ $3000 of pennies from his employer. I have to wonder what goodies could have been recovered from that stack.
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Re: Man steals 300,000 pennies from his employer

Postby silverflake » Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:36 pm

Kind of interesting that the picture they use has all quarters. Somewhat indicative of the cluelessness of the American public when it comes to money in general.

Stack. Stack pennies. Stack your own pennies.
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Re: Man steals 300,000 pennies from his employer

Postby spacemanX » Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:11 pm

a little late in commenting, but how did one person move a 1600 lb drum and then get it into his jeep. just a random thought.
I don't even think the Arnold could have done it in the 70's
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Re: Man steals 300,000 pennies from his employer

Postby Recyclersteve » Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:47 am

I see he was jailed in Lackawanna County (a guy who lacked and wanted some pennies). Now that's just perfect!
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Re: Man steals 300,000 pennies from his employer

Postby Recyclersteve » Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:49 am

spacemanX wrote:a little late in commenting, but how did one person move a 1600 lb drum and then get it into his jeep. just a random thought.
I don't even think the Arnold could have done it in the 70's

It doesn't seem to get specific, but I'm guessing he used a forklift.
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

NOTE: ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- often
substantial. If not prepared to buy it multiple times in modest amounts without going overboard (assuming nothing really wrong with the company), you need to learn more about the market and managing risk. Also, please research covered calls (options) and selling short as well.
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